Alfa-Bank, repayment of a loan via the Internet: step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

In the article, we will consider how the repayment of a loan through the Internet takes place at Alfa Bank.

Today, using a credit card is a natural process for many bank customers. According to statistics, transactions with credit cards are carried out in the amount of 80%. This confirms that the abundance of banking services is firmly rooted in people's lives. However, in some cases, people do not know how to pay off a particular debt using online services. This method is quite annoying, because for this you do not even need to leave the house.

How to pay a loan via the Internet in Alfa-Bank from a card of Sberbank, VTB or another financial institution? This question is asked by many.

You can pay off credit card debt at any time. The minimum monthly repayment amount on the card will be 5% of the loan amount.

Alfa-Bank repayment of a loan via the Internet

This financial institution is constantly improving its offers and services. Now in this institution, customers can quickly and easily repay loans. For example, an Internet banking service is offered, which provides for the payment of credit obligations.

So, we will find out how to repay a loan at Alfa Bank via the Internet.

Debt repayment methods

To carry out any financial operations, including paying a loan, the Alfa-Click service is offered. It provides for online payment and connects absolutely free of charge, while the client does not need an agreement number or details. You can connect this service in several ways, for example:

  • use the hotline of the bank, where using a special menu or operator you can connect Alfa Click;
  • using the official website of the organization.

The main condition for connecting is the creation of a personal account of the client, after which he will be given a password and login, which the person will use in other applications. It is very easy to repay a credit card via the Internet at Alfa Bank.

via the internet card another

Payment of a loan by card (step-by-step instruction)

Through the Alfa-Click service, a loan is paid as follows:

  1. Having entered this service, you need to select the “Credits” column, and then determine the payment method: from a mobile account or from a bank. By the way, paying a loan to Alfa-Bank via an Internet card of another bank is also acceptable.
  2. Despite the fact that all the information in the program has been entered automatically, you will have to fill out some additional sections, which include the validity period of the card, its number and CVV2 code.
  3. Next, you must confirm the validity of the transfer of funds from the account and the desired amount (control via SMS code).

How much will it cost to pay off an Alfa Bank loan online?

How to pay Alfa-Bank loan through the Internet Bank using a Sberbank card

How much is it?

No commission is charged for such loan payment, and payment will be made instantly. If a credit is paid from Sberbank’s card with Alfa Bank, it must be borne in mind that the issuing bank may charge a certain fee for such a service. However, if this financial institution is a partner of the bank, then the commission may be absent (on the official website you can specify the existence of partnership).

Alfa Bank to pay a loan through the Internet

How is payment made?

Money transfers can be instant, or can be carried out within a few days. If you want to make a payment from a mobile account, you should know that online payment will be carried out through the RURU service, which provides for a commission. In this case, you will have to pay 2.99%, the transaction process will last approximately 30 minutes.

Via Alfa Mobile

This is a fairly easy option to pay Alfa Bank loans. The application can be downloaded through Internet services from the official website of the organization, and for free.

The Alfa-Mobile application is very similar to the Alfa-Click service, and provides the following services:

from Sberbank card
  • provision of information on credit accounts;
  • loan payment without commission;
  • request for cash balance in the account;
  • chat with bank employees;
  • various financial transactions;
  • making payments using cards of third-party banks (Online Payments service);
  • geolocation service, which allows you to track ATMs and bank branches;
  • Third-party e-wallets and payment services.

It is convenient for many to pay online credit in Alfa Bank with a Sberbank credit card. How to do this, we will tell below.

How else can I pay off the debt?

You can repay a loan from this bank through the following applications:

  • "Yandex money";
  • "WebMoney";
  • Qiwi;
  • Rapida.
through the Internet

There is a small fee for such financial transactions, the amount of which varies depending on the method of payment. It should be noted that this amount may vary significantly. Payments through these services are made with different durations. The operation may take several minutes, but it also happens that payment takes place only after a few days.

Online payments

Alfa-Bank, especially for its customers, has created a convenient service “Online Payments”, through which you can pay on credit using cards from third-party banks. This service can be used by all owners of MasterCard and Visa. The service allows you to bypass intermediaries, thanks to the special eWallet technology, high security is provided to financial transactions.

Redemption by account number

The use of an account number may be required only in the following cases:

  • if you pay a loan from a card of another bank;
  • if you make payments through services that are not owned by Alfa Bank;
  • when repaying a loan through partners using the contract number (you can pay via Qiwi, Rapida, Cyberplat, Eleksnet terminals, Euroset, MTS, Beeline, Svyaznoy salons).
How to pay a loan to Alfa Bank

Online transfer of funds without commission

Payment without commission can be made only through the services offered by this bank. When you visit the official website, you have the opportunity to specify the region of residence, to determine the method of payment for the loan, after which the banking system will automatically open information about options for repaying the loan without commission.

Let’s figure out how to pay a loan in Alfa Bank via Sberbank card via the Internet bank.

Step-by-step instruction

Alfa Bank credit from Sberbank card

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • authorization in the Sberbank system using a mobile application;
  • transition to the column “Payments and transfers”;
  • selection of the column “Pay off the loan in another bank”;
  • hereinafter referred to as “Translation by BIC”;
  • here it is necessary to enter the BIC of the financial institution, which is indicated in the loan agreement: 20 digits;
  • indication of the main parameters of the transfer: card details for debiting, amount;
  • Pressing the “Pay” button.

We examined how to make repayments through the Internet loan at Alfa Bank. To do this is quite simple, it is important only to strictly follow the recommendations given in our article.


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