The best resorts (Essentuki): rating, features and reviews of tourists

If you decide to take a break from boring workdays and understand that it’s high time to take care of your health, go to one of the many health resorts in Essentuki. The healing and healing features of this region were discovered many centuries ago. In order to have a good rest and recover from many ailments, vacationers came here back in the days of the Russian Empire.

Great nature, the miraculous power of the springs, excellent living conditions, a warm welcome - these are the features thanks to which a huge stream of visitors annually strives to local sanatoriums. Essentuki health resort rating improves the high level of service and quality of services.

health resorts essentuki rating

Traditional or alternative medicine?

The high rating of Essentuki sanatoriums for the treatment of a wide range of diseases allows you to take a huge number of vacationers who want to combine a good rest with a thorough examination and treatment.

Comfortable accommodation conditions, modern diagnostics and prevention of many diseases - these unique opportunities are provided by sanatoriums (Essentuki). The rating of the best of health resorts is determined by the reviews of vacationers who received comprehensive treatment and quality service during their stay in the sanatorium.

Wellness programs are based on the use of mud and mineral water treatments. It offers springs, treatment rooms, pools. Vacationers can choose according to their preference either traditional methods of treatment, or alternative medicine technologies.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

If you come to a sanatorium (Essentuki), you can also determine the rating by the list of diseases that are treated here:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Respiratory system.
  • Bone system.
  • Of cardio-vascular system.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus and obesity.

health resorts essentuki rating

The presence of a favorable climate, clean resort air, picturesque natural landscapes, innovative treatment methods - these factors stimulate a constant influx of vacationers into the best sanatoriums. Essentuki rating health resorts improves every year. It offers excellent living conditions. You can choose rooms of the category "standard" or "luxury", as well as get a full balanced meal in the "buffet" system.

Sanatoriums of Essentuki: treatment features

Mineral water as a life-giving source is used at the heart of all medical technologies. Dosage and method of use is determined by the attending physician.

After the diagnostic phase of the examination, an individual treatment chart is developed for the patient. Mud treatment is also included in the personal treatment program. Mud baths not only contribute to the treatment of internal organs, they contribute to the state of the patient's appearance.

If you want to forget about diseases, worries and stress forever, come to the best sanatoriums (Essentuki). The rating, for example, of mud baths in Essentuki is higher than that of most health centers in Europe.

One more feature should be noted. It is owned by city sanatoriums. Essentuki, the rating of health resorts is supplemented by the presence of clinics of aesthetic medicine, provide the opportunity to adjust the appearance with the exception of side effects.

Essentuki sanatorium treatment rating

Sanatoriums open doors: rating by category

What health resort to choose? At your service are the best Yessentuki sanatoriums for treatment. The rating is determined by the level of services offered, a list of recreational activities, as well as location.

The sanatoriums belong to the highest category:

  • "Source".
  • "Moscow".
  • Health resort to them. Kalinin.
  • "Russia".
  • "Valley of Narzans".
  • "Miner".
  • "Ukraine".
  • "Victoria" and others.

The first category includes sanatoriums:

  • Sanatorium them. Pavlova.
  • Health resort to them. Anzhievsky.
  • "Centrosoyuz".
  • Voronezh.
  • "Birch trees."

Sanatorium "Istok" (highest category) with a capacity of 96 beds is located in the historical part of the city. The building, renovated in 2000, provides 1- and 2-bed rooms, two-room suites and three-room luxurious rooms. Diagnostics is carried out in the medical building using innovative equipment, which makes it possible to determine 48 indicators of the state of the blood. There is a swimming pool, hydromassage therapy.

Sanatorium "Moscow" (the highest category) is located on a landscaped area near the resort park. The health resort is equipped with a sports and recreation base, including sports grounds, gyms for gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a sauna, a solarium, and an office of active mechanotherapy. It offers guests a cinema, library, billiard room, bar, hairdresser. Fascinating excursions are organized around the city.

the best health resorts essentuki rating

Sanatorium "Russia" (the highest category) is located in the center of the resort town, next to the drinking gallery "Five-thousanders." The health resort offers a swimming pool, volleyball court, sports and fitness rooms, table tennis, and a sauna. You can visit the cinema hall, billiard room, game room and reading room. For those who wish there is a hairdresser and beauty salon.

Sanatorium them. Pavlova (first category) is located in the center of the resort. Here, for vacationers, a hairdresser and a beauty parlor are provided, concert programs, entertainment evenings and excursions are organized. There is a swimming pool, volleyball court, gym and sauna.

Sanatorium "Birch" (first category) has extensive experience working with victims of the Chernobyl accident. The sanatorium operates a training and advisory center for secondary schools. There is a library, children's playrooms, and work is ongoing with children. There is a gym and hairdresser.

These are just some of the sanatoriums from the huge list of excellent health resorts in which you can have a great rest, strengthen your health and recharge your life force and energy.

Holiday at the resort

Where can I relax? Near the White Coal station is a picturesque lake with a beach. Here you can splash, sunbathe, take a walk in the nearby park. You can rent a boat and explore the coastal strip. Reviews about this place are the best.

In Essentuki there are two huge parks with beautiful flower beds, graceful sculptures and cozy arbors. Mineral water is offered in pump rooms. Magnificent pink flowerbeds, refreshing fountains, amazing city architecture - walks allow guests to heal and relax, combining business with pleasure - this is what park visitors say.

health resorts essentuki rating

It's time for the resort: the right choice

Have you been advised by the Essentuki sanatoriums? The rating and reviews of health resorts, treatment and recreation testify to the high level of service and the effectiveness of wellness procedures and applied techniques in the resort's sanatoriums. According to vacationers' reviews, the use of a variety of treatment and healing technologies has a powerful effect on the body and improves health. Rest at the resort gives a rainbow of positive emotions and extraordinary experiences.

When studying the list of balneological and physiotherapeutic wellness procedures, visitors are advised to choose those that correspond to the specifics of the disease.

Many advise: deciding to come to Essentuki not only for treatment, but also for relaxation, choose health resorts located in the city. So you can implement a cultural program, take a walk around the city, see its sights and become a member of fascinating excursions around the picturesque resort.


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