How to decorate photo frames with your own hands: ideas, materials, recommendations. Photo frames on the wall

Standard wooden photo frames are the easiest solution for posting photos. It’s quite difficult to find a suitable design option for an individual interior, so a homemade base will be the best solution. You can use the finished one. It is only important to decide how to decorate the photo frame with your own hands. For this, completely diverse tools and materials can be used.

What decorative elements can I use

Photo frames for photos can be decorated using a variety of materials. For fastening, a glue gun, super glue, a stapler are most often used - it all depends on the type of base.

How and how to decorate photo frames with your own hands, using diverse materials:

  1. A mirror frame can be made by attaching pieces of a CD to the base.
  2. A soft frame can be made for the teenager’s room, which will be covered with denim.
  3. For glamorous girls, rhinestones or glass pebbles will be an ideal decoration for a photo frame.
  4. A children's photo frame can become bright if you paint the base with different colors, imitating a rainbow.
  5. A universal option is to paint the surface using stained glass glue and glass pebbles.
  6. Decoupage is the best way to finish any surface - both old and new.
options for painting photo frames

Materials can be combined with each other, use other options for decoration. You can even adjust the shape of the frame.

Do-it-yourself options for functional photo frames on the wall

If the old photo frame is pretty tired and you want something unusual, then you should think about improving the design. In addition to beauty, you need to think about the device so that it is as functional as possible.

Special designs for photo frames on the wall:

  1. The base can be decorated in accordance with any preferences or themes. Glue small hooks to the bottom. Insert a photo into such frames, and you can hang clothes, towels, jewelry and much more on hooks.
  2. You can remove the back wall. Drive small cloves from the inside on the sides. In a random order, entangle a thread or yarn between studs. Attach photos to threads with decorative clothespins. The composition and elements can be changed periodically.
  3. If you replace the back wall with a magnetic one, then it’s quite possible to attach photos to a special canvas with magnets. You can change pictures very often.

There are a lot of options for improving the functionality of the most common frameworks; it’s enough to show a little imagination and ingenuity.

What material can the base be made of?

It’s very simple to work with purchased photo frames, but sometimes you can save some money if you make the basis from improvised material. To make a photo frame for photos, you can use the following materials:

  1. From the lid of the candy box you can make a whole composition of photo frames. It is necessary to paint the sides inside and outside with gouache. Seal the inside with different wallpapers.
  2. You can cut out a flat frame from plywood - this can become the basis for further finishing.
  3. It is realistic to make a good base for the photo frame from polystyrene, but such a design will be too fragile.
  4. From soft wire you can make a photo frame in an industrial style. And such a case is additionally decorated with other materials.
  5. A simple and cheap design will turn out of cardboard. Due to the simplicity of working with cardboard, you can independently control the volume of the frame.
  6. Another option is to tie ordinary branches together with twine, forming a unique frame for the photo.
homemade cardboard photo frame

If you have imagination, then you can make a frame from any type of material.

Original and beautiful from improvised materials

To originally and as cheaply as possible decorate the device for installing photographs, it is worth using improvised materials. It is important not only to skillfully apply them, but also to think over options regarding how to decorate photo frames with your own hands. Need to prepare a glue gun, paint, scissors.

How to decorate a photo frame from improvised materials using trivial things:

  1. Gorgeous flowers can be made from paper egg trays. Cut the notches and nest the elements in each other, making a shift of the protruding parts.
  2. From the remnants of pencils you can make a fun and bright frame. How? Stick the pencils to the base with a glue gun.
  3. Jigsaw puzzle pieces can be a unique decoration option. Glue the elements to the base and open with varnish.
  4. The remains of toys. Small figurines can become an adornment of children's installation of photographs.
  5. Lay on the basis of a broken egg shell, paint the mosaic with gouache.
  6. To hide defects on the old photo frame, you can use the technique of wallpapering.
  7. If you wrap the frame with threads for knitting, you get a soft and colorful version of the design for photography.
picture frame from pieces of disk

Any elements and materials can be used in the process of creating a decorative composition for photographs.

Marine photo frame for photos

When you come from sea vacation, I want to save every moment of relaxation. In accordance with the sea landscapes, I would like to choose the appropriate design. An ideal option would be to decorate the base with sea pebbles and shells that were captured from the seashore.

How to decorate a photo frame with shells and sea pebbles:

  1. You need to evaluate how many elements for decoration are available and create a layout for them on the canvas frame.
  2. To begin to fasten the elements is from the corners, gradually moving to the middle. In the corners it is worth placing the largest shells or starfish.
  3. Seal the rest of the frame with sea pebbles or crumbs from broken shells. It is advisable to use a glue gun, since such fastening is not afraid of increased humidity or mechanical stress.
  4. The final stage will be the opening of the shells with transparent varnish. This layer will help to take care of the product more easily, since the dust does not clog in the gap.
decoration of the frame with shells

The principle of placing shells on the canvas frame can be completely different. It all depends on the quantity, condition and size of shells.

Wooden base decoration options

Wooden frames themselves look beautiful and unique, but there may be defects that need to be hidden. If the tree is damaged by time or poor care, then decorating will be the only option for restoration.

How to decorate a wooden photo frame with your own hands so that you get a masterpiece:

  1. Using a wood burner to recreate a drawing on any subject. Then paint the frame with gold or silver paint. The scorched pattern will stand out against the light background.
  2. The base can be glued with round sections of small diameter logs. Broken branches can become an analogue. Pieces can be glued in any direction with respect to photographs.
  3. If the carved silt frame has a beautiful pattern, but you want to change the color scheme, you can use the artificial aging technique. Paint the basics with paint and in some places with a rag, slightly rub the tree.
original wood frame decoration

Other options for decorating a wooden base can be used.

The principle of manufacturing and fixing flowers from foamiran

First, it is worth making flowers from foamiran. Foamiran - a material that has the characteristics of paper and rubber. The material is very plastic and the resulting flowers will most closely resemble natural plants.

frame with flowers from foamiran

First you need to make a pattern of petals. On the foamiran, sketches can be done with a toothpick. Cut sketches with scissors. Bring each petal to a hot iron (it will bend a little). Cut a small square or circle from the foam - this will become the basis for the flower. Gradually adhere the petals to the foam base, forming a flower bud. You need to create several identical colors of different sizes.

How to decorate a photo frame with flowers from foamiran at home, it becomes clear when all the elements are ready. Additionally, you need to make leaflets and curls from the same material.

Flowers should be glued to one of the corners of the photo frame, supplemented with leaflets and other elements. It is advisable to use a glue gun for attaching each.

Decorating frames with children

If you attract a child to work on decorating a photo frame, you will get a unique product. It is important to choose the right materials and methods of work that will correspond to the age category of crumbs.

How to decorate photo frames with your own hands with children of different ages:

  1. Young children will be able to draw a frame in gouache. You can use brushes, washcloths or fingers for coloring. It is advisable to use different colors.
  2. Already adult children will be able to produce a more complex decoration procedure. For example, gradually cover the surface of the frame with PVA glue, and then sprinkle them with beads, beads, small pasta.
  3. You can glue various elements to the base of the frame: buttons, colored paper, pieces of fabric, threads.
decorating the frame with fabric

The peculiarity of decorating photo frames with children is to choose the right technique.


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