Thermal springs in Abkhazia: photos, reviews. Where are the thermal springs in Abkhazia?

Abkhazia is very popular among tourists. This small country is located between the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains. Its location is explained by the mild climate, healing air and magnificent landscapes. In Abkhazia, you can not only inexpensively relax and soak up the beach, but also heal. Many go to this country to visit the thermal springs. There are several of them in Abkhazia, some of them were known thousands of years ago. Hot healing water from natural sources not only relaxes and gives a good mood, but also cures many diseases. Moreover, rest and treatment are quite inexpensive: you can stay with local residents, and pay 100 rubles a day for visiting a healing place.

Where are the thermal springs in Abkhazia?

Many wells and unequipped sources are scattered throughout the country. All of them have different mineral composition and temperature. Only a few of them are popular, and there are those that are not even known by the locals. The most visited and healing sources are:

1. Kindyg is very popular not only because of the healing hydrogen sulfide water, but also because the place of rest is well equipped and its natural attractions are preserved.

2. Another famous source is located in the village of Primorsky. Here is a balneological hospital. You can take a hot hydrogen sulfide shower, bath, do a hydromassage or mud application.

Where are the thermal springs in Abkhazia?

3. There are several thermal springs on the Besletka River in the vicinity of Sukhumi. The water in them differs from the first two not only in composition - it is sulfate chloride-sodium-calcium, but also in temperature - cooler.

4. In Gagra there is a balneological hospital with hot springs. The water in them is also calcium sulfate, but it contains more nitrogen and magnesium.

5. Less well-known thermal springs in Abkhazia are located in Tkvarchal. Water there is characterized by a high content of radon and is also medicinal.

How are they useful?

Mostly thermal springs in Abkhazia are hydrogen sulfide. Their therapeutic effect is based on the penetration of the vapor of this gas through the lungs as well as the skin. Because of this, vasodilation and improvement of blood circulation occur. Cells and tissues are more saturated with oxygen and receive more nutrition.

thermal springs in Abkhazia in winter
The result of the procedure is the normalization of blood pressure, a slowdown in heart rate, activation of respiratory functions and metabolic processes in the body. The skin after bathing or showering becomes soft and tender, the hair on the head grows better. Other thermal springs in Abkhazia are sulfate, calcium chloride, and there are also radon ones. With hot water, minerals penetrate under the skin, favorably affecting not only it, but also the condition of the whole organism.

What diseases are indicated for?

Hydrogen sulfide thermal springs in Abkhazia are considered the most useful. Water in them is used not only for baths and dousing, but it cures many diseases:

- cardiovascular diseases: varicose veins, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension in the initial stage, helps recovery after a heart attack;

- diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteochondrosis, consequences of injuries;

- diseases of the genitourinary system: erosion, prostatitis and even infertility;

- skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and lichen;

abkhazia thermal springs reviews

- Dental and ENT diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, sinusitis, sinusitis;

- diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, neurosis, the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

Less popular are sulfate springs in Gagra and on the Besletka River. The water in them contains many minerals and effectively relieves any pain, treats diseases of the skin and musculoskeletal system.

How to visit the sources?

To achieve an effective cure, you need to take a course of 10-15 procedures. But sometimes one visit to the source is enough, and improvement in well-being will be noticeable. You should be aware that the effect of thermal water is contraindicated in severe disorders of the heart and blood vessels, blood diseases, tuberculosis, as well as cancer.

thermal springs of Abkhazia photo
For therapeutic purposes, baths and thermal showers are taken under medical supervision for no more than 20 minutes. After taking the procedure, you need to rest a bit, and when you come home, you also need to lie down for a couple of hours. But in the warm pools of Kındıg, both adults and children splash with pleasure, often without getting out of the water for hours. After this, many note an improvement in well-being.

The most famous thermal springs of Abkhazia

Photos taken after relaxing in such places amaze and delight. Two best equipped sources are especially popular: in Primorsky and Kindyg. The water in them is almost the same, they differ only in their natural environment.

The source in the village of Kindyg amazes with magnificent landscapes. Thermal water beats in the form of a geyser from the ground on a small hill. In this place, it has a temperature of more than 100 degrees. But it flows down special gutters and cools to an acceptable temperature. Under these tricks, you can take a healing shower, which will not only saturate the body with medicinal substances, but also perfectly massage. After that, water is collected in small pools, where it becomes even more pleasant in temperature. Both adults and children like to soak in them.

thermal springs in Abkhazia
Recovery is in the midst of beautiful nature, which is slightly adapted to human needs. There are also drinking wells and therapeutic muds in Kindyg.

The village of Primorsky is located near New Athos, just a kilometer from the sources to the Black Sea. The views of nature are also magnificent: a mountain river with a waterfall and a beautiful eucalyptus grove. But the source itself is equipped with a balneological hospital, so those who love civilized relaxation more come here.

Tourists reviews

One of the most favorite vacation spots for our compatriots is Abkhazia, thermal springs. Reviews about them are most often enthusiastic. Most say that swimming in such a water is pleasant and very useful. The low price of visiting the source is surprising to many: in Kyndyg you can relax for 100 rubles at least a whole day. And the place is well equipped: there are locker rooms and benches. I really like to splash around in warm water for children, but adults are delighted with such bathtubs. Moreover, thermal springs in Abkhazia in winter are also popular. In this southern country there are no frosts at all and it is sunny almost all year round. But even if it’s cold outside, the water in the thermal springs is always hot. And it’s so nice to enjoy it in the open air, enjoying the views of nature!


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