List of US Presidents Immortalized on Banknotes

The American state, despite the widespread stereotype of his youth, has a rather long history. It really appeared on world maps later than England, France or Russia. However, its formation took place in parallel with the formation in Europe of secular national states

list of us presidents
modern type. And the events taking place on the American continent make it possible to speak quite rightly of the very rich history of the United States. Of course, any political, military or social upheavals leave behind prominent historical characters. And any people need the heroes of the past. These outstanding personalities embody the unity of the history of the people, and therefore the unity and its general aspirations in the present. That is why they are in such a hurry to perpetuate them in monuments, street names and art. In this article we will turn to the world famous banknote - the American dollar, which reveals to us a special list of US presidents. Those who made a significant contribution to the formation of the most powerful state in the modern world. So, let’s denote the list of US presidents in order of increasing notes and note how the respective political leaders earned a “registration” on the notes of the world's most stable currency. It is interesting that in the free circulation coins of only seven of the following denominations are issued: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, $ 100.

US Presidents. The list opens George Washington

Perhaps he is the most famous president of this state. Surely his name is known to every resident of the United States, even in the most remote corners of the country, after all

us presidents list
called the capital of the state. The presidency of Washington fell from 1789 to 1797. And he became the first chapter in the history of the United States, literally their founding father.

Thomas Jefferson immortalized on a two dollar bill

He was a prominent figure in the struggle for independence from the British metropolis, as well as one of those who created the famous Declaration of Independence. His presidency lasted from 1801 to 1809. It was during this period that the territory of the newly minted state was significantly increased due to the purchase of French Louisiana.

Liberator Abraham Lincoln

The next to our list of US presidents was Abraham Lincoln, whose leadership was in the years 1861-1865. Of course, everyone remembers him thanks to the abolition of slavery at the state level, which entailed a civil war, but still it was necessary for the technological, economic and social development of the state in the spirit of the times.

Alexander Hamilton - an exception in the company of presidents

This statesman is the only one who was not the president of the United States from the banknotes on American bills. He is famous for his government activities in the presidential administration of Washington.

Seventh Head of Country - Andrew Jackson

list of us presidents in order
On a twenty-dollar note, Andrew Jackson continues the interrupted list of US presidents. He was the head of state from 1829 to 1937. And it is considered one of the founders of the most popular democratic party today.

Warlord Ulliss Grant

The former president in 1869-1877, he is famous not so much for his activities in the highest position of the state, as for his outstanding general success during the Civil War of the North and South.

One Hundred Dollars - Benjamin Franklin

Concludes this list of US presidents Benjamin Franklin. And again, this, almost the most famous of all historical characters, never visited the presidential chair. However, he was the only politician who had the honor to participate in the signing of all three major historical documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the country and the Second Versailles Peace.


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