How to make a pyramid or the seventh wonder of the world at home?

Since ancient times, one of the "pearls" of the seven wonders of the world is considered the Great Pyramid in Egyptian Giza. Built over 4 and a half millennia ago for one of the most famous pharaohs - Khufu, or as it is called by Europeans, Cheops, it became the largest building of three pyramids, towering above a unique complex. Scientists and theologians have been studying this mysterious giant structure for many centuries, which is the standard of measures and weights, and its geometric shape, in which information about our universe is encoded .

How to make a pyramid?

The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek: "pyramis" or "feast", which means "fire" or "energy". The phenomenon of this design was noticed by the French scientist Anthony Bovi in ​​the thirties of the last century. The usual wooden pyramid, built by him "in the image and likeness" of the Egyptian, caused the mummification of the body of a dead cat.
Another discovery of the amazing properties of the pyramid was the result of a study by the Czech scientist Karel Drbal. The razor blade that he placed a third of the height from its base was sharpened. In this case, the sides of the pyramid were oriented at the magnetic poles, and the blade was at an angle of 90 degrees to the geomagnetic meridian.

Products located in the same way are not susceptible to rotting, souring or mold deposits. The water in the pyramid acquires life-giving properties, due to which the disinfecting effect and the healing of wounds take place, the body tone improves, inflammation after burns or bites decreases, and digestion is significantly normalized. A person inside the pyramid feels an improvement in the process of meditation, the intensity of various pains decreases, and healing of sores and wounds on the body accelerates.

How to make a cardboard pyramid

Having learned about the miraculous properties of an Egyptian unique structure, many ask how to make a pyramid. For this, any dielectric material (non-conductive) is suitable: wood or plastic, transparent plexiglass or plywood, as well as ordinary cardboard. Fragile glass can also be used to create a triangular "miracle" if you have experience with this complex material.

How to make a Cheops pyramid, what are its proportions? Any model is made according to the formula, based on the length of the side of its base (230.35 m) and height (146.59 m). The ratio of their ratio is 1.571. The size of the lower angles between the base and the sides is 58 degrees, and at the top - 64. It is easy to obtain such values ​​if you follow the formula: the length of the rib of the Egyptian structure is 1.4945 x h (height). The length of the base side can be calculated by multiplying 1.57057 by h.

How to make a cardboard pyramid

The pedestal in the pyramid, on which products, cosmetics or objects for "space recharging" are installed, must reach a height of 0.3333 x h. This point is considered a "place of power", regardless of the size of the sacred product.

How to make a pyramid correctly? Esotericists argue that in the manufacture of a healing triangular shape, nails cannot be used, since there is a distortion of space and such a pyramid will not be able to harmonize it. For the same reason, when installing it, you should avoid places near metal and reinforced concrete surfaces.

How to create a pyramid
The pyramid of the "golden section" is very popular among esotericists. Pythagoras revealed this principle of constructing geometric shapes, and later it was developed by the no less famous Italian Leonardo da Vinci. This rule of harmony is used in various areas of our lives: in art and architecture, design and painting. It is true for the Egyptian "man-made miracles." Its value is 1.618.

How to create a "golden section" pyramid? We draw a square with sides, for example, 60 cm. Draw the diagonals, and from their intersection, the center of the square, lower the height of the pyramid 60: 1.618 = 37.08 cm. It remains only to cut 4 triangles and glue them. The second equivalent square can serve as the base of the pyramid, if it is not hollow.

Before making a pyramid from cardboard, it is necessary to provide for the presence of indentation on its faces in order to most accurately comply with all dimensions of the product. Their slightest violation will lead to distortion of the form.

Having learned how to make the pyramid correctly, many people took the advice and put enlarged copies in summer cottages away from iron structures. This allowed them to enjoy the harmony of the surrounding space and use all the miraculous properties of the "cosmic energy" of the pyramids.


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