Oleg Shenin: biography, family, political career, participation in the coup, date and cause of death

One of the brightest Soviet party leaders, for whom the fate of the people, the state really was in the first place. This is Oleg Semenovich Shenin. Consider the biography of this person from the very first to the last days, we will analyze his participation in the fate of the state, we will mention interesting facts from the life of a politician.


Oleg Semenovich Shenin - Soviet statesman, domestic politician. He was a secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, chairman of the SKP-CPSU, chairman of the CPSU.

Consider the dossier of Oleg Shenin:

  • Date of birth: 07/22/1937.
  • Place of birth: USSR, Volgograd region, Vladimir pier.
  • Date of death: 05/28/2009. Oleg Semenovich died at the age of 71.
  • Place of death: Russia, Moscow.
  • Burial place: Troekurovsky cemetery of the capital.
  • Education: Tomsk Construction Institute.
  • Partisanship: Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1962.
Oleg Shenin children

Political career

Briefly present the chronology of Oleg Shenin's career in politics:

  • First Secretary of the Khakass Regional Committee of the CPSU (1985-1987).
  • First Secretary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU (1987-1990).
  • Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Council (1990).
  • Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1990-1991).
  • Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1990-1991).
  • Chairman of the Council SKP-CPSU (1992-2001).
  • Chairman of the CPSU (2001-2009).


Shenin Oleg Semenovich - the owner of a number of honorable state awards. We list them:

  • Order of the October Revolution.
  • The order of Lenin.
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • Two awards "Badge of Honor".
  • Order of the DPRK.
  • Order of the Afghanistan Democratic Republic.

Now we turn directly to the biography of Oleg Semenovich Shenin.

Oleg Shenin Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Childhood and youth

The future famous politician was born on July 22, 1937. The place where he was born is the pier of Vladimirovskaya, then still the Stalingrad region. It was a small village on the river Akhtuba. Oleg Shenin's father is a construction worker. He was busy in the construction of oil pipelines. Therefore, it is not surprising that a few weeks after the birth of the boy, the family moved to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 1952, there was a new move - this time to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Oleg Shenin decided to follow in his father's footsteps. He graduated from the construction department of the Krasnoyarsk Mining College. At the age of 18, he already began working as a ten-man technician at the construction of the Krasnoyarsk-26 facility.

Career builder

I must say, he was waiting for an almost rapid career advancement:

  • At the age of 20, Oleg Semenovich became a foreman.
  • At 22 years old - becomes the head of the production department in the construction management.
  • At 25, a leading engineer at a construction site.
  • At 27, he was the head of the construction department, which was employed in the construction of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter.

All this time, Oleg Shenin did not forget about his education. He graduated from the Tomsk Construction Institute in absentia.

In his young years, Oleg Semenovich already linked his fate with the party. In 1962 he joined the ranks of the CPSU. It is also known that he received additional education at a party university - the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Oleg Shenin Communist

Entry into party life

Oleg Shenin (photos of the statesman are also placed in the article) in 1967-1974. held exclusively managerial positions: head of construction management, deputy. Manager, and later the manager of Achinskalyuminstroy.

In 1970, he became the head of the construction of a large facility - the Achinsk Alumina Refinery. Further, the political career of Oleg Semenovich has already begun to develop. In 1974 he was elected 1st Secretary of the Achinsk City Committee of the CPSU. By the way, the press wrote that it was precisely at this moment in his career that O.S. Shenin greatly contributed to the promotion of Sergey Shoigu, the future Minister of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation.

Further, the political career of the communist Oleg Shenin developed as follows:

  • 1977 year. Appointed 2nd Secretary of the Khakass Regional Party Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • 1980 year. Direction to Afghanistan. There Oleg Semenovich worked as a zone adviser in three provinces - Kunar, Laghman, Nangarkhar.
  • Returning from a business trip, Oleg Shenin was approved for the post of secretary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee.
  • 1985 year. Oleg Semenovich becomes the first secretary of the Khakass Regional Committee.
  • 1987 year. Oleg Shenin is the first secretary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee.
  • 1989 year. The hero of our story is elected by the People's Deputy of the Soviet Union from the Kansk Electoral Territorial District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • 1990 year. As the head of the regional committee of the CPSU, Oleg Shenin was elected chairman of the regional Krasnoyarsk Council of People's Deputies.

Activities in the Party Central Committee

In 1989, Oleg Semenovich is a member of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In July 1990, a new advance. At the XXVIII Congress of the Communist Party following the election results, Oleg Shenin - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and member of the Politburo of the Communist Party.

In the secretariat of the Central Committee, he was responsible for organizational work. In the very first year he was in this position, Secretary of the Central Committee Oleg Shenin prepared a document "On urgent measures to organize foreign economic and commercial activity." He noted that it is vital to create a channel for the receipt of currency in the party cash desk. He wrote that in this case it is necessary to act within the framework of reasonable confidentiality, or even use anonymous channels that mask the withdrawal to the CPSU.

In the same period, Oleg Semenovich began to express his disagreement with the actions of the direct leadership, and specifically - Mikhail Gorbachev. As O. Shenin noted later, he was directly related to the letter of G. Zyuganov, “Architect at the Ruins,” published in May 1991. In an article in Soviet Russia, there was a direct criticism of Gorbachev's perestroika course. Only in 2004, Shenin will tell reporters that the authors of the letter were employees of the KGB analytical department, and the contribution of Gennady Zyuganov was only a signature on the material.

Oleg Shenin photo

GKChP support

And now about Oleg Shenin and the State Emergency Committee. After a speech by the State Committee on the State of Emergency in late summer 1991, O.S. Shenin openly supported the coup.

He directly sent secret cryptograms to the republican regional committees, to the working addresses of the first secretaries of the regions and territories of the entire Union. In messages, he called on the Communists to promote the Emergency Committee.

Some media outlets claimed that Oleg Shenin not only supported the conspirators, but also participated in the planning and subsequent coup attempt in the country. It is known that on the eve of him Oleg Semenovich, as part of a delegation of other members of the Central Committee, visited Mikhail Gorbachev on Foros.

After the failure of the putschists, O. Shenin was arrested and placed in the famous Sailor Silence prison. The media will then quote Oleg Semenovich after the failure of the rebellion: "The putschists made a big mistake. They said" A ", but did not say" B "and other letters of the alphabet."

Foundation of SKP-KPSS

In "Sailor silence" Oleg Shenin spent about a year. At this time, he underwent three surgeries. In October 1992, he was released for health reasons. In 1994, amnestied.

But this was not the end of his active political activity. While still in prison, Oleg Semenovich, as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, was elected a delegate to the XXIX Congress, which took place in February 1993. Then he stated that the main task was to restore the united CPSU, the party of socialism and Soviet power. At the same congress, he was unanimously elected head of the Council of the UPC (Union of Communist Parties) of the CPSU.

The Communist Party did not participate in this congress and was not included in the SKP-CPSU formed by it. In the same 1993 Oleg Shenin took part in spring protests in Moscow, in mass rallies near the White House (Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment) in support and solidarity with the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, which was later dissolved by B.N. Yeltsin, President of the Russian Federation.

In 1994, the Communist Party joined the SKP-CPSU. In 1995, Oleg Shenin was elected Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. He is replacing the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party. Then there was a loud speech by Oleg Shenin, at which he said that he refused to run for the State Duma on party lists from the Communist Party. He said that the fate of the communist movement is much more important for him than deputy mandates.

In the 1996 presidential election, Oleg Semenovich supported the candidacy of Gennady Zyuganov as a candidate from the entire communist movement in Russia. He went into the second round of elections, but nevertheless lost the current President Boris Yeltsin in the number of votes cast.

Oleg Semenovich Shenin

The fate of the SKP-CPSU

In March 1997, Oleg Shenin was elected chairman of the international movement "For the Union and the Brotherhood of Peoples." The successes of Oleg Semenovich as the leader of the Communists were also noted. For example, by 2000, the UPC included 19 communist parties and 3 communist movements. But it was no longer possible to hide the heated contradictions between the followers of Shenin and Zyuganov.

In January 2000, taking as a basis the ratification by the legislative sector of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union Union of Russia and Belarus, Shenin invited the Communist Parties of the two states to unite into the Communist Party of the Union. This was the reason for the split - the Communist Party leadership strongly opposed this initiative.

July 15, 2000 Oleg Shenin is elected the first secretary of the Communist Party of Russia and Belarus founded on the same day. True, the media claimed that only 10 representatives from the Belarusian Communist Party were present at the meeting. In December 2000, Oleg Semenovich and his four deputies were dismissed from their posts at an extraordinary plenary meeting of the UPC. As a result, the seat of the Chairman of the SKP-CPSU is taken by Gennady Zyuganov.

A later investigation noted that the organization of the "coup" found gross violations of the Charter, forgery and falsification. On this occasion, all decisions at an extraordinary plenary session were declared invalid.

In July 2001, the Extraordinary XXXII Congress of the SKP-CPSU was held. At this event, it was already clear that the association was divided into supporters of Shenin and supporters of Zyuganov. At the suggestion of Oleg Semenovich, the personality of I.V. Stalin was rehabilitated, decisions of the XX and XXII congresses were canceled.

In 2004, the SKP-CPSU was completely abolished. Instead, the Communists recreated the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which is united for this movement. O.S. Shenin.

Oleg Shenin

Presidential nomination

In May 2006, Oleg Semenovich told the media that he plans to nominate his person for the presidency of the Russian Federation in the 2008 elections.

In 2007, he sharply condemned the statements of his party members on the "Russian question." Oleg Semenovich said that nationalism is a game that the Communists should not play. He said that the party stands only in international positions in order to get the support of most people.

But in December 2007, the Central Election Committee of the Russian Federation refused to register Oleg Shenin as a presidential candidate. Although he was supported by signatures, the required number of voters. The reason is the incomplete package of documents provided. There was not enough help from work. But Oleg Semenovich was then retired and worked on a voluntary basis.

Personal life

Oleg Semenovich died on May 28, 2009. On June 1, he was buried at the Moscow Troekurovsky cemetery near his comrade-in-arms, Army General Valentin Varennikov. The cause of death is a prolonged severe illness of a politician.

Little is known about Oleg Semenovich’s personal life. Since 1985, he was married to Shenina Tamara Alexandrovna. Oleg Shenin has three children - two daughters and a son.

It is known that he was a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, as well as another well-known association - the International Informatization Academy. The politician sought to devote his free time to music - he was very fond of romances.

Oleg Shenin GKChP

Many people remember Oleg Shenin as one of the brightest “left” politicians of the last two decades. Despite the changing history, the emergence of new values, he was faithful to communism until the last days.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39229/

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