Old Russian literature - what is it? Works of Old Russian Literature

Old Russian literature - what is it? The works of the 11-17th centuries include not only literary works, but also historical texts (annalistic tales and annals), travel descriptions (which were called walks), lives (narratives about the life of saints), teachings, messages, samples of the oratory genre, as well as some texts of business content. The themes of ancient Russian literature, as you see, are very rich. All works contain elements of emotional lighting of life, artistic creation.


Old Russian literature what is

At school, students learn what ancient Russian literature is like, outline the basic concepts. They probably know that most of the works belonging to this period did not preserve copyright names. The literature of Ancient Rus is basically anonymous and therefore similar to folklore. The texts were written by hand and distributed through correspondence - copying, as a result of which they were often processed to meet new literary tastes, the political situation, as well as in connection with the literary abilities and personal preferences of scribes. Therefore, the works came to us in different editions and versions. A comparative analysis of them helps researchers restore the history of a particular monument and draw a conclusion about which of the options is closest to the original source, the author’s text, as well as to trace the history of its change.

Sometimes, in very rare cases, we have the author’s version, and often in later lists you can find the monuments of ancient Russian literature closest to the original. Therefore, they should be studied on the basis of all available options for works. They are available in large city libraries, museums, archives. Many texts were preserved in a large number of lists, some in a limited number. The only options are presented, for example, "The Tale of the Mountain-Harmony", "The Instruction" by Vladimir Monomakh, "The Word about Igor's Regiment".

original character of old Russian literature

Etiquette and Repeatability

It should be noted that such a feature of Old Russian literature as repeatability in different texts relating to different eras, certain characteristics, situations, epithets, metaphors, comparisons. The so-called etiquette is inherent in the works: the hero behaves or acts in one way or another, since he follows the concepts of his time about how to behave in various circumstances. And events (for example, battles) are described using constant forms and images.

10th century literature

We continue to talk about what ancient Russian literature is. Outline the main points if you are afraid to forget something. The literature of Ancient Russia is stately, solemn, traditional. Its appearance dates back to the 10th century, or rather to its end, when, after the adoption of Christianity as the state religion in Russia, historical and official texts written in Church Slavonic began to appear. Through the mediation of Bulgaria (which was the source of these works), Ancient Rus joined the developed literature of Byzantium and the southern Slavs. To realize the interests of the feudal state, headed by Kiev, it was necessary to create its own texts and introduce new genres. With the help of literature, it was planned to educate patriotism, affirm the political and historical unity of the people and the Old Russian princes, expose their strife.

works of old Russian literature

Literature 11 - beginning of 13 centuries

Themes and tasks of the literature of this period (the struggle against the Polovtsy and the Pechenegs - external enemies, the issues of the connection of Russian history with the world, the struggle for the princes of Kiev, the history of the state) determined the character of the style of this time, which D. S. Likhachev called monumental historicism. The emergence of chronicles in our country is associated with the beginning of domestic literature.

We also note the work that can be found in the textbook "Old Russian Literature" (Grade 6). This is the "Tale of Bygone Years", which has come down to us as part of later chronicles. It was compiled by a journalist and historian monk Nestor around 1113. The narrative is based on early annalistic vaults that have not been preserved. The textbook "Old Russian Literature" (Grade 6) also includes another interesting work of the time - "The Legend of Kozhemyak."

11th century

This century dates the first lives: Theodosius of the Caves, Boris and Gleb. They are distinguished by attention to the problems of our time, literary perfection, vitality.

Patriotism, the maturity of socio-political thought, journalism and high skill marked the monuments of oratory “The Word of Law and Grace” written by Illarion in the first half of the 11th century, “Words and teachings” by Cyril of Turovsky (1130-1182). The “instruction” of the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh, who lived between 1053 and 1125, is imbued with deep humanity and concern for the fate of the state.

"A word about Igor's regiment"

Old Russian literature grade 6

It is impossible to do without mentioning this work when the theme of the article is Old Russian literature. What is the "Word about Igor’s regiment?" This is the greatest work of Ancient Russia, created by an unknown author in the 80s of the 12th century. The text is devoted to a specific topic - the unsuccessful campaign in the Polovtsian steppe in 1185 by Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich. The author is interested not only in the fate of the Russian land, he also recalls the events of the present and the distant past, therefore, the true heroes of The Word are neither Igor nor Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, who also receives a lot of attention in the work, and the Russian land, people - on which is based Old Russian literature. The “word” is connected in many ways with the narrative traditions of its time. But, as in any brilliant creation, it also contains original features, manifested in rhythmic refinement, language richness, the use of techniques characteristic of oral folk art, and their rethinking, civic pathos and lyricism.

National Patriotic Theme

Old Russian literature word

It was raised during the Horde yoke (from 1243 to the end of the 15th century) by Old Russian literature. What is patriotism in the works of this time? Try to answer this question. The style of monumental historicism takes on some expressive connotation: the texts are lyrical and have tragic pathos. The idea of ​​a strong centralized princely power acquired great significance at this time. In separate narratives and annals (for example, in the "Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu"), the horrors of the invasion of the enemy and the courageous struggle with the enslavers of the Russian people are reported. This is where patriotism manifests itself. The image of the protector of the earth, the ideal prince was reflected most vividly in the work "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky" written in the 70s of the 13th century.

A picture of the grandeur of nature, the power of the princes, opens before the reader of "The Words on the Perdition of the Russian Land". This work is just an excerpt from an incomplete text that has come down to us. It is dedicated to the events of the first half of the 13th century - the difficult time of the Horde yoke.

monuments of ancient Russian literature

New style: expressive-emotional

In the period of the 14-50s. 15th century Old Russian literature is changing. What is the expressive-emotional style that arose at this time? It reflects the ideology and events of the period of unification of northeastern Russia around Moscow and the formation of a centralized Russian state. Then, literature began to show interest in the person, the psychology of a person, his inner spiritual world (although still only within the framework of religious consciousness). This led to an increase in the works of the subjective beginning.

So a new style appeared - expressive-emotional, in which one should note verbal sophistication and “weaving of words” (that is, the use of ornamental prose). These new techniques were designed to reflect the desire to portray the feelings of an individual.

In the second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries. there are tales that go back in their plot to the narrative nature of oral stories ("The Tale of the Merchant Basarg", "The Tale of Dracula" and others). The number of translated works of a fictional character is noticeably increasing, the genre of legend (for example, "The Legend of the Princes of Vladimir") is very widespread at that time.

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia"

As already mentioned above, the works of ancient Russian literature borrow some features of legends. In the middle of the 16th century, Yermolai-Erasmus, an old Russian publicist and writer, created the famous "Tale of Peter and Fevronia", which is one of the most significant texts of Russian literature. It is based on the legend of how, thanks to her mind, a peasant girl became a princess. Fairy tricks are widely used in the work, social motives also sound.

Characteristics of 16th Century Literature

In the 16th century, the official character of texts is strengthened; solemnity and splendor become a hallmark of literature. Distribution is gained by such works, the purpose of which is the regulation of political, spiritual, everyday and legal life. A striking example is the Great Mineas of Chety, which is a collection of texts consisting of 12 volumes that were intended for home reading for each month. At the same time, Domostroy is being created, which sets out the rules of family behavior, gives advice on housekeeping, as well as on relations between people. In the historical works of that period, fiction penetrates more and more with the goal of giving the plot narrative amusement.

17th century

The works of ancient Russian literature of the 17th century are noticeably transformed. The art of the so-called new time begins to take shape. There is a process of democratization, expanding the theme of works. The role of the individual in history is changing due to the events of the peasant war (late 16th - early 17th centuries), as well as troubled times. The deeds of Boris Godunov, Ivan the Terrible, Vasily Shuisky and other historical characters are now explained not only by the divine will, but also by the personality characteristics of each of them. A special genre appears - democratic satire, where church and state orders are ridiculed, legal proceedings (for example, The Tale of the Shemyakin Court), clerical practice (Kalyazinsky petition).

monuments of ancient Russian literature

"Life" of Avvakum, domestic novels

In the 17th century, an autobiographical work was written who lived in the period from 1620 to 1682. Archpriest Habakkuk - "Life". It is set out in the textbook "Old Russian Literature" (Grade 9). A feature of the text is a juicy, lively language, then colloquially-everyday, then a tall book.

During this period, everyday stories about Froh Skobeev, Savva Grudtsyn and others are also created, reflecting the original character of ancient Russian literature. There are translated collections of short stories and chivalrous novels. The poem is developing (famous authors - Sylvester Medvedev, Simeon Polotskits, Karion Istomin).

The 17th century ends the history of Old Russian literature, and the next stage begins - the literature of the new time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39359/

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