What is the phenomenon of electronic voice?

Many people are sure that the other world really exists. And it is quite possible to establish contact with him. Moreover, in order to talk with the deceased, you can not use special boards for spiritualistic sessions and do not resort to the services of mediums. Indeed, thanks to modern technology, anyone can record the voice of a ghost and decrypt his message to the world of the living. To understand what the phenomenon of electronic voice (FEG) is, we will try in this article.

the phenomenon of electronic voice documentary

The first attempts to "establish contact" with the world of the dead

Voices from another world tried to hear even Thomas Edison. He believed that people are not able to communicate with the subtle worlds only because their senses are not sensitive enough for this. Well, the soul is a certain kind of wave that does not disappear after death, but simply begins to exist in a different form. The inventor believed that it was possible to invent equipment that could record messages from “dead souls”. True, Edison himself did not have time to realize his plan.

There is a version that Nikola Tesla was recording the voices of dead people. True, he was frightened of the results of his own research and destroyed them. Therefore, it is currently impossible to verify this information.

Posts by Friedrich Jurgenson

The phenomenon of electronic voice was discovered by accident. In 1959, a documentary filmmaker from Sweden Friedrich Jurgenson set off to record songbird voices for his new film. However, along with bird singing on film, it was possible to distinguish the voices of people who seemed to Jurgenson similar to the voices of his late relatives. Surprisingly, they informed Frederick of the details that could only be known to him himself, and the facts concerning the closest relatives of the operator ... Well, at certain moments, amazed Jurgenson heard someone give a man's voice a lecture on the features and habits of people living in Sweden birds. It was concluded that such a broadcast could not be a random combination of sounds: it was a meaningful message addressed to a specific person.

It is Friedrich Jurgenson who is considered the founder of the FEG study. He was the author of the first book published on this subject, entitled "Radio Communication with the Beyond World."

phag electronic voice phenomenon reviews

The experiments of Konstantin Raudiv

A psychologist from Latvia, a student of Karl Gustav Jung, Konstantin Raudiv, tried to continue the research of Friedrich Jurgenson. The first book of Raudive, which describes the phenomenon of electronic voice, is called "Inaudible becomes audible", the second - "Are we experiencing death?".

In 1971, with the participation of Konstantin Rudiev, a rather remarkable experiment was conducted. The psychologist was invited to an acoustic laboratory, which was completely shielded from any possible microwave interference. Radiev was in a room isolated from external noise. For 18 minutes he just talked “with space”. During the recording, no one in the laboratory noticed the noise. However, when the tape was heard, it turned out that more than a hundred voices could be heard on it.

phag phenomenon of electronic voice

How do ghosts "talk"?

Raudive concluded that it is best to record an electronic voice against a background of any white noise. The researcher believed that the dead can use chaotic sound waves, converting them into the sound of their own voice: ethereal souls are not capable of making sounds on their own. After all, the first recordings were obtained against the background of birdsong and the sound of the wind, which served as “building material” for ghosts.

By the way, after the death of Raudiv, his colleagues managed to record the voice of the researcher: the psychologist advised not to stop studying the phenomenon of electronic voice ...

phag electronic voice phenomenon how to record

Fashionable hobby

If in the middle of the XIX century the world was swept by a craze for spiritualism, then in the 60s of the XX century in Europe a fashion for the phenomenon of electronic voice began. People tried to contact their deceased relatives with the help of telephones, tape recorders, televisions ... There were even societies for the study of FEG. The phenomenon of electronic voice was considered real: it was possible to obtain numerous evidence that people who have left earthly life are trying to establish contact with the living and are quite sympathetic towards them. Even in the Vatican, after listening to some notes, they didn’t condemn the “contactees”, having issued a short verdict: “To all the will of God.”

electronic voice phenomenon

Electronic Voice Recorders

In 1973, US inventors George Mick and William O'Neill began work on a special device that would establish contact with the ghostly world. The device, called "Spirik", consisted of several generators that simulated 13 votes, as well as a host system. The inventors claim that with the help of Spirik they managed to establish contact with the recently deceased scientist from NASA and record as much as 20 hours of conversation.

In 1982, a German physicist Otto Köning tried to create a system for communication with the world of the dead, which would transmit messages in the infrared range. However, there was no convincing evidence that the device was working.

Unfortunately, at the moment, devices that would allow us to establish stable contact with the paranormal world have not been invented. Although it is possible that this fact should be rejoiced, it is not without reason that it is said that “there is considerable sadness in considerable knowledge ...”.

the phenomenon of electronic voices unraveled

How to record ghost voices?

Many researchers try to record the voices of the dead using ultra-sensitive equipment and special sound processing software. Everyone can try to conduct an independent experiment. If you are interested in FEG (the phenomenon of electronic voice), how to record it, we will tell you. It is enough for you to arm yourself with a microphone and spend some time decoding the signal. Some “professional” researchers studying the phenomenon of electronic voice, the experimenters will need to record the recording instructions, turn off the lights in the room and light candles, as this contributes to a better quality of communication with the other world. However, this is not necessary at all: in any case, mysterious noises will be heard on the recording.

The content of messages from the other world

What are the voices from the other world talking about? As a rule, it is possible to fix individual words or phrases, occasionally “lucky” come long phrases. Researchers of the FEG (electronic voice phenomenon), whose reviews say that contact is possible, argue that if a person who is present in the recording room asks questions, then he can get answers to them.

By the way, researchers of paranormal phenomena believe that the souls of the dead are able not only to talk with the living, but also to show them their image by projecting themselves on the TV screen off. True, most of the "projections" were observed on televisions equipped with tube picture tubes. Apparently, modern technology for some reason does not allow ghosts to seem to the surviving relatives.

electronic voice phenomenon instruction


Of course, it is very tempting to believe that after death the human soul does not disappear, but continues to exist in a different form, protecting and guarding those who remain on the earth. Such faith helps to survive grief, inspires confidence that sooner or later a meeting with deceased loved ones will nevertheless take place. However, does the phenomenon of the electronic voice of faith deserve scientific credibility?

The answer, unfortunately, is negative: it can be argued that the phenomenon of electronic voices is unraveled. No serious researcher will devote time, for example, to Christmas fortune-telling, when girls, putting one mirror opposite the other, see in reflection their narrowed one. Of course, this is just a game of imagination, multiplied by an ardent desire to see the image of a certain person. Electronic voices sound very unconvincing: if you want, you can hear any phrase in the "white noise" and even recognize a familiar voice. After all, the human brain is designed in such a way that he is trying to bring order to any chaos. It is on this basis that the Rorschach test is based : when he sees ink blots, a person notes their similarity with animals, plants, people, or household items.

In addition, almost all the recordings that are posted on the Web turned out to be a fake, created by processing recordings of ordinary live voices. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone was able to capture the message from the other world. Of course, many are interested in the phenomenon of electronic voice: a documentary film about this phenomenon attracts great attention. However, FEG should be regarded as another urban myth that arose on the wave of civilization reaching a new technological level. If you used to communicate with the world of the dead with the help of boards and plates, now phones and digital recordings come to the rescue ...

Sometimes longing for a deceased person can be unbearable. I want a phone call to be heard in the apartment after the death of a loved one, and my native voice would say: “I’ve got well, I am settling in, see you.” Perhaps because of this blind hope that the soul does not die, but simply moves to a new stage of existence, FEG studies are so popular. Scientific evidence that the dead can talk with the living, unfortunately, has not been received.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39404/

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