Crafts from squash do it yourself (photo)

With the onset of autumn comes the gracious time for harvesting in gardens and orchards. Since ancient times, people have been celebrating and thanking Mother Earth for generous gifts. And now traditions are preserved, only with other goals and names. Schools in the fall often organize fall holidays or fall fairs with an exhibition of children's crafts made from vegetables, fruits, and other natural materials.

This article provides information about the various options for crafts from zucchini and squash do it yourself. These are vegetables that have different shapes: some are round and others are elongated. Their pulp is dense and soft, convenient for performing work related to cutting parts from them. If such a common vegetable as zucchini is known to all, then many children do not know what squash is. Consider this vegetable below.

What are squash?

This is a very fertile material for making crafts from vegetables with your own hands. A lot of interesting products can be made from squash (or, in other words, a plate-shaped pumpkin). They are small in size, round in shape, with rounded sector wavy edges.

DIY squash

If someone did not eat this vegetable, let him certainly do it. Squash contains many vitamins, very tasty, and a wide variety of dishes are prepared from them. Like the squash's elder sister - pumpkin, this vegetable can have a light gray, yellow and orange color, which is also interesting to use in the implementation of creative plans. Let's consider first crafts from squash. Do it yourself with your own hands is very exciting.

Alien ship

For manufacturing a flying saucer squash fit perfectly. After all, their form immediately resembles this spaceship. There will be very little extra work left to finish the finished product.

The following materials will be required for this: several large carrots, an elongated pumpkin, skewers for sandwiches and a set of toothpicks. As astronauts or aliens from other planets, you can use figures of ready-made characters from chocolate eggs “Kinder Surprise” or people from the designer “Lego”.

DIY handmade squash

First, cut off the tip of the squash, since a flat area for aliens is needed. The legs of the flying saucer will be long thick carrots with round edges. To keep them well, in addition to the skewers with which they are attached to the ship itself, it is necessary to cut holes in size on the underside of this vegetable. After this work, we carry out the cover, which seems to open and release aliens to our planet.

To do this, take an oval-shaped pumpkin and cut out the core. Only the thick peel of the vegetable should remain. They attach it to toothpicks, as well as the crafts made from squash (in the photo) with their own hands. You can show imagination and come up with your own details for the ship. Or decorate the resulting craftwork from squash with your own hands in circles of carrots, as in the photo.

Or, for example, add green color by cutting out the details from the cucumber. Navy blue grapes will look beautifully cut in half. You can add men, also made from vegetables.

Terrible Rhino

As a craft from squash with your own hands (photo below), you can make a rhino. This is a big, bright and difficult job. But then your figure will become central at any fair. To perform such a figure, you need to buy a squash of any color, but it is better to still be light. You also need to purchase zucchini, small peppercorns, cucumbers, small apples, pumpkin, rosehips for the eyes.

DIY handmade squash for kids

A round rhino is made from a round pumpkin, legs from cucumbers are inserted with the help of toothpicks, two for each foot. The head is made of squash, to which are attached to the skewers of the muzzle of a trimmed zucchini and horns of thin elongated peppers. Apples can be hitched, but you can do without them. They play the role of decoration, a bright emphasis on do-it-yourself squash crafts.

For the eyes, rose hips were used in this figure, since they are voluminous and contrastly look against a light background. The rhino is ready! If the child has some additional ideas of his own, then the work will be individual in nature, and the rhino will turn out to be unique, and not the same as in the photo. After all, I don’t want all efforts to come to naught if the other child in the class makes the exhibition of the exact same beast of vegetables.

Funny octopus

This simple DIY piece of squash for the school can be done by the youngest elementary school student. The body of an octopus consists of a head and tentacles. The largest detail of the work is, of course, made from squash. You can choose not only the orange color of the vegetable, as in the photo below, it will be interesting to look both light and yellow.

DIY squash crafts for school

In the photo, the small details of the octopus are made of plasticine. Before starting work, you need to ask the teacher whether it is possible to use it when making crafts from squash. If the teacher gives the go-ahead, then you can decorate the marine life with different circles and dots. The tentacles are made of large pieces of plasticine, first rolling them into a long sausage. After that, you need to flatten them along the entire length. When you get smooth long stripes, start decorating them.

If you need to do a do-it-yourself craftwork from squash for a children's holiday only from vegetables, then you need to independently think out what tentacles can be made of and how to decorate the figure.

Decorating tips

  • Tentacles can be made from asparagus or celery sprigs. Feathers of onions or garlic will do.
  • You can decorate a squash craftwork with your own hands by sliced ​​pieces of vegetables having contrasting colors. It can be black olives or grapes cut in half. You can replace them with pieces of beets, which are cut into the desired shape. On each circle it will be interesting to cut corners around the circumference. Get small stars.
  • Eyes become voluminous. The first layer is placed white circles, sliced ​​from the root of parsley. On top you can arrange pieces of eggplant. Their color is dark, and their eyes will be shiny. Such a figure will look spectacular.
  • The mouth is usually made of something red or pink. It can be a strip of red lettuce or an even strip of carrots. If you need to make a smile on your head, you can cut two identical pieces of carrots and fold them in a corner.

Little house

Such a beautiful figure can be made from squash, and from small round pumpkins. It’s easy to do such a craft, even a first grader can handle it. Connect two round vegetables with a few wooden skewers. To keep the pelerink of the little house between the balls, you need to put twigs of inflorescences from the maple tree.

DIY do-it-yourself squash for Autumn Festival

On the head of the little house, a tail of squash or pumpkin is left. It will look like a hat. Hair is also maple inflorescences. They can be replaced by something else. For example, use straw or chop celery branches into thin strips.

In the photo, the eyes are made from linden seeds. They can be made from vegetable crops. For example, from cucumber or carrots, sliced ​​in round slices. Then it’s beautiful to bandage the neck area with a bright piece of cloth or a satin ribbon.

In these examples, squash was used for DIY crafts for the fall holiday. Consider a few examples of products made from zucchini or pumpkin.

Zucchini machine

This craft is quite easy. The basis is a whole, long and thin green zucchini. Then you need to work only on small details. The wheels are made up of two circles carved from zucchini and carrots. Put them on both sides of the toothpick, which pierce through the wheels along with the zucchini.

do-it-yourself autumn crafts from squash

Instead of a driver, you can put a small cherry tomato. The windshield is made from a piece of zucchini, shaped like an arc. An exhaust pipe is cut from any tubular vegetable. It can be a dense sprig of celery. Everything, the craft is ready! It is easy, but it looks interesting.

Corn plane

This craft is made of zucchini, in which flat recesses for wings are cut. From another vegetable, cut in half, the wings themselves are made. In corn, they are long and double. The peel is located outward parts, while the side of the pulp looks inward. They are attached with toothpicks. To prevent the wings from moving and falling, they are propped up with two wooden sticks on both sides.

DIY crafts from squash and squash

It remains to carry out work on the propeller and the tail of the aircraft. They are cut from zucchini and a circle of carrots. The tail is made from a piece of carrot, cutting a triangular shape with sharp corners. You can think of additional vegetables from which to create a chassis. It should be something round and strong. For example, circles of parsley or celery. The plane is ready!

Cartoon penguin

For such work, you need only one zucchini, but here you need to apply artistic taste. First you need to carefully cut a thin layer of the face and belly of the bird.

crafts from vegetables do it yourself from squash

Fins make deep incisions in the skin of the squash. Eyes can be made from pepper peas. The penguin's neck design looks like a bow on the neck. Make it not so difficult. First, a thin strip of peel is cut out and the circumference of the neck of the figure is measured. Further, a bow is made of several strips and the whole structure is attached with toothpicks.

Leg flippers are separately cut with a sharp knife, fingers should be visible. Then the whole figure on wooden sticks is installed in an upright position. If the product is unstable, then you can attach a flat wide base. For example, from a thick circle of celery to make it look like an ice floe in the ocean.


The child can perform the autumn crafts from the squash with his own hands, presented in this article, on his own, because this is not particularly difficult. Parents should help elementary school students purchase the necessary materials.

Another important point is a conversation about safety when using a knife or a chisel. Sharp objects require careful handling. It is better if mom will be next to the student during the whole process of doing crafts. If during such an activity there is no need for cutting objects, then you can give the child the opportunity to act independently.

Children are wonderful dreamers, and after all, the manufacture of vegetable crafts is creative in nature. This is a very interesting activity. Our article is for guidance only. And for your crafts, apply the knowledge gained, but realize your creative ideas. Good luck


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