Memorial Day of the Battle of Kulikovo - September 21

The past of Russia is great and glorious. As gratitude to the ancestors for the formation of a single people on September 21, the whole country celebrates the victory of Dmitry Donskoy over Mamai.

The reasons for the growing conflict

A major role in the history of Russia is given to the confrontation between Dmitry Donskoy and Mamaia. Memorial Day of the Kulikovo battle is annually celebrated directly on the battlefield. This date is important, because it led to the liberation from the yoke of the horde, united the Russian lands and formed a single nation.

Kulikovo battle memorial day
The reason for the war was an increase in the influence and power of the Moscow principality. This broke the system, which for years worked for the Tatars. For the start of hostilities, a weighty occasion was needed. Soon this was found.

Realizing his power, Dmitry I Ivanovich (later Donskoy) in 1374 breaks the agreement with the Horde and refuses to increase tribute.

Commemoration of the Battle of Kulikovo in the Russian Federation is the recognition of oneself as a single Russian people.

Search for allies

Further events developed very rapidly. Opponents made new friends. So, the side of the Horde was the Kingdom of Lithuania. But the strength of the enemy did not scare the Russians. An army was assembled, led by excellent commanders and strategists.

Mamai was preparing for an attack, but minor battles, such as on the Vosha River in 1378, weakened his army. The full-scale offensive was constantly put off.

Problems arose not only with the khan. The Moscow prince stubbornly sought support. Tver refused to help him. A double role was played by Ryazan. Prince Oleg supported Mamai, but talked about the plans of the Tatars to other princes.

On the side of the Don stood Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal and Smolensk principalities. Under the guidance of brave warlords, thousands of men from different lands bravely went into battle. That is why the day of memory of the Battle of Kulikovo in Russia is a celebration of every patriot who is ready to defend his homeland from invaders.

Kulikovo battle memorial day photo

The course of the famous battle

On September 7, 1380, troops approached the Don River. The places where hostilities took place had both pros and cons. The advantage is that the Mongols would lose a lot of strength by crossing the river. The disadvantage is that the rear was open to Mamaia's supporters, who could appear at any moment. A lightning decision was made: the squad crossed the Don and broke the bridges.

All signs portended victory. It inspired the soldiers. The brave deed of the prince also meant a lot to them. He put on simple armor and stood shoulder to shoulder with his brothers in a large regiment.

The fight began the next morning. September 8 is the day of memory of the Battle of Kulikovo. You can briefly describe the course of maneuvers as follows: forces were built according to the classical system. The army was led by a large regiment, where the main force was concentrated. On the left and right hands were another group of troops. A quarter of the army was ambushed.

The horde tried to break through the left regiment, but the soldiers who still hid in the forest came to the rescue. Broken and frightened Tatars (their attacks were reflected every time with greater force) believed that God turned away from them. The complete victory belonged to Moscow.

Kulikovo battle memorial day

The error that veiled the current date

The Golden Horde reigned for a long time on Russian lands. But in the middle of the 14th century, the power of the khans began to fade. The peak was the defeat in the Kulikovo field. Events that changed history took place in 1380. Since the summer, Mamai has been preparing for war. September 8, the two sides met. Donskoy won. These events were later described in the annals. But if the battle began on September 8, why today we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo on September 21?

The answer is simple. Chroniclers noted that the fight took place on the Nativity of the Virgin (today it is September 21), which according to the old style was on September 8 (according to the Julian calendar). Then it is logical to note that it would be necessary to honor military glory on the 16th. After all, exactly 8 days are added when translating dates to the old style. But the researchers made a mistake. They added 13 days, guided by the rules of the Orthodox Church. From this it is clear that the real date of victory is September 16th.

Museum founder

One of the sights of Russian culture is the State Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Field”, which is located in s. Monastery of the Tula region. It is located in the open. A maximum of guests takes in September. Then the field turns into a battle arena. Its main feature is theatrical performances.

when is the day of remembrance of the kulikovo battle
The conditional history of the museum began in pre-Soviet times. The collection began to be collected by Stepan Nechaev, who later became known as the first historian and archaeologist of the field. This man, referring to the annals, identified the place that described the chronology. The field was in his ownership. We can say that Nechaev was the father of the museum and the founder of such a holiday as the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo. A photo of the initiator who raised the problem of searching for Mamayev’s battle can be seen in all history textbooks.

Now the museum combines several exhibits. One of them is the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, which is characterized by a traditional architectural ensemble. This miracle worker and sage blessed Donskoy to war. Another link is the complex in the village of Monastyrshchina, where the dead soldiers are supposedly buried.

Return to the battlefield

Russians are proud of their story. Therefore, annually on the field where the battle took place between Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai, mass meetings are held, known as the Kulikovo Field festival. Welcomes fans of history Tula region. The action is trying to completely reflect the times of the Golden Horde and Muscovite Russia. On Memorial Day of the Battle of Kulikovo, this part of modern Russia turns into medieval lands.

The festival plan is updated annually. But traditionally, the celebration begins with a service in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The festival started in 1997 and has since been held without interruption.

Kulikovo battle memorial day on September 21

Where to celebrate the victory over Mamai?

It is very important that the museum not only entertains, but also teaches. The Battle of Kulikovo House organizes the festival in such a way as to convey to the guests the maximum information from the great past. The event has a wide program. Hundreds of men who have studied martial art compete in agility. Various competitions are held for the best armor, suits and weapons of those times. Archers, fencers show their skills. Knightly tournaments take place.

Equestrian fights, infantry clashes and pair fights of Russian combatants and Horde will help you plunge into the atmosphere of the 14th century. Fairs are constantly open for spectators, which surprise with an excess of souvenirs. In addition, you can visit dozens of workshops. The field kitchen works .

The festival is the best place to spend the Memorial Day of the Kulikovo battle. Positive impressions and pleasant mood are guaranteed.

Kulikovo battle memorial day in Russia

The myth of the Tula region

Many sources say that the meeting of the two troops took place between the rivers Don and Nepryadva. But apart from the contemporary obelisk, there is nothing there. Usually mounds, temples, and monasteries were brought down at such places. The work of archaeologists was also unsuccessful. Over the decades of excavations, only a few confirmations of the theory have been found that the famous battle took place in this area. But they did not become one hundred percent evidence. The arrowheads could belong to hunters, and chain mail is two centuries older from these events. No enemy graves found.

When Memorial Day of the Kulikovo battle is celebrated, everyone knows, but few people know that there are documents proving that the Kimovsky district of the Tula region is far from the battle of Mamaia.

Kulishki Memorial

Scientists have found many explanations for the anomalies. For example, the lack of weapons and armor is interpreted as follows: all weapons were removed from the battlefield due to the fact that it was expensive and rare. But there are dozens of facts that cannot be explained.

Kulikovo Battle Memorial Day in the Russian Federation
Many flashy ideas came up. So, according to one version, the battle took place on the territory of modern Moscow. The capital has the Kulishki district, which was a vast field half a millennium ago. All large rivers, including the Moscow River, used to be called Don. Also in this area was the village of Naprudnoe, from where a river flowed, which could be given the name Nepryadva. There stands the All Saints Church in Kulishki, founded by the Don in memory of the soldiers who died on September 8, 1380. Therefore, it is in that place that you can mark the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo.


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