Tavrichesky Bank: depositor reviews

Recently, news channels and print media have been increasingly informing the public about the serious problems faced by the St. Petersburg Bank, known to citizens and businesses as “Tauride”. What are the difficulties of this financial and credit institution, what efforts its management is making to improve the situation, what are the forecasts of specialists for the near future and, finally, what the bank's customers think about this, this article will help to understand.

Tavrichesky Bank: general information

Commercial Bank Tavrichesky (OJSC) was established at the beginning of 1993, in the month of April. The institution owes its opening to nine enterprises and organizations, the vast majority of which specialized in the production and sale of high-tech products. Currently, the owners, in whose hands are more than 5% of the shares, are: Zakharzhevsky O. Yu., Who holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kuznetsov I.V. - one of the members of the Board of Directors, Somov S.A., head of the Management Board, and also known "SPAREBANK 1 NORD-NORGE ", "West-Invest" and "SPIK".

Since its introduction on the market, Tavrichesky Bank has been continuously developing, expanding not only the list of services offered to its customers, but also opening more and more new branches in various cities and regions of Russia. Today, in addition to the main office, located, as is known, in St. Petersburg, it has 57 structural divisions, among which the most successful activities include the Tavrichesky Bank (Sosnovy Bor), as well as branches located in Moscow and cities Pechora, Arkhangelsk, Cherepovets, Kingisepp, Ukhta, Emva.

You can get a loan, bank cards, pay bills, transfer funds to anywhere in the world, and exchange currency at the Tauride Bank, as well as at its branches. The clients of this financial institution are nearly 250 thousand individuals and approximately 40 thousand companies.

tauride bank reviews

Why was the Tauride Bank created?

Opening a bank, its founders set themselves the following main goals:

  1. The primary goal of any business is to cure profits.
  2. Strengthen the financial position of shareholders and increase the efficiency of their economic activities.
  3. Contribute to the solution of tasks that needed to be solved by specialized enterprises, the owners or main shareholders of which were the persons who established the Tavrichesky Bank.
  4. To provide the population and legal entities with services of a fundamentally new level, appropriate to the time and meeting the ever-growing needs of modern customers.

History tour

In the early `90s, business began to grow rapidly in all large and small cities of Russia. Petersburg is no exception. Tavrichesky Bank, established in the cultural capital, from the first days of its opening, focused on the fact that its primary task is to provide customers with a full range of banking services. It was emphasized that the relationship between the financial institution and its customers is based on partnership, cooperation and respect.

Throughout the entire period of its activity, the bank constantly introduced advanced technologies into its work, used the latest scientific and technical achievements, modernized the information base, which allowed it to find an individual approach to each client and find ways to satisfy even the highest requirements. In addition to the professionalism of its employees, the Tavrichesky Bank guarantees to everyone who applies full confidentiality and reliability.

In 1999, the bank became a member of the well-known and very popular payment system Visa International and, of course, MasterCard. At present, despite all the problems that Tavrichesky is facing, its management is doing everything possible to ensure that it does not lose the trust honestly deserved for more than 20 years and continue to meet even the most daring expectations of regular customers.

taurian bank saint petersburg problems

What bank services can individuals use?

Tavrichesky Bank - License No. 2304 - offers individuals the widest possible range of services that absolutely capable people can use. Thus, everyone is given the opportunity to get a loan, including a mortgage, open any type of deposit - ruble or currency - with the possibility of replenishment and monthly payments, upon request, get a bank card with which its holder can quickly and without unnecessary troubles various non-cash payments (pay utility bills, purchases in traditional and online stores, transfer funds from your account to the accounts of other individuals or organizations, receive earnings uy fee). In addition, Petersburgers have a unique opportunity to store documents that are especially important for them, precious things, and in general everything that they like, by renting specially equipped safe boxes. Even such a service has been provided by Tavrichesky Bank (St. Petersburg) to its customers for more than 10 years. Problems in case of occurrence are solved instantly due to the high level of service and professionalism of employees. All necessary documents are drawn up as soon as possible and without unnecessary bureaucratic delays.

Tavrichesky Bank offers on deposits for 2015

Despite the difficult economic situation in which Russia found itself due to the sanctions imposed against it by European countries and the USA, deposit rates for 2015 did not decrease. Tavrichesky Bank offers everyone to open one of the following four types of deposits in any of their structural divisions:

  1. Cumulative (with a monthly payment of interest on a deposit) - with a minimum deposit amount of 100,000 rubles, for a period of up to 370 days, with the possibility of replenishment and a rate reaching 10.75% per annum.
  2. Cumulative (with payment upon expiration of the deposit term) - rubles are accepted (minimum initial deposit is 10,000 rubles), US dollars (1000 $), and also euro (not less than 1000 €). Deposit term - 91 days, with the possibility of replenishment.
  3. Urgent (with a monthly payment of interest on a deposit) - with a minimum contribution amount of 30,000 rubles. (12.8% per annum) either $ 1,000 (3% per annum) or 1,000 euros (also 3% per annum). Deposit term - 91 days.
  4. Urgent (with payment upon maturity of the deposit) - with a minimum deposit amount in rubles - 30,000 (13.8% per annum), in US dollars - 1000 (3.5% per annum), in euros - 1000 (3.5% per annum) . Deposit term - 91 days.

Individual entrepreneurs and organizations can also apply for information regarding the conditions that the Tavrichesky Bank offers them on deposits. Deposits of legal entities are held in rubles, US dollars and euros, and interest rates depend on the amount of the down payment and the term of the deposit (usually from 3 to 12 months).

Tauride Bank Bankruptcy

What can the Tauride Bank offer to legal entities?

Every self-respecting entrepreneur prefers to deal with a trusted financial institution that is trustworthy and enjoys a good reputation. This is, among other things, the Tauride Bank. Deposits of individuals - not all that he can offer his customers. The bank also takes care of the interests of small, medium and large businesses. Thus, Tavrichesky provides legal entities with the opportunity to use the following types of services:

  1. Settlement and cash services (RKO) - a service that provides for opening bank accounts through which customers can carry out cashless payments, conversion and documentary operations, draw up check books, remotely manage personal accounts, etc.
  2. Operations involving the issuance, sale, redemption, exchange, pledge of bills. Recall that a bill of exchange is a security issued on letterhead, on which special protection is applied when issued to the printing house. The bank is obligated to the holder of the bill of exchange to pay the bill amount, including the discount, upon the expiration of the period indicated on the security.
  3. Registration of corporate and salary cards, with which you can pay for purchases both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, manage travel and business expenses, receive wages, etc.
  4. Acquiring offered to enterprises specializing in trade or the provision of various services to the public.
  5. Currency control - a service related to the conduct of economic external activities of an enterprise or organization, as well as the conduct of currency transactions and the execution of complex financial transactions that require consultation of highly qualified specialists.
  6. Brokerage services - opening and, accordingly, maintaining a brokerage account.
  7. Depository services - opening a custody account and its maintenance.

All these services can be used by collecting the necessary package of documents and contacting the Tauride Bank with the appropriate application. Customer reviews about the level of service and quality of work performed by specialists are mostly positive. The Bank guarantees assistance and prompt resolution of any, even the most difficult problems.

Tauride Pine Bank

What does the development strategy of the bank provide?

Particular attention should be paid to the development strategy that the Tauride Bank adheres to. Reviews of experts about it are beyond praise. In order not to be unfounded, it should be noted that the management plans for the near future include such tasks as:

  • raising the technical level of all bank systems;
  • introduction and development of advanced forms of service;
  • improvement of the Internet banking service;
  • the opening of new structural units;
  • increasing the efficiency of existing branches;
  • improvement of technical equipment of workplaces of bank employees;
  • capital increase through the issue of shares.

The development strategy, in spite of all the problems that exist today, remains the leadership that Tavrichesky Bank strictly follows. The bankruptcy that has been talked about so much lately is very exaggerated. At least, so say the main shareholders of the financial institution, and regular customers of the bank support this position and are in no hurry to change the partner with whom they have been fruitfully cooperating for many years.

tavrichesky bank deposits

Tavrichesky Bank: bankruptcy or reorganization?

The year 2014, due to a series of economic sanctions against Russia, was a real test for the country as a whole. The financial difficulties faced the majority of the population of the Russian Federation. The problems that affected the entire Russian banking sector did not leave aside the Tauride Bank. Reviews with a negative connotation about his activities began to spread with great speed. In January of this year, information leaked to the press that the capitalization of a financial institution had reached a critical level, which amounted to 10.7% with 10% of acceptable. The leadership of Tavrichesky is trying to make a difference for the better by lending and issuing additional shares. However, experts are skeptical of these attempts, and their forecasts remain disappointing. More recently, the question of what the Tavrichesky Bank expects — revocation of the license or nonetheless reorganization — was widely discussed. Opinions, as usual in such cases, were divided. Those who claimed that there was no bankruptcy turned out to be right. This became known on March 13 of this year, when the Bank of Russia approved the International Financial Club (OJSC AKB) as an investor who is to exercise control over the activities of Tavricheskiy with a view to its financial recovery. As a result of these actions, it is assumed that the bank will be able to fully restore the effective service to its customers and, as before, make timely payments and other payments.

deposit rates Tauride Bank

Tavrichesky Bank: customer reviews

Just a month ago, bank customers were panicky afraid of losing all their savings. Many believed that the Tauride Bank (St. Petersburg) could not avoid the closure. The problems that he had to face seemed to inevitably lead him to revoke the license and, accordingly, to close it. Naturally, in such conditions, customer reviews of the bank were not the best. However, in connection with recent events - the decision to reorganize - the situation has changed radically, and people have the hope that Tavricheskiy will be "rehabilitated" and will continue to please its employees with a high level of service and professionalism, while guaranteeing reliability and complete safety finance.

Tauride Bank license revocation

Employee reviews on the activities of Tavrichesky Bank

Tavrichesky management has always been very responsible in selecting its employees. The bank employs highly professional specialists, who perform their duties in a quality manner and are able to find a solution to even the most complex problems. In turn, the management of a financial institution appreciates each of its employees and makes every effort to create a working environment for the team under which it will feel as comfortable as possible. This fact is also confirmed by the bank’s specialists, who are so proud that they were lucky enough to work in Tavrichesky, that they didn’t even think about changing their place of work even in not very easy times for the bank.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39405/

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