Can I go to Egypt now? When to go to Egypt?

Some time ago, Egypt was the most popular tourist destination. But the constant clashes of protesters with the police and the death of rioters did their job.

But now, when the situation has stabilized a little, tourists are again drawn to the warm shores of the Red Sea. Is it possible to go to Egypt now and how dangerous is staying in local hotels? Let's try to find out.

Can I go to Egypt now

Overall picture

In 2013, a wave of demonstrations swept across the country, in which several million people took part. The protesters were supported by the army, which helped to quickly remove the incumbent president.

Over time, members of the Muslim Brotherhood association and Islamists began to express their dissatisfaction with the new government, demanding the return of the old government.

The incumbent president took all appropriate measures and took the situation under his personal control. So, in some cities a curfew was introduced . The measures to disperse the demonstrators became more stringent, which led to mass arrests with the subsequent confiscation of property of many detainees.

Such a turn of events could not but cause a negative reaction from other countries. The rulers of some states recalled their ambassadors, and advised the tourists to choose another, more peaceful place to relax, since it is dangerous to go to Egypt now.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country asked tourists to avoid traveling to this place, and the Federal Tourism Agency insists on the return of money by agencies for vouchers that have already been purchased.

itโ€™s dangerous now to go to Egypt

Is it worth the risk?

Tough measures to combat outraged residents helped improve the situation. So, after some time, the situation in the country stabilized, and our government sent experts who were supposed to make their conclusion about whether it is now possible to go to Egypt.

The official delegation, which included representatives of the Association of Tour Operators and Rostourism, after visiting a number of resorts, noted that the situation in the cities was safe, and therefore, the life of tourists was not in danger. They submitted their report to the Foreign Ministry. This made it possible to believe that soon the inhabitants of Russia will again be able to travel without restrictions.

In early October, Egypt was again shocked by terrible events, and during the clashes between the military and the protesters, more than fifty people a day died on both sides. This has caused a massive reduction in the influx of tourists from other countries (including Russia).

In order not to lose earnings, tour operators (without the permission of the relevant authorities) continue to actively send vacationers to stay in local hotels and even organize field trips to other cities. This gives the right to the authorities to prosecute the director of the agency, if the tourist on vacation has a misfortune associated with the resumption of confrontations between the authorities and the protesters.

can i go to Egypt now

It is dangerous now to go to Egypt in such cities:

  • Cairo.
  • Aswan.
  • Alexandria.
  • Luxor.
  • Port Said.
  • Taba.
  • Suez.

Places for tourists

You can now go to Egypt at the resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada. They remain under the close supervision of the local police and private security, so that vacationers are not in danger. To avoid any unforeseen situations, tourists are not recommended to spend time outside the hotel.

whether to go to Egypt now

Large tour operators have the opportunity to take care of the safety of our citizens. Field trips are accompanied by several cars with police. You can not say about small travel agencies, whose clients hit the road in minivans. Visiting major cities can be life threatening.

Egypt 2014, is it worth the ride?

The situation in the country as a whole was described above. As for the resort towns, everything is quite calm here. The crime rate was even reduced to a minimum, because the main income of these residents directly depends on the number of tourists visiting.

Currently, all hotels have resumed their work. On the streets, as before, there are kiosks with all kinds of souvenirs and decorations, and from the local restaurants you can hear the divine aroma of traditional dishes.

Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to go to Egypt now is not so acute. Indeed, many tourists got used to the idea that in this country some citizens periodically express their discontent very aggressively.

Egypt 2014 is it worth going

Precautionary measures

Those who want to go on vacation to the Arab Republic of Egypt, but are afraid to witness such performances, it is advisable to keep in mind the following. The larger the hotel, the better the security. In such establishments, the infrastructure is well developed, and you do not have to travel outside their territory to buy souvenirs to friends.

Hide money, jewelry, documents in a safe. If the room does not have it, then valuables can be put in a special cell at the administrator. However, there is one thing here: for losing the key to the safe you will be sent a heavy fine (several hundred dollars), so you should be very careful.

If you decide on a field trip, then try to avoid crowded places and communicating with aggressive personalities.

Respect the people in whose country you came and their customs. Do not use obscene language and insulting words in the conversation against the residents of the city and do not enter into a dispute with them.

Rumors that Islamists travel around the city and shoot the infidels are a blatant lie. There are many people in Egypt who do not profess Islam. In Sharm al-Sheikh, a Christian church was built where tourists and residents of the city pray.

As for the taxi, it is better to use the vehicle from the hotel. Local drivers often cheat, therefore, having left somewhere and not having specified the fare in advance, be prepared for the fact that in the end you will have to pay 2-3 times more expensive.

There is no need to talk about public transport. They frankly neglect the rules of the road. Therefore, a mentally unprepared person can get very stressed by driving at least once on a bus, the driver of which considers it his holy duty to โ€œcutโ€ someone on the highway or not to miss transport at the intersection.

Just in case

This paragraph applies to women, or rather, their manner of dressing. If you are going to go to a neighboring city, then the outfit should be loose cut and cover your arms and legs. At the entrance to the local shrine, it is advisable to put a scarf or scarf on your head. This rule must be followed implicitly, because so many women had to get into unpleasant situations because of their appearance.

In local nightclubs, girls in revealing outfits should be patient. After all, men can afford a couple of indecent compliments to them. In order not to aggravate the situation, try to calmly respond to such statements.

it is dangerous to go to Egypt


Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: "Should I go to Egypt now?" Indeed, much depends on the purpose of the visit, on which cities you will visit and how you personally feel about the events taking place there. If you belong to people who need only a deck chair, water and a few meters of beach to relax, then you definitely are not in danger.

If you are panicky afraid for your life and donโ€™t even want to hear that in a country where conflicts are periodically escalating, there can be a good rest, then, of course, itโ€™s dangerous to go to Egypt. And not only in it, but in any other country.

Parents often wonder whether it is possible to go to Egypt with children now. But you must admit, if you follow the rules described above, then why not. Indeed, in resort towns there is no hint of a confrontation between the government and the protesters.


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