Amazing Ice Cream Sticks

If you like ice cream on a stick, then you will definitely like this article. We will tell you how to make interesting crafts from improvised materials. The basis for them will be those same sticks.

They are environmentally friendly material, which is pleasant enough to work with. You can make a variety of crafts from ice cream sticks. It can be caskets, coasters, vases and much more. But first things first.

Examining crafts made from ice cream sticks, we will first dwell on the frame.

crafts from ice cream sticks

Photo frame

To make such a thing, you will need:

  • glue;
  • eight sticks of ice cream;
  • acrylic paints;
  • various decorative ornaments (printed pictures on a cardboard sheet).

The process of making crafts from ice cream sticks is as follows:

  1. First cover the sticks with acrylic paints (choose your own colors, for example, a good combination is green, blue and pink).
  2. After this action, you need to wait a bit until the paint dries. Then put two sticks on the table parallel to each other. Using glue, connect them to the other two (they should lie perpendicular to the first, forming a square).
  3. Next, when the glue dries, glue two more sticks from the back. Wait a little for the glue to dry, rotate the frame so that its double walls are located below and above.
  4. Then cut out the patterns from cardboard and stick them on the frame with glue. On the back of the frame in the center of the upper double strip, apply glue (a small amount).
  5. After that, set the frame on the table at an optimal angle and glue the stick (this will be a support). If you plan to hang the product on the wall, then just skip this item. The last thing you need to do is stick the picture on the back of the frame.

Pencil holder

What can be made of ice cream sticks? Vase stand. It will help to organize the pencils, you no longer have to look for them on all nightstands.

what can be made from ice cream sticks

To make such a stand, you will need:

  • glue;
  • cardboard roll from toilet paper;
  • paints;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • round cardboard base;
  • decor elements (optional).

Product manufacturing

First attach a roll to the cardboard base (pre-cut to the desired height). Then stick sticks on its outer side, make sure that there are no gaps between them.

If desired, the stand can be made curly, for example, with cloves. If you want, you can paint the finished vase with acrylics.

Some more interesting ideas

What can be made of ice cream sticks? A lot of gizmos. After all, sticks are a malleable material. From it you can easily make more complex products. For example, a house made of sticks looks very beautiful and spectacular . Such a product will appeal to the child, and will also serve as an excellent decoration of the interior.

Looking at crafts made from ice cream sticks, one cannot but touch upon the subject of making bracelets. To make such a little thing, you need:

  • sticks (quantity depends on product design);
  • rolling pin (to give the desired shape);
  • adhesive tape (or bandage);
  • decorations.

ice cream sticks master class

The manufacturing technique is very simple. First, boil the sticks in the water for half an hour so that they become elastic. Then wrap them around the rolling pin and secure with either a bandage or tape. After they dry, glue them together and decorate with beads.

Little conclusion

Now you know what crafts can be made from ice cream sticks. We have provided you with a workshop on the manufacture of these gizmos. We hope that you will be able to do such crafts together with your child.


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