Where does the dust come from and how to deal with it?

According to Wikipedia, dust is nothing but small solid particles with a diameter of up to 0.1 mm (larger ones are already sand). From here we learned where the dust comes from. It is believed that the main source of this misfortune is volcanic rocks, salt from the waters of the oceans and even (surprisingly, fact) space open spaces. In addition, plants serve as a source of dust. Their pollen spreads through the air during the period of active flowering. It is impossible to discount the smallest particles of soil that penetrate into the room through open windows (in my purely objective and unscientific view, the last theory is much closer to the truth).

Of course, people and domestic animals contribute to the cause of dust production. After all, this substance for 30% consists of waste products of living creatures. As you know, human skin (and animals too) is updated daily and imperceptibly. Dead epidermal scales settle on bedding, clothes, furniture. Just think about it: an adult leaves about 500 grams of such particles after a year.

If you look at house dust under a microscope, you will notice in it not only ticks (saprophytes), but also mold. The latter prefers a combination of dust and moisture. In such greenhouse conditions, it multiplies safely, consuming particles of the epidermis of people and animals β€œfor dessert”.

In addition to the fact that mold is a strong allergen, some of its species are toxic and are quite capable of causing intoxication.

I must say that Mother Nature took care to protect people from dust in the respiratory tract. The smallest particles settle on the mucosa and are excreted along with sputum when coughing or sneezing. But unfortunately, the possibilities of this natural barrier are not unlimited. Our body is able to overpower only a certain concentration of dust in the air. Exceeding the limit adversely affects health.

The dust familiar to our eyes is an explosive mixture of many components, most of which are far from being as harmless as it might seem at first glance. It is a very favorable environment for the propagation of microorganisms and bacteria. In addition, the dust in the apartment serves as a wonderful refuge for ticks. But it is they who are the most common cause of allergies and asthmatic manifestations.

How to maintain cleanliness in the apartment?

With where the dust comes from, everything is more or less clear. However, the question remains: how to deal with such a nuisance. Keep doors and windows closed, remove all pets from the house and do wet cleaning three times a day ? Agree, such an exit is not enough for anyone.

To defeat the enemy, you need to know as much about him as possible and develop an effective fighting strategy. Let's start with the main thing - where does the dust come from in our apartments. The main sources of its entry into the room are ventilation openings and open windows. However, do not rush to replace them with air conditioners. Recent studies have shown that mold develops in this modern technique. It is also not worth closing the ventilation holes provided for by the building project, just remove dust from the protective grill with each wet cleaning.

Another source of dust and a favorable place for the reproduction of ticks is a sleeping place and carpets. Needless to say that bed linen requires a weekly replacement. Carpets need to not only be vacuumed, but also cleaned.

If your apartment has a library, keep in mind that the main dust shelter is located there. To reduce its quantity, during the general cleaning (at least once a month), use a vacuum cleaner to walk along the roots of books, the cover and the back.

Mistresses never cease to wonder where the dust comes from if they just cleaned it. It would seem that all surfaces are wiped, carpets and upholstered furniture are thoroughly vacuumed, but very soon a thin layer of dust covers everything. This is primarily due to the fact that many of us forget about the ceiling when cleaning. But dust accumulates there. Therefore, during wet cleaning, it will not be superfluous to walk with a mop wrapped in a damp cloth over the tops. Most of the dust accumulates in the curtains, which many housewives also forget. Heavy curtains can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, it is better to wash the tulle.

The vacuum cleaner returns back to 40% of the absorbed. This is an established fact. However, modern models take this disadvantage into account. Therefore, if the old "Typhoon" still lives in your house, do not be surprised where the dust comes from.
Note that maintaining the perfect order in an apartment is the easier, the less things and furniture in it. Therefore, if you want to live clean, without regret, part with more than one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39378/

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