Maternity benefits for the unemployed.

As soon as a woman realizes that she will become a mother, she has a huge responsibility for the birth of a healthy baby. Therefore, she radically changes her habits, leads a healthy lifestyle, does all the necessary gymnastic exercises that her doctor prescribes.

It’s good to pay a visit to a lawyer at the same time. The fact is that the current code of laws also provides for bills that explain the conditions under which they will have to work, as well as the working hours of pregnant women, stipulate maternity benefits for the unemployed and some other issues important for the expectant mother.

If we turn to the current legislation, it will become clear that no one can refuse to provide a job to an unemployed woman. And if the company cannot provide the appropriate conditions and working conditions, then the pregnant woman should be relieved of work. In this case, the employer must pay the so-called maternity benefits to the unemployed.

Of course, all women in the situation are concerned about the question of which week of pregnancy should be considered the beginning of maternity leave, as well as how to calculate maternity benefits for the unemployed.

All these issues are stipulated by the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. You can issue maternity leave starting from the thirtieth week of pregnancy. And maternity benefits to the unemployed are made within 126 calendar days, that is, a pregnant woman will receive cash benefits within 70 days before the birth of the child and 56 days after this significant event. If we talk about the Russian Federation, here, after childbirth, a woman receives payments for 70 days.

If a Russian woman gives birth to two or more children, then payments in the postpartum period last 110 days.

Who can receive maternity benefits? First of all, citizens of the Russian Federation who are registered in our country and reside permanently on its territory. Maternity payments are also granted to Russian citizens temporarily residing abroad. As a rule, this applies to families of military personnel.

The question remains how to pay maternity leave. If we turn to legislative acts, then maternity leave payment is the size of the average wage. Moreover, the work experience of a woman is not taken into account, it is considered equal to 100 percent. For example, if a pregnant woman receives a rate of $ 200, then the size of the maternity allowance will be 200x4 = 800.

This amount is approximate, since the number of working days per month, as well as holidays, is not taken into account.

Maternity benefits for the unemployed can be calculated taking into account the size of unemployment benefits, the amount of scholarships and any other income. It is no secret to anyone that a pregnant woman can receive maternity allowance only at her place of residence, in labor protection and social protection bodies. As a rule, the amount of maternity allowance is about 25 percent of the subsistence level.

In addition to maternity benefits, a pregnant woman may receive some other benefits. First of all, this includes the allowance for assisting in the birth of a child, as well as the allowance for caring for a child until he is three years old. If the child is seriously ill, then the woman has the right to apply for leave to care for the baby until he reaches the age of six.

As a rule, all mothers receive maternity leave payments. However, if an unforeseen situation arises, then other relatives, as well as representatives or guardians of the child, may receive maternity payments.

For example, payments may be made into the hands of a father, a person who is about to adopt a child, or a guardian.


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