Famous sights of Armenia: description, photo and history

The Republic of Armenia is a state in the South Caucasus. Without its own access to the sea, it borders with Azerbaijan and the NKR, Iran, Turkey and Georgia. About 3 million people live in the country. The capital of the state is the city of Yerevan. This is an agrarian and industrial country, where Christianity is professed by about 95% of the population.

Geographic data

Armenia is located at the foot of the ridge of the Lesser Caucasus (north and east). Almost the entire territory is mountainous. About 90% of the land is located above the level of 1000 meters above sea level. The highest point of the state is Mount Aragats - 4095 meters. Until 1921 it was Mount Ararat, which now belongs to Turkey. Nevertheless, it is she who is the symbol of the country and the most important attraction.


The mountain in Armenia is located in the western part of the country and is still considered by the locals to be a saint. According to legend, it was to this mountain that Noah moored on his ark. Armenians call them brothers Sis and Masis.

View of Yerevan

The mountain itself is located on the right bank of the Araks river on the border with Turkey and has two merged cones:

  • Big Ararat (Western) 5156 meters high.
  • Small Ararat, or East, 3925 meters high.

According to scientists, the Western Mountain is about 3.5 million years old, and Malaya is only 150 thousand. These are former volcanoes. The top of the Big Mountain is always covered with snow and is visible from anywhere in the capital. There are about 30 small glaciers on it. The largest is called St. Jacob and is distinguished by a length of more than 2 kilometers. This is one of the most visited attractions in Armenia. However, this was until 2015. Today, climbing the mountain is prohibited due to the unstable situation in the southeast of the neighboring state - Turkey.


This city is not only the capital of Armenia, but also the largest settlement in the country. It was founded in 782 BC. It is located on the left bank of the Araksu River, in the Ararat Valley. In the period of the USSR, the appearance of the city changed greatly, but still many architectural monuments remained on its territory.

Blue Mosque

In honor of the friendship between the Iranian and Armenian peoples , the Blue Mosque was built in Yerevan in 1766. The Muslim Cathedral was built at the direction of the Turkic Khan and the governor of the city - Huseynali Khan Kajar. Today it is the only Muslim operating shrine in the country.

Blue Mosque

The temple is also called the Sky Mosque. Previously, it had 4 minarets, but only one has survived to this day. The height of the minaret is 24 meters. There are 28 pavilions in the temple. In the northern part there is a library where Persian language classes are held, and a small exhibition hall. In the southern part is the dome and the main hall.

The decoration of the temple and the dome itself is made of earthenware tiles with majolica. And in the courtyard of the mosque grows a huge mulberry tree, in the shadow of which the poet Yeghishe Charents drank tea. There is a legend that thanks to him the temple was not destroyed during the First World War, as the poet insisted on arranging an ammunition depot here.

The temple is located on Mesrop Mashtots Avenue, 10, the nearest metro station is Zoravar Andranik.

In honor of the victory over the German conquerors

The most famous and visited place of the capital is the monument "Mother Armenia". It was erected in honor of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The height of the monument is 54 meters, the statue itself is 22 meters high. Around the monument, weapons are installed and eternal flame burns. There is a monument in Victory Park, in the central part of the city. At the foot of it is the Museum of the Ministry of Defense. Here you can see weapons, personal items and documents of soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic and Karabakh War.

The address of the complex: Azatutyun street, 2, Victory Park.


As ancient wisdom says: "How many languages ​​you know - how many times you are a person." Another attraction of Armenia is the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran named after St. Mesrop Mashtots.

Matenadaran in Yerevan

This is one of the largest repositories of ancient manuscripts in the world. There is a museum at the institute where you can see unique and rare manuscripts. The fund has about 120 thousand manuscripts from different times. These are not only written in Armenian, but also in Hebrew, Persian, Japanese and Latin. The main value of the museum is the first Armenian manuscript, which dates from 917.

The museum is located at: 53 Mesrop Mashtots Avenue. The nearest metro stations are Yeritasardakan and Marshal Baghramyan.


Not a single excursion in Armenia is complete without a visit to this unique architectural creation - Cascade. This is a whole complex consisting of:

  • sculptures;
  • fountains;
  • stairs
  • flower beds.
Cascade in Yerevan

It is located on the slopes of the Canaker hills. The staircase itself is made of milk tuff and connects two parts of the city - the lower and upper. There is a cascade behind the opera and ballet theater.

Church of the Holy Virgin Zoravor

This is one of the oldest attractions in Armenia. This active Armenian Apostolic Church was founded in 1693. The temple was rebuilt several times, the “latest version” was built on donations from citizens. In 1793, the church was reconstructed, as evidenced by the corresponding inscriptions on the building. This is a domeless three-nave church. In the eastern part of the narthex is the main altar. The interior here is austere; khachkars are carved on the walls. In 1889, a new chapel was erected near the northwestern part and named after St. Ananias. The last reconstruction of the temple was carried out in the 1970s. The walls and roof were rebuilt, restored to proper condition and given to the faithful.

What else to see in Yerevan?

Most excursions in Armenia include visiting Tsitsernakaberd Hill, where the eponymous memorial complex is located. It is dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, which was in 1915. Built in 1967. It is a stele 44 meters high with a fault along the entire length, symbolizing the split of the Armenian people. Near the stele there is an eternal flame in a cone with twelve stone slabs. There is also a museum of Armenia dedicated to this tragic event.

Naturally, you need to go to the museum of Sergei Parajanov. This man never lived in Armenia, but he devoted all his work to the homeland of his ancestors. The complex was opened in 1991. This is the Tiflis house, where there are director’s personal belongings and about 600 works of Parajanov: collages, ceramics and drawings. The museum is located on Dzoraghuh Street, 15/16.

Interesting places of the country

Armenia is famous not only for architectural monuments. The country has magnificent nature, 230 zones are protected at the level of legislation. These are natural objects that differ in morphological and age characteristics. In the river valleys there are the latest natural monuments that appeared after the attenuation of volcanoes. Alpine lakes and unique landscapes, mountain formations and man-made creations - all this you will find in Armenia.

Observatory Karahunge

There is a "place of power" in the city of Sisian. The mysterious monument remaining from the ancestors consists of 223 stones laid vertically in a circle. Each stone weighs about 10 tons, some have holes. Ornaments and swords were found under one of the stones, which makes scientists think that this is a cemetery.

Observatory Karahunge

In general, there are a lot of disputes about this object. Some believe that this is an observatory, others put forward the version that it is a place of worship of the sun god. Many versions have been put forward regarding the date of construction - from 5 to 7 thousand years. But definitely this place is older than Stonehenge. The object is located at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level, in the city of Sistan, 200 kilometers from Yerevan.

Lake Sevan

This natural reservoir is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level, eight kilometers from the city of Gavar. This is the richest lake for fish, trout and crucian carp from which appears on the tables of almost all Armenians. On the shores of the reservoir is the national park of the same name, where many gulls live.

In the village of Noratus, on the shore of the lake, there is an ancient cemetery. Excavations confirmed the version that people were buried here 2 thousand years ago.

Lake Sevan

On the shores of the lake are many architectural monuments. These are the monasteries of Kotavank, Sevanavank and Vanevan, erected in different centuries.

Bridge of Satan

Between the villages of Halidzor and Tatev there is a unique natural attraction of Armenia - Satani Kamuj. It is a bridge of natural origin across the Vorotan River. On the river near this bridge you will see several beautiful waterfalls with niches and small caves, where there are stalactites and mineral springs.

Northern Armenia

In this part of the country there is Dilijan National Park. It was created relatively recently in order to preserve oak and beech groves and natural landscapes. There are many relic plants in the reserve, which have been preserved since the ice age.

Armenian beauties

And along the Getik River grows the largest yew grove in the whole of the Caucasus. There are also endangered species of vegetation in the park: blue cyanosis and cuckoo tears. Deer, squirrels, bears and roe deer live here. There are about 120 species of birds. In the reserve, in almost all gorges there are small rivers or lakes, as well as mineral springs. Particularly popular is the Haghartsin Gorge and Lake Parshch. There are several monastery complexes in the park: Haghartsin, Dzhukhtakvank and Matosavank.

Basalt organ

Near the temple of Garni in the canyon of the river Askat there is a unique natural monument. The basalt mountain is as if carved by a skilled craftsman - these are hexagons resembling organ pipes.

Kasahsky waterfall

This is the highest waterfall in Armenia, its height is 70 meters. It is located in the Aragatsotn region on the Kasakh river. The waterfall bed itself is in volcanic rock. This is a magnificent sight that is breathtaking. Over the stream of water, grottoes and caves are visible.

Kasahsky waterfall

If possible, Armenia should definitely be visited - this is a magnificent nature and many attractions, ornate toasts and delicious national dishes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39302/

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