How to choose an LED lamp? Characteristics, types and manufacturers

Each person, having come to the store, wants to purchase high-quality equipment that will serve for a long time. Therefore, the question arises: how to choose an LED lamp? As a rule, people rely on reviews on the Internet. But these lamps are not always in the store. They can be replaced with other types of lamps. To solve this issue, it is necessary to study the technical characteristics of the parts. Each of them can be found on the packaging. Let us consider these characteristics in detail.


To date, many LED lamps are produced in different designs.

how to choose a led lamp

All types of LED lamps have different designations that show in which area they can be used. For example, the designation E40 indicates that it is used to illuminate large rooms or streets.


It plays an important role in lighting the room. The more power, the brighter the room will be. However, this indicator is affected by the degree of brightness of the light flux. All devices of this type are available with power from 3 to 25 V. For a living room, LED lamps of 12 V are optimal.

Current source for device

The power supply is alternating and direct current. If you use a constant, then for these purposes LED lamps of 12 Volts are best suited. However, a prerequisite for their functioning is the use of special drivers. It is their circuit that drives the lamp. Drivers are also used to connect to a household AC network.

Important! Before you buy a lamp, you need to find out exactly which current will be used - AC or DC.

12 volt led bulbs

If you select the wrong one, the LED will not work or will turn on when you first turn it on. If a driver is installed in the LED lamp, then it easily tolerates power surges. At the same time, it will work in the previous mode.

Light flow

This is the most significant technical indicator. It is from him that the brightness of light emission and efficiency depend. The unit of measure is lumen. It shows the ratio of the radiation power to the voltage used, thereby showing its effectiveness. For example, for ordinary products, this indicator is 15 Lm / W, and for LED products - 90 Lm / W. It can be concluded that each watt of a diode lamp emits ten times more light flux than conventional products. How to choose a LED lamp for this indicator? When buying, you should consider this pattern. At a power of 40 W, the flow is 400 Lm, 60 W - 600 Lm, etc.

Emitted color

This indicator distinguishes LEDs from incandescent lamps. It can be selected in a rather wide range, in contrast to incandescent lamps, where only yellow color prevails. To make it easier to determine such values, a special scale was invented.

LED lamp with battery

It was created by heating the metal to a certain temperature. So, yellow means that the temperature of the emitted flux is 2700 K. Daylight is characterized by white color. Here the temperature is 6000 K. Everything above this indicator has a blue tint.

LED lamp with battery

How to choose an LED lamp by the color of the radiation? It must be selected based on personal preferences. That is, it all depends on which object will be demonstrated.

Brightness adjustment

Another feature of LED lamps is brightness adjustment. To do this, you must purchase a special device. This is a dimmer that controls the LED with pulses. The fewer they are, the lower the brightness of the lamp, and vice versa. However, such a switch is not visible, since the frequency is more than 200 kHz. Therefore, human eyes do not notice this flicker. However, not all 12 Volt LED lamps are tuned. This is not possible due to the built-in driver, which tunes the product to a specific frequency.

Flow direction

When using a diode lamp, it should be noted that the light is directed only in one direction. This problem goes unnoticed if you use products for a small lamp. Another thing is if it is necessary to cover a sufficiently large area of ​​the room.

philips led bulbs

For these purposes, a diffuser is mounted on the devices.

Working range

LED lamp is able to work at air temperatures from -45ΒΊ to + 45ΒΊ. This allows you to use them in certain temperature conditions.

Other characteristics

In addition to light, the LED emits a small amount of heat, which is noticeable. The only negative point is that the heat does not go along with the light, but in the opposite direction, that is, to the diode. With its significant overheating, the device may fail.

LED lamp with battery

Such a product works from a conventional household electrical network with a voltage of 220 volts. As a rule, these lamps have a special control panel in their configuration. It serves to turn on and off the light. Thanks to the built-in battery, the product can work without electricity for almost a day. Many users find the LED battery lamp a useful device.

lamp candle

Now you do not need to look for a switch at night. Just press the button on the remote. The cost of this model is about 600 rubles.

Philips LED bulbs

The most common model of this type of lamp is the Philips. When turned on, they emit soft warm light, which gives coziness to any room. In addition, they have a long service life, and also significantly save energy. Its significant advantage is the regulation of lighting. The emitted light helps to better see the decorative elements of the room and create a cozy home atmosphere.

types of led bulbs

Among many types, it is worth choosing a product such as a candle lamp. It is she who fits perfectly into any interior. The cost of such products is 400 rubles. Many users are happy to use Philips LED bulbs. This is a quality equipment that is available at low prices.


LED products are high-quality devices that serve to illuminate the room and other interior elements. Compared to incandescent lamps, they have many advantages. Of the most important advantages, it is worth highlighting the brightness adjustment, the working range and the light flux. As for the question of how to choose an LED lamp, first you need to study all the technical specifications. Only after that you can go to the store and purchase a suitable option.

So, we figured out how to choose the right LED lamp.


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