Cape Kaliakra (Kavarna, Bulgaria): how to get, description

Cape Kaliakra is a place of interweaving of incredible stories and legends, therefore its attendance is maximal among residents of the Black Sea coast and foreigners. The attraction is located 12 kilometers southwest of Kavarna and 6 kilometers from the village of Balgarevo. How did the history of the extremely significant tourist site in Bulgaria begin?

Pages of history

Cape Kaliakra

Cape Kaliakra (Bulgaria) is widely known for its rich historical heritage. The fact is that it is a narrow peninsula of a rocky nature, crashing into the sea, the length of which is two kilometers.

Waves for a long period of time formed niches and grottoes inside the rocks, which in ancient times carried out the role of warehouses, from where products were loaded onto commercial ships. It is important to note that this place was actively inhabited since ancient times, because the rocks, whose height was 70 meters, served as excellent protection against attacks from the sea. And the first inhabitants to find Cape Kaliakra a suitable place for life, were members of the Thracian tribe of Tiriz (hence the original name - Tiriz). In the VI century BC, they built a stone fortress on the territory of the modern cape.

However, a little later, the lands of Kaliakra were captured by the Romans, as a result of which they received a different name - Akrus Kastelum, which means "fortified cape". Already in the IV-VI centuries of our era, the settlement was called Acre and had significant (compared to previous) scales.

Thus, to this day a significant part of the walls of stone has been preserved in the territory represented since antiquity and the Middle Ages, which annually attract a huge number of tourists.

Attraction today

Cape Kaliakra (Bulgaria)

Despite the fact that little has been preserved from the ancient settlements (and in fact during the times of the Dobrudjan principality the city was the capital, accordingly, had a significant amount of incredible beauty of the buildings), tourists have the opportunity to see elements of history, which for the most part were reconstructed. For example, the gates of Kaliakra fortress stand out noticeably from a great many ruins. It should be noted that an archaeological museum was erected on the territory of the cape. And its location in the cave attracts tourists even more. However, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to master the difficult path along a paved path to the very cape, for which people often do not have enough energy and time.

Undoubtedly, visitors to this place are pleased with the fact that near the museum there is a restaurant with traditional cuisine, as well as a monument to the defenders of the fortress who fought in 1388. In addition, inside the rock is the chapel of St. Nicholas, considered the patron saint of sailors and travelers.

Luxurious views

Bulgaria in October

Unapproachable rocks, an incomparable sea, striding into the distance, intoxicating air, rich flora and the smell of absolute freedom - all this is directly related to the cape (Kavarna, Bulgaria). By the way, not only numerous tourists enjoy the latter, but also cormorants, as a rule, nesting in this area. You can also see dolphins at the cape, but for this you need to be an absolute luck. The cliff is completely treeless, and then the bare steppe, which May flowers make simply incomparable, so it is very advisable to visit the sights in the spring season.

On the territory of the cape is a stone lighthouse, whose height is 68 meters. In addition, the place is decorated with such buildings as an obelisk for 40 girls, as well as a stele in honor of Admiral Ushakov and the chapel of St. Nicholas (1993), mentioned in the previous chapter.

Cape Kaliakra, as a rule, tourists visit in the mode of an organized spa tour. In addition, people are actively transported from Kavarna to the village of Bolgarevo (Bulgarevo) via buses. From there you can walk to the cape. It should be noted that the historical attraction has its own information center located in Bolgarevo.

Holidays in Bulgaria

Kavarna (Bulgaria)

Any tourist resting at such resorts as Sunny Beach, Golden Sands and others can visit Cape Kaliakra, because from time to time there are organized interesting excursions. In addition to the legendary location of the northern coast of Bulgaria and the Dobrich region in particular, this zone has many other attractions:

  • Aquarium of Varna (part-time museum of the Black Sea);
  • the ancient fortress of Serdica, today in a state of ruins, nevertheless being very popular among the population;
  • The Bachkovo Monastery (formerly called Petritsonsky) is part of the country's hundred national treasures;
  • the library named after Cyril and Methodius, located in the center of Sofia;
  • Varna Lake, which is the largest on the entire coast of Bulgaria;
  • Bata Village with 1,500 inhabitants;
  • Valley of roses, located on a significant hill;
  • Evksinograd (summer residence of the royal family on the Black Sea coast) and others.

Bulgaria in October

How much is a ticket to Bulgaria?

It often happens that vacation falls precisely in the autumn period. What if you really want to go to Bulgaria, but the summer has already ended? No problem! Although beach holidays are officially excluded, this resort has a great many other attractions, in addition, the cost of trips for the autumn season is certainly pleasing.

In October, Bulgaria will appeal to tourists who prefer outdoor activities. Such people enjoy visiting tours, sightseeing and exploring the local flavor with particular comfort, because the heat itself is not observed, and serious autumn cold has not yet arrived. Moreover, Bulgaria in October is completely rainy.

You can enjoy the most beautiful views without fuss, because the number of tourists is reduced, compared with previous months. If you want to go on vacation with your children, it would be advisable to choose one of the balneological resorts (Sapareva Banya, Sandanski or Velingrad). If a tourist is β€œlit up” by bike rides along the coast or a regular acquaintance with the area, you can visit another no less prestigious resort.

Bulgaria in winter

Bulgaria in winter

It is a serious mistake to call a winter holiday in Bulgaria boring, because incredible beauty and a great many entertainments are its main advantage. Alpine skiing takes the first position in a series of pastime options. Snowboards, skis, sledges and skates for the Bulgarians are as natural as summer diving or surfing. In addition, you can swim and sunbathe there even in winter in specially designed hot-type mineral pools.

It is important to note that in winter Bulgaria often lives without snow. This trend especially applies to coastal cities (Barnv, Burgas and others). This is what gives value and beauty to the mountains. And how romantic the snowy villages look, located at a considerable height! It is important to note that even with a significant delay in snow, specialized generators begin to work in the ski resort of Bansko . Hence the conclusion suggests itself: the organizers of a tourist vacation do everything in order not to disrupt the season for vacationers, which, of course, deserves praise and respect.

Why exactly Bulgaria?

How much do the sights of this area light up the soul? When is the best time to visit one of the resorts? And how much does a ticket to Bulgaria cost? Tourists often ask such questions, which, of course, attract the comfort and safety of a given country. There are pristine beaches, exciting entertainment and incredibly beautiful views at any time of the year. In addition, a whole firework of impressions can be obtained not only from the contemplation of the surrounding nature and active pastime, but also from the hospitality of the local population.

It is important to note that 80 percent of Bulgaria's guests prefer to relax on the Black Sea coast, and this is not surprising, because the endless beach cannot but impress. In this country there is a wide abundance of relaxing factors: the bright sun, the inspiring sea, endless beaches with golden sand and, of course, interesting sights. Cape Kaliakra (Bulgaria) is one of the most popular of them.

Even the names of the resorts (Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Dunes) cannot leave anyone indifferent, therefore, every year Bulgaria receives a huge number of tourists who subsequently sincerely enjoy the unusual and so comfortable atmosphere.


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