Skating rink in Izmailovsky park: photos, address, reviews

How sometimes you want to escape from routine and city dust, breathe fresh air and gain strength from nature. But the pace of modern life does not always make it possible to break into the forest or to the river: cottages, gardens, repairs ... Vacation flies by unnoticed. But you can always find a way out! One option is to visit Izmailovsky Park.

This is an oasis among the concrete desert, which is hidden in a forested area. In addition to the beautiful nature, he has something to brag about - convenient location, clean air, a sea of ​​entertainment for children and adults. Just a couple of years ago, an ice rink opened in Izmailovsky Park.

The story of an amazing park

This area was originally far from something that would resemble a park. From 1571 to 1585, the territory was in the possession of the boyar N.R. Zakharin-Yuryev. A little less than a century he was occupied by the descendants of the Romanovs, and then the estate was occupied by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In this estate, he made a suburban residence.

skating rink in Izmailovsky park
From this time, landscape change begins. A pond in the form of a ring was built on the Serebryanka river, on which there is a round island with a palace in the middle. The remains of the building remained until 1855.

The year 1676 was marked by the construction of the Nativity Church, and in 1679 the Cathedral of the same name. For protection, two gates and a fence were erected.

The estate was surrounded by gardens: Mulberry, Grape, Pharmaceutical. Luxurious berry plants grew, gardens made it possible to deliver the freshest produce to the table, and beer was brewed from hops, which were bred in the courtyard. In addition to fruit trees, decorative ones were also brought in, specially hired foreign gardeners came to look after them. Linden alleys survived until the mid-19th century . There were also many office buildings that provided the vital functions of the family and servants.

Peter I came to Izmailov to spend leisure time in fun games and fun. The hills or dams that our contemporaries know were formerly the Zhukovsky dam, which was built by the tsar.

Izmailovsky park square
After his death, the estate went through hard times. Since the mid-19th century, the Nikolaev military almshouse was located in it. But soon the territory becomes a specific department and a decision is made to conduct forestry.

Soviet period

If you are guided by the modern borders of the park, then on its outskirts the Izmailovsky menagerie used to be located . There was nothing left of him, except for the names of the adjacent streets - Izmailovsky menagerie and Zverinetskaya. The area of ​​Izmailovsky Park during the period of Stalin’s rule amounted to 1200 hectares. On its territory was a cinema, theater, parachute tower. By right, he was considered the best park in the country.

Izmailovsky park how to get
Unfortunately, then they did not have time to build a railway for kids, which would be a curiosity of that time.

Children's attraction is not the only idea that has not been realized. Fortunately, the park remained, because according to the architect’s plan, they had to uproot it, dig an artificial pond, and build a Central Stadium named after the General Secretary on one of the banks.

The plans were disrupted by the death of Joseph Stalin. No sports facility was erected, the pond remained a project on paper. However, to the great joy of the locals, they managed to stretch a subway line here. Now it is the Partizanskaya metro station. Since then, Izmailovsky Park has become more accessible; every Muscovite knew how to get to it.

Another event - the installation of the Ferris wheel in 1957.

Modern stage

In 1998, Izmailovsky Park received the title of a specially protected natural area. In connection with this, the name also changed - it became natural-historical.

skating rink in Izmailovsky park photo
Festivals for youth, children and adults are held here annually. In addition to such events, the leadership actively took up the popularization of the park. Almost every day, you can participate in various contests, master classes, competitions.

Walking alleys were reconstructed, and their network was conveniently spread across the park. Not so long ago, an ice rink in Izmailovsky Park was flooded, which immediately caused a storm of positive emotions among citizens and guests of the capital.

What to watch

Walking along the alleys is a pleasure, but it can also be enhanced by cognitive journeys through history. So, one of the attractions is the Apiary, which has been around for a century and a half. Today, an ecocenter is located on its territory.

Piglet will certainly be appreciated by people of advanced age. Since the 60s, at this place near the metro station, pensioners are constantly going to dances and conversations. You can see them on weekends, but Piglet himself is very easy to recognize - this is a big meadow in the center of the park.

skating rink in izmailovsky park reviews
The skating rink in Izmaylovsky Park "Silver Ice" is also worth attention. Perfectly smooth surface, caring for instructors and attractive price leave the park beyond competition. Lovers of reflection in solitude can head to one of the many ponds.

Ice rink in the park

The skating rink in Izmailovsky Park received positive reviews from the very first day of its existence. The ice itself earned the most flattering words, because it fully confirms its name - silver. An ideal surface makes gliding simple and easy. The guests of the square also appreciated the pricing policy.

The skating rink in Izmailovsky Park is one of the cheapest in the city. Here you can rent skates and enlist the support of a coach if you are stepping on ice for the first time.

The location was not left without attention - restaurants, cafes, entertainment venues surround the ice rink in Izmaylovsky Park. Photo, video equipment, mobile phones can be left in a left-luggage office.

ice rink in Izmaylovsky park silver ice


It is located on the Avenue of the Big Circle, 7. There are two ways to get there. The first one is to take the metro and get off at the Partizanskaya and Izmailovskaya stations. Pedestrians and motorists need to drive out or go on the Enthusiasts highway.

The park is open around the clock, because all entrances are always open. Entrance to the park is free, but you will have to pay for entertainment if they require it.

You can come by bus to Izmailovsky Park. How to get there You must find routes 7 or 131 that follow it. The stop is called the same as the park.

ice rink in Izmaylovsky park silver ice


Hiring skates will cost 150 rubles per hour, but you will immediately have to pay a security deposit of 1000. If you didn’t return the skates on time, then after 15 minutes the price is calculated, like an entire hour. Entrance to the rink in Izmailovsky Park - 200 rubles per session. You can rent a left-luggage office or a parking space for 50 for each service, but almost indefinitely.

Pensioners and disabled people have free admission on Tuesdays from 10.00 to 16.00. Also, children of preschool age always pass freely.


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