Master class: a soaring cup with flowers - it’s not difficult to do a miracle with your own hands

Soaring tea and coffee cups today surprise few people. This is an original and effective interior item that anyone can do with their own hands. It is not difficult at all in this way to give a second life to a bored coffee pair or a beloved cup, which accidentally received an impressive crack. What is the “Soaring Cup with Flowers” ​​crafts made of? With your own hands you can make not only the composition itself, but also decorative elements. But still about everything in order.

Materials and Tools

DIY floating cup with flowers
For this craft, you will need a cup and saucer. Well, if they are from the same set, but you can take different, not too much different from each other. Used dishes are suitable, but remember that strong chips and defects should not be on the outside. You will also need artificial flowers. If desired, they can be made independently using the kanzashi technique, cut from fabric or leather, paper or molded from polymer clay. What else is needed to make a soaring cup with flowers? With your own hands you will need to make a mount. A durable wire, fork or other cutlery is suitable for this, and you can also use the aluminum profile remaining after the repair. Do not forget to purchase a sufficient amount of universal glue. A good option is a glue gun.

A soaring cup with flowers: MK to create the basis of the composition

How to make a soaring cup
Start work on this interesting craft by fixing the cup in the correct position above the saucer. As a connecting element, you can use a fairly stiff wire, a broken plug, a piece of aluminum profile or something else. Before gluing all the elements, make sure that the selected support can support the weight of your mug. Bend the support like the letter "Z": one end should lie on the saucer, and the other - firmly pressed against the wall of the cup. Once you have the desired shape, glue all the elements. Tip: if you use glue that does not harden immediately, first attach the support to the saucer, and then to the cup, although you can and vice versa. For the duration of drying, be sure to additionally fix the structure. That's all the magic. Now you know how to make a soaring cup - it remains to finish the decor.

Flower waterfall

Soaring cup with flowers mk
After making sure that the glue is well cured, you can proceed to the most interesting part of our work. Separate artificial flowers from the legs, you can also use inflorescences made by hand from any materials. Start glue the decor from the bottom of the cup, masking the beginning of the support. Shape a waterfall of flowers, going down below. The number of inflorescences should increase to the bottom of the composition. If you follow this simple rule, you will get a very beautiful floating cup with flowers. It’s not difficult to make a flower waterfall with your own hands. Try to create the illusion that flowers spill out of a cup and accumulate in a saucer. In this case, it is important to carefully disguise the support, otherwise magic will not work.

How to make flowers using the kanzashi technique?

Soaring cup with kansashi flowers

Flowers from ribbons look very bright and spectacular, but in fact it is not difficult to make them. We bring to your attention the technique of making a sharp inverted petal. To do this, take a tape 5 centimeters wide and cut a piece of the same length (5 centimeters). Fold the resulting square in half diagonally, and then two more times in half. Cut the bottom corner, singe it and press it with tweezers (the edges should be soldered). After that, turn the petal out. To make one flower, five such elements are needed. We fasten the petals with a thread, we form the core from the finished stamens (can be purchased at the needlework store) or use a suitable size bead. A soaring cup with kanzashi flowers will look no worse than with purchased ones. One such craft will need 10-25 individual inflorescences.

Secrets of Masters

To create this craft, choose not too heavy dishes. The design will be more stable if the end of the support on the saucer is longer than in the mug. For decoration, you can also use artificial leaves and decorative figures. Do not be afraid to experiment with the decor, and you will get a truly original soaring cup with flowers. It’s not difficult to make leaflets with your own hands. Just cut them out of a suitable fabric or ribbon, if the edges are crumbling, do not be too lazy to burn them. Many craftswomen prefer to decorate with leaves the whole support and only glue the flowers from above. This is a good option if your inflorescences are large enough and you are afraid that the wire or its substitute will be visible.

What else can a cup soar with?

Topiary soaring cup with flowers
A craft consisting of a saucer and a mug can be decorated not only with flowers. The topiary "Soaring Cup with Flowers" looks original, but coffee or coins are also a good option for decoration. You can decorate the composition with sweets in bright wrappers. If you have enough of some small decorative material, for example, multi-colored buttons, beads, decorative hearts or shells, they can also be used to design this craft. Most importantly, you know how to make a soaring cup. And this means that you can experiment with decor indefinitely. This craft will be not only an excellent decoration of the interior, but also an original gift for close relatives and friends, as well as everyone who loves unusual and beautiful things.


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