How to buy a new iPhone 5S on Ebay and in the Russian market?

An indisputable fact is that, compared with other devices in the mobile market, the iPhone is considered quite expensive. At least, even customer preferences confirm that not everyone can afford this smartphone. And no wonder, because at the current dollar exchange rate, and taking into account the “factory” value at the level of $ 700-900, not everyone can get this device.

What to do in this situation? Very simple - look for ways that can lower the price of the device, make it a little more affordable.

how to buy a new iPhone 5S

Order from abroad

The solution may be to purchase the device where it was originally manufactured - in the United States. The explanation of this logic is very simple: the smartphone is promoted by Apple, which provides a gadget at a certain price. If you buy it elsewhere, accordingly, you will have to overpay, because the seller company will probably set a higher price (in order to make a profit). In addition, when acquiring a device in Russia, it should be borne in mind that it must cover a huge distance across the ocean. And this is additional shipping costs.

If you are looking to buy a new iPhone 5S, the solution may be a foreign store offering these smartphones. Since this is an outdated model, its cost will be reduced. In addition, American shops probably offer a device with minimal wraps, which means that you can save on a purchase.

Buying an older device

Another way out of the situation, if you want to buy Apple equipment, but the budget does not allow it, it may turn out to order an outdated phone model. For example, if you know that the last generation is the iPhone 6S (at the time of writing this is really so), then you can safely get the older generation. This will also save some amount of money, although you still get an “apple” gadget with excellent technical characteristics and powerful filling. The build quality and performance, of course, will also be on top.

iPhone 5S as a new buy on credit

Used smartphones

Finally, if even this does not suit you because of the high cost, you need to look for how to buy a used iPhone 5S. You can do this in several ways: from our local bulletin boards to the eBay international auction.

Here, again, there are a number of nuances. If, having ordered the device on Avito and its analogs, you have the opportunity to independently verify its serviceability and proper condition, then in the case of ordering a used gadget from across the ocean it will not be easy for you to check whether everything is in order with it. The second point is delivery, the third is payment, and so on.

In this article, we will consider these and other options for how to buy the iPhone 5S.

Purchase at a domestic hardware store

Let's start, of course, with the simplest: acquiring a gadget in some major electronics supermarket in your city. The plus is that everything is extremely simple: you go to the store, examine it yourself, communicate with the seller (although this is not required given the fact that there is a ton of information on the Internet on the Internet).

You may even be able to take advantage of some promotion on these devices, which will save a little. However, and this must be done wisely - it is necessary to “choose” the period of the holidays, when the price of the device will be reduced. This is the most reliable option on how to buy a normal iPhone 5S.

Alternatively, you can offer an order in an online shop. Domestic stores have reached the level when the service in them comfortably exceeds the level of “store” service. And the cost of the device, in the end, will be lower if you make an order on the Internet site.

It is worth considering that the price of a new device, if you make a purchase in this way, will be as high as possible. Therefore, those who are looking for savings, this option is hardly suitable.

Hand Acquisition: Shops and Markets

An alternative is to buy used smartphones. There are various outlets in the markets, in transitions and train stations, where such gadgets (used) will be offered much cheaper than new ones in official stores. Of course, making a purchase here is a serious risk. No one will tell you whether this iPhone was obtained legally and whether it will work properly for you. It is also difficult to predict whether the rightful owner of the smartphone will appear in the future in order to demand it back. Therefore, in our opinion, if you want to know how to buy iPhone 5S correctly from your hands, this option should be discarded immediately. Or at least require documentary evidence that the smartphone has not been stolen.

how to buy a normal iPhone 5S

Hand Acquisition: Message Boards

An alternative is to buy a gadget on various resources with private ads like Avito. The difficulties in this method are the same as in the case of the market. Firstly, you do not know if the gadget you are buying has the quality that was stated in the description by its seller. Secondly, again, you can’t be sure if this device was “borrowed” from someone from another city. Thirdly, you can’t say for sure whether the seller will deceive you.

Of course, in this way, many purchases are made today, and devices like the iPhone 5S are no exception. But to protect yourself, to make sure that this gadget can be purchased, is still necessary.

Oh yes, and the price (in some cases) can be really “tasty” and tempting. Here are just the reasons why the seller agrees to it, you do not know, so be careful.

Order on Amazon and other inventory

It’s possible to save a little by buying an iPhone directly in US online stores. This is done easily: you need to establish a relationship with an intermediary (a company that organizes deliveries across the ocean and keeps its warehouse in the United States), and then buy the goods on Amazon itself (or another store where you shop).

When the parcel arrives at the address of the intermediary, you can already forward it to your address where you live (CIS countries are included in the service circle of such companies).

The advantage of ordering at Amazon is that it is a civilized platform with a bunch of reviews and seller ratings. This is the perfect answer to the question of how to buy a new iPhone 5S. After all, you can familiarize yourself with detailed descriptions of the gadget, re-read the characteristics of the seller, it is convenient to place an order, and if something does not suit you, contact support to protect your interests.

The disadvantages are: the need to wait until your purchase arrives successfully in your specified country; the inability to personally verify the quality of the goods (only intermediaries can do this for you); inconvenience associated with payment in foreign currency.

But this is the best decision on how to buy the original iPhone 5S. Plus, again, no one bothers you to take advantage of a set of discounts or any promotions.

Order on Ebay

A similar (in its organization) decision is to make a purchase through the No. 1 online auction in the world. A plus here is the ability to sort goods according to their cost, as a result of which the user can find something cheaper than on Amazon. True, this is not only a decision on how to buy a new iPhone 5S.

how to buy iPhone 5S with hands

Ebay allows you to put up for sale both new and used items. Due to this, you can find for yourself a used device.

And this is an instruction on how to buy an iPhone 5S from the hands. Only, unlike domestic bulletin boards, Ebay has a system of reputations and ratings, which somewhat reduces the likelihood that you can be “thrown”.

You can buy an “apple” phone using this scheme all through the same intermediaries. Only in this case it is necessary to ask the company serving the order to make sure that everything is in order with the device, at least until the gadget leaves the United States.

The great advantage of working with Ebay can be called the fact that here you can really get the device in good condition at a low price. After all, Americans who are able to afford the best (in terms of money income) are more likely to replace the “old” 5S with 6S. For this, of course, they will sell an outdated model.

Order refurbished version

Want to know how to buy an original iPhone 5S on AliExpress? Order a “refurbished” model of the device at a lower price.

The category of those (called refurbished) includes gadgets that were handed over by their owners to Apple service centers. It can be both new smartphones that simply turned out to be unnecessary, and devices that were in use, but managed to go through several procedures to update the appearance and, if necessary, repair the smartphone.

Refurbished devices pass through specialists at the Apple factory, so it is likely that the smartphone will function properly. However, if a problem arises (and at the same time you took the gadget in an authorized store), you can return the device in return for the same, but working (which is also called iPhone 5S, as new).

how to buy iPhone 5S

Buy by installments

Another option for the “correct” purchase of an iPhone may be to purchase it by installments. This is the same as lending, only the client does not have to pay interest for using the gadget. Ultimately, it turns out that you use the smartphone immediately, and pay the money gradually. This form of settlement is characterized by the fact that the buyer is not required to pay interest (that is, there are no overpayments), which, of course, is very profitable. That's just not all stores go to such conditions, and very often under the "installment plan" is a simple loan on the iPhone 5S (like new).

Buy in credit

Do not forget that 5S can be purchased on credit. This solution is for those who have a regular salary, but cannot guarantee to postpone a certain amount of funds for a one-time payment for the phone.

Of course, the loan form is very convenient for acquiring a smartphone. Firstly, it involves, again, the start of using the model without having to pay money right away. Secondly, lending allows you to “freeze” the cost of the phone and pay for it at the old price, even if the national currency falls.

The downside of the loan is, of course, the interest for using it. Ultimately, due to them you will overpay from 30 to 60% of the cost of the gadget, which can not be called savings.

how to buy an iPhone 5S with hands

Buying a locked device

An alternative to buying an iPhone 5S (like new) on credit can be the purchase of a “locked” version of the gadget. This is a special restriction that the manufacturer sets on their devices.

It is expressed in that the user does not have the opportunity to replace the SIM card in the smartphone (and only work with one operator). This is the so-called contract form of service. It obliges the phone user to work exclusively with one operator, thus forcing him to make payments to one provider.

Phones that can work with one mobile operator, are much cheaper than their "universal" counterparts. At the same time, special devices (like a chip that is placed in the SIM card slot) can remove this restriction. So we get the perfect way to save money - by buying a locked gadget, which will subsequently unlock and become universal.

how to buy an original iPhone 5S


So what can be said about how to buy a new iPhone 5s? If desired, everyone has the opportunity to find a way through which the device will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. Someone will take it for personal use, rejoicing at such a purchase; and someone will start making money on reselling the device, welding profit on its reduced cost.

However, there is always the right to choose: a new or used model, a “universal” or blocked version, the American or Russian market. The main thing is to show a little interest in this topic and look for available options.


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