Autostart for a car without an alarm: installation, model rating

It is unlikely that anyone would think that a personal car is uncomfortable. It allows you to get to any places you need, doing it quickly and comfortably. But getting into a car is not always pleasant in all cases. For example, in a cold and cold winter it is much more comfortable to find yourself in a warmed-up cabin than half a way to tremble, trying to keep warm. Of course, to a certain extent, heated covers are helping to combat this phenomenon, but autostart for a car is much better. Is it impossible without an alarm? Not at all!

auto start for car without alarm
Yes, in most cases, the automatic start of the motor is indeed provided by "advanced" protective systems, but their purchase is not always advisable. Let's say you already have such a "guard" in your car, but it does not constructively have an automatic start function. So now, buy a new alarm? No, today on the market there are many additional units that will add such pleasant functionality to any car, even if released in the last century.

So how to make autostart of the car? Below we will offer you a fairly simple, inexpensive and reliable option that does not require you to have deep knowledge in the field of electronics.

The easiest option

Strange as it may seem, many eminent alarm manufacturers have recently begun to produce additional standalone modules that work regardless of the presence or brand of the carā€™s security system, and therefore can be connected at any time. How good is this autostart for a car? The reviews indicate that this is the most optimal option: such systems are easy to connect, no need to be wiser with inserts into the electronic networks of the machine, since the manufacturing company has already done everything for you.

A great option is modules from the well-known StarLine in our country. Yes, this company is not only distinguished by reasonable prices for its equipment, but also offers everyone to integrate an automatic start system into their car. The module can be controlled by two methods at once:

  • The application for the smartphone. It supports the platform "Android", iOS, "Windows". And with the help of the program you can not only start or stop the engine, but also find out the degree of battery charge, the temperature in the cabin, as well as other useful data.

Other options

As for the application for your smartphone. It has quite flexible settings, in which, for example, you can set the frequency of automatic engine start in a fairly wide range. This is extremely convenient in the winter, when there is a need to prevent ā€œfreezingā€ of the interior and engine of your car.

how to make autostart car
To do this, you can also set a certain temperature threshold, after which the motor will automatically start. So, another way in which autostart for a car is triggered:

  • Not everyone prefers smartphones. Many busy people remain loyal to button models. Especially for them, the module implements the function of receiving "command" SMS. Send a short message to a specific number, after which the engine of your car will start or stop. Of course, a huge drawback of this method is that SMS is not free, but paid according to the tariffs of your mobile operator. However, in recent years, the cost of text messages is really cheap, so this is certainly not going to cause you any particular difficulties.

By the way, how has this autostart for a car shown itself in practice? The reviews clearly show that all categories of motorists are quite happy with them. Automation does not fail, it works at any time, in any weather and air temperature. For our climate, all this is far from formal.

But Starline would hardly have been a ā€œfull-fledgedā€ manufacturer of alarms if it had not provided for protective components in its applications. So, immediately after activating the application for the smartphone, you will be given a detailed report: whether the doors were opened, whether there were any such attempts, as well as other information regarding any infringement of your property. Here's how to make a car autostart using ready-made solutions presented on the modern market.

How does automatic start work?

Such a system can work only if a third-party unit has been built into the electronic circuits of the car. When this device receives a certain signal (from the remote control or telephone), it first checks for obstacles that make it impossible to start the engine (for example, transmission to gearbox is engaged). If none are found, the signal goes further to the controller. It is he who is responsible for autostart for a car without an alarm.

autostart for a car without a do-it-yourself alarm
It should be noted that the signal to start the engine can be sent not only from external controls. For this purpose, some kind of sensor with a timer can be used to start the car at a convenient time for you. For example, in order not to give ā€œdirectionsā€ to a car every morning, you can simply set a certain ā€œstartingā€ time.

Thatā€™s why autostart of a car is convenient. How to use a specific model, you should read the instructions provided by the manufacturer complete with the device.

The scheme of operation of automatic start systems

As we said, the basis of any system of this kind is the control unit. He is responsible for receiving signals from external and internal devices, the operation of executing devices depends on him. Naturally, the control unit must be connected to the on-board electrical network of your car, as well as be fully integrated into its electronic circuits, as otherwise auto-start for the car without an alarm will be impossible.

  • Immediately after receiving the signal, the control center checks all connected vehicle systems.
  • One of the most important parameters that is checked first of all is the oil pressure sensor. Only if satisfactory information comes from its sensor, the system can start the engine. It is important to note that in winter this can lead to problems, as the lubrication level is often reduced. The only way out is to configure autostart for the car without an alarm so that the engine starts at some intervals, warming up the oil.
  • For diesel engines, the unit is connected directly to the glow plug connectors. If they do not warm up the combustion chamber and its manifold, starting the engine will be impossible.
  • Almost all autonomous units for automatically starting the engine have in their arsenal an option called "software neutral". This is a very useful option, since if it is available, starting the motor is not possible if some gear is engaged and the parking brake is not applied.

ā€œAdvancedā€ models also have a speed sensor. Of course, it is unlikely that someone in their right mind will use the automatic start system while in a moving car, but this option prevents many software errors, so its presence will definitely not be superfluous.

Why is it better to autostart autonomously from a security system?

When an immobilizer is installed in a car, the presence of an autostart system from a convenient ā€œtrickā€ can turn into a constant source of headache. This statement is especially true for those cases when the automatic start of the motor and the alarm system are one. The whole point is that such a car immediately after turning the key in the ignition lock seeks to make sure that its "owner" is behind the wheel.

auto start for car
To do this, either the key itself or a special key fob is scanned. If the data coincided with those that were stored in the memory of the security system, then everything is in order, the motor will start. But what to do if the car starts the autostart? For a car with an immobilizer, this can become an insurmountable obstacle to the normal start of the engine.

In the presence of a security system, it is even worse, since the slightest mistake during its installation leads to hidden conflicts, which sometimes manifest themselves in the complete impossibility of realizing autorun for a car without a do it yourself alarm. To prevent this from happening, you need to connect both devices so that their circuits do not intersect anywhere. In many cases, only a very experienced professional can handle this.

Why are autostart systems not good in all cases?

  • Perhaps, in this case, there is one huge drawback - the very fact of having a wound up car, in which there is no owner. The fact is that at this moment he becomes extremely vulnerable to the penetration of an attacker. Even if he does not steal a car, he will not miss a chance to remove the radio tape recorder.
  • In addition, do not forget about significantly increased fuel consumption. And the point here is not only that during the night the machine can start several times. And the fact that the motor starts and runs at the "optimal" speed. He warms up quickly, but also eats up a lot of fuel.
  • What else do you need to consider if you are using autostart of a car? Itā€™s not easy to get around a regular immobilizer with your own hands, so in case of difficulties it is better to immediately contact an experienced specialist.
  • Buy only those auto-start modules that completely exclude the possibility of accidentally starting the motor. Simply put, a start command should be given only after confirming it in the application, via SMS or by pressing some ā€œtrickyā€ key combination.

This is how the autostart module works without alarm. As you noticed, its principle of operation is not so complicated and requires a little knowledge of the electrical part of the car, and whether to put it together with an alarm or not is up to you.

Dream of "DIY"

do-it-yourself car startup
Is it possible to make autostart for a car without an alarm yourself? In principle, this option is possible, but at the same time, a remarkable knowledge of the electronics and electrics of modern cars is required from a car enthusiast. Weā€™ll immediately warn you that without the appropriate knowledge and skills, itā€™s better not to even try to make something like this, since it certainly wonā€™t end in good. So let's get started. How to install autostart car do it yourself?

First, ā€œplugā€ the eight-pin power connector. For owners of "automation": connect before breaking the automatic transmission circuit. If there is an alarm, and it blocks the network after it is connected, you will have to use some kind of service relay.

Next, you need to deal with an additional power output. It is designed to power all systems that should start working immediately after starting the engine. So, the car startup system in most cases does not need this connection. However, it all depends on the model of the complex you purchased (but this must be specified in the instructions). Then follows the entrance to the power supply of other power circuits IGN1.

Remember the current strength!

It is important to remember that this circuit is protected by a 25 amp fuse. You need to connect to a wire that comes directly from the battery. It is not necessary to remind that in this case it is necessary to carefully observe all the rules of insulation of the connections, since the current strength in these cables is by no means small!

In principle, if your car has a protective system, you can ā€œstickā€ to its own power cable. Itā€™s also convenient to connect the voltage sensor of your automatic start-up system, especially if it supports the motor control mode according to the voltage readings in the vehicleā€™s on-board network. The advantage of this method is that the starter will instantly turn off at the very moment when the engine starts to work.

car startup system

Features of installation on a car without an alarm

If the carā€™s autostart system is put on the car without an alarm, then you must remember that a permanent plus is only available in BSI. We are talking about the largest two-pin connector, from which there are two wires of large cross-section. At the same time, the BAT1 connector can always be powered from any of them, since these cables will always have a ā€œ+ā€, provided that the car has a connected battery. What else does installing autostart on a car involve ?

- + BAT2 B / Cr - this is the input to the second power circuit IGN2. As in the past case, it is protected by a fuse, which is designed for a current strength of 25A. It is also recommended to connect it to the cable that goes directly to the battery.

- IGN1 - conclusions from the ignition system. It is logical that you need to connect it to the cable from which the ignition of your car is powered. Itā€™s important not to mix it up! The fact is that the autostart voltage system in this section of the network will determine if there is a key in the ignition switch.

If at least some flaws are allowed during installation, you can expect many very unpleasant surprises. For example, your ā€œiron horseā€ refuses to start automatically and you, instead of a comfortable trip to work, will freeze for half an hour and try to warm your own car in the cold winter. Not the best alternative!

This unit is connected to the first connector coming from the "incendiary" system. If for some reason it is difficult for you to do this, you can find the same wire in the BSI. In general, even a person who has no special experience in working with electronic networks of modern cars can do this. But at the same time, it still doesnā€™t hurt to get familiar with the scheme of your car. This will save you from many unpleasant consequences.

TOP expectations

Finally - how to choose autostart for a car without an alarm? The rating of such systems distributes the prize places as follows:

  • Pantera SLK-868RS - fifth place, the perfect combination of price and quality.
  • StarLine A91 - fourth place.
  • Scher-Khan LOGICAR 1 - third place. Very good functionality, the module is relatively easy to install.
  • Pantera SLK-675RS - second place. Excellent functionality and high reliability for quite adequate money.
  • And again StarLine: the A94 model is beyond any competition. Excellent functionality, reliability and ease of installation. And a price that is lower than competitors' offers.

auto start for car reviews
Here's how to choose autostart for a car without an alarm: the 2014-2015 rating quite clearly shows the most vivid and reliable representatives of the market.


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