Templar castles in France, Spain, Portugal: photos with descriptions, historical facts and reviews of tourists

The history of the creation, rise and fall of the Knights Templar is considered one of the most romantic. hundreds of years have passed since then, the bas-reliefs on the graves of knights-templars are covered with marks of centuries, but still many romantics and mystifiers, scientists and visionaries from different countries go for gold to members of this Order, carefully studying maps, searching the ruins on which then the richest castles of the Templars in Europe rose.

Historical facts

The organization, which is shrouded in a veil of secrets and rumors, today, almost eight centuries after its death, has become a kind of brand. The followers of occultism are sure that the Templars in the underground of the Temple of Solomon found the Holy Grail, so they were the owners of secret knowledge. Treasure hunters are still thinking about where their innumerable treasures have gone.

Templar castle in Portugal

The Templars, the poor knights of Christ - as soon as the legendary Templar Order was not named. It was founded in 1119. However, the poor Templars could only be called at first. By the fourteenth century, this order became one of the richest in medieval Europe. Kings and nobles gave them castles, estates and even entire cities. The templars were outstanding accountants and economists of their time.

Architectural heritage

The Templar Order was destroyed in the first quarter of the fourteenth century. In 1307, the French king Philip the Beautiful gave the order for mass arrests. In March 1314, the last great master was executed - Jacques de Molay, who was burned at the stake by a court of the Inquisition. The Templars headquarters were located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. During the period when the crusaders owned the city, the Knights of the Order turned the Muslim monastery into the temple of Solomon. Here they kept military equipment, kept horses in the basement. This article describes the most iconic castles of the Templars.

Tomar, where the treasures are hidden

In the East and in Europe, the templars left behind many fortresses and monastic farms, which represent a rather impressive architectural heritage.

Templar castles

Fortress complexes, temples, round chapels, built in the Romanesque style, and many other ensembles are considered today historical monuments. The templars also erected many castles not only in the Middle East, but even in North Africa.

According to some researchers, over the course of a couple of centuries, knights of the Order created more than one hundred impressive architectural structures on European lands. Mostly, Templar castles are located in Spain, France, Germany, as well as Italy and Portugal. Some buildings are preserved in Scandinavia and the Baltic. Even in Ukraine there are ruins of the Srednenskaya fortress, erected by the knights of the order in the twelfth century.

Ponferrad Castle

This fortress is one of the calling cards of Spain. It is built on a high hill, near the confluence of two rivers - Boes and Sil.

Almost all tourist routes in the country include this famous Templar castle in Spain, located in the province of Leon in the town of the same name. It is considered one of the most beautiful and largest not only in Spain, but also in Europe. The medieval fortress of Castillo de los Templarios in 1178 was donated to the Order by King Leon Fernando II.

preserved templar castles

The Khamovniki almost rebuilt the monastery, which was dilapidated at that time, and decorated the gates with a very militant motto: โ€œIf God does not protect the city, the efforts of those who protect it will be in vain.โ€ At the end of the twelfth century, the Templars had to leave the Ponferrad Castle for a while. But already in 1212 the fortress was again returned to the order. The templars owned the monastery until 1312, when, as a result of intrigue, the Castilian magister was transferred to the kingโ€™s brother.

Castles of the Order in Spain

A very interesting place associated with the Templar era is the small town of Villalcรกzar de Sirga. In the Middle Ages, it was considered an important point on the way of pilgrims traveling to Santiago de Compostela. In the name of this town is the word "Alcazar", which translates as "fortress." Indeed, there was a castle erected by the Templars, which, together with the lands surrounding it, was considered one of the most significant possessions of the templars in the Pyrenees.

castle - fortress

In the resort town of Peniscola, the main attraction is the Templar castle of Papa Luna. It stands on a cliff peninsula, which is connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. The Templar Castle Peniscola, reconstructed and put in order, is today used for cultural events.


The half-ruined Miravet in southern Catalonia recalls the history of the Templars. This castle rises above the Ebro - one of two navigable non-drying rivers in Spain. You can climb it only on the serpentine road. It is not too cool, but very narrow. Therefore, it is impossible to meet large sightseeing buses bringing tourists to the castle.

Miravet Castle in Spain

Silence and peace reign in Miravet, here, judging by the reviews, the spirit of the past is in the air. This castle began to be built in the era of Moorish domination. In the IX-XI century. erected only the outer part of the fortress. Arabic masonry is easily determined by the unevenness of the stones. The central zone with five towers and buttresses was built in the XII century by Christians who conquered the fortress from the Moors.

The walls of Miravet Castle are 25 meters high. There are practically no windows in them, since they were built for defensive purposes. In this castle there is a "treasure tower" - a building in which the owners kept important documents and valuables. The fortress was the last bastion of several Spanish Templars who were besieged here after the dissolution of the order. They were captured, and the castle of Miravet went to another order - the Hospitallers or the Johannites.


The positions of the Templars in France were especially strong, because most of the knights were representatives of the local nobility. The members of the order were quite experienced in banking and other financial matters. Khamovniki often led the treasury in their countries and had the opportunity to put state gold into circulation. This helped the Templars achieve special privileges. Their lands were not taxed, and the churches that make up the Order did not pay Church duty.

Zizor castle

One of the most famous in France is the Gisors Castle. The first fortifications in its place date back to 1087, however, the main construction of the fortress complex was carried out during the twelfth century.

In the second half of the 13th century, he was transferred to the Templars. Zhizorsky castle at that time was considered an outpost at the turn of the interests of England and France. Therefore, he was a "bone of contention." In 1308, the Zhizor Templars were arrested and imprisoned in a "prisoner tower" built in the fortress itself. For a full six years, Gisor turned into a prison, where the knights of the Order were kept.

Temple Castle

This fortress was built in 1222. The tall walls were surrounded by such a deep moat that the castle was considered impregnable. Stables and barracks were built inside the perimeter. In the middle of the courtyard there was a parade ground, stabbing and a kindergarten. The castle has a cathedral and seven towers, the main of which has a height of a 12-story building, and the thickness of its walls is eight meters. It was the residence of the Grand Master. The main tower is not connected with any of the other buildings included in the fortress complex. A drawbridge leading from the roof of one of the barracks descended directly to the doors.

Templar castles in Spain

A complex system of blocks and levers allowed the templars to raise and lower it in a matter of seconds, close the mighty oak gates and install massive gratings.


In different European countries, depending on the attitude of the authorities, the fate of the Templars has developed in different ways. The Portuguese templars were most fortunate in this regard. King Dinish, highly appreciating their military assistance during the time of the Reconquista, created the Order of Christ and gathered into it all the knights who were left out of work. Moreover, he handed him the property of the Templars. The Portuguese templars, after the dissolution of their organization, emerged from the situation without much loss. The legendary Grail and other hidden treasures of the Templars are shrouded in mystery. They have been searched for many centuries. According to some legends, Tomar, the Templar castle in Portugal and the main residence of the Order of Christ, became their last refuge.

Many fortresses were built and restored by the templars in the Holy Land. Some of them, because of the constant military conflicts, tourists can only see from afar. So, the Templar Castle Beaufort in Lebanon in the last century has become a military base. He moved from one terrorist group to another.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39219/

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