Ivan the Red. The reign of Ivan II of Red

Ivan Ivanovich Red, or Ivan 2, was one of the representatives of the clan of Grand Dukes. He was born in Moscow on March 30, 1326. He was the second son of Ivan 1 Kalita and Princess Elena - the first wife of the king. According to some annals, Ivan the Red got his nickname because of his exceptional beauty. According to another version, because his birthday fell on Sunday at the church holiday of Fomino, or as he is also called Red Hill.

The right to reign

In 1340, Ivan 1 Kalita died, but a year before his death, he, along with his elder sons Simeon and Ivan, went to the khan in the Horde. The tsar wanted to be the first to get a label on state management precisely for the Moscow house, since at that time the Principality of Tver was reviving, headed by a strong ruler Alexander Mikhailovich. It was he who competed with the eldest son of Ivan Kalita and also claimed supreme power. As a result, Simeon received a label for a great reign and after the death of his father began to rule the state.

Ivan Red

Zvenigorod Prince

The second son of Kalita, Ivan the Red, according to the will of his father, gained control of 23 cities and villages, the main of which were Ruza and Zvenigorod. In addition, he also controlled a third of Moscow, which came into joint possession of three brothers. Thus, Ivan Ivanovich Red received the title of Prince of Zvenigorod.

When his father died, he was 14 years old. In those days, he was considered a practically adult man. Even then, the young prince was not perceived as an independent politician. Ivan always remained in the shadow of the activities of his brother Simeon the Proud and did not possess any special talents.

A striking example of this statement is the following fact. In 1348, the Swedish king Magnus 2 with his army suddenly invaded the territory of Novgorod land. Simeon the Proud sent his brother Ivan to help his neighbors, but he was afraid of a clash with the enemy’s army and hastened back to Moscow. By that time, the Swedes managed to capture Oreshek fortress and capture about a dozen noble persons. As a result, the Novgorodians themselves had to cope with their enemy, and Ivan the Red did not gain military glory.

Ivan 2 Red

Grand Duke

In 1353, an epidemic of plague broke out in Moscow, which claimed many lives. She did not spare the family of Simeon the Proud. After his death, the younger brother Ivan the Red unexpectedly for himself acquired the title of Grand Duke. He was completely unprepared for this, since he was not able to effectively manage the state.

This time, the horde did not intervene. Khan Uzbek just died at that time, so the rulers changed at such a speed that they did not have the time or the strength to get into the affairs of the Russian principalities. It should be noted that few wanted to see Ivan in the role of their ruler. The specific princes all the time weaved intrigues in order to prevent Ivan 2 from gaining power. But nevertheless, all their machinations did not succeed.

Ivan Ivanovich Red


Ivan 2 Red will last only 6 years in power. According to historians, he was the most faceless representative of all the princes of the Kalitich clan who had ever occupied the throne. Most likely, Ivan 2 himself understood that he must act decisively and continue the policy pursued by his father and older brother, but could not do anything.

The weakness of the new Grand Duke manifested itself almost immediately. Multiple attacks on his lands began. The Ryazan prince managed to capture Lopasnya, located between Moscow and Serpukhov. The Lithuanians, in turn, led troops to Mozhaysk, and also imposed their metropolitan on Kiev. The Novgorodians in the Horde began to intrigue against Ivan 2 and in his place read their protégé - Prince Konstantin of Suzdal. And to top it all, in Moscow itself began internal boyar feuds, as well as a fire.

All these circumstances in no way could help strengthen the power of Ivan 2. Most likely, he could not hold the reins in his hands, since weakness at that time was an unacceptable luxury if not for two factors. The first is the support of Moscow boyars who did not want to part with their privileges, the second is the church.

Board of Ivan the Red

History knows many examples when a stronger figure rises behind the weak personality of a ruler. In this case, it was the then head of the Orthodox Church, who has exceptional intelligence, remarkable diplomatic abilities and strong will, Metropolitan Alexy. It was thanks to his support that Ivan 2 the Red managed to maintain his title of Grand Duke of Moscow until his death in 1359.


Many historians are inclined to believe that the reign of Ivan the Red did not bring Muscovite anything other than easing its influence on neighboring principalities. The only merit of this prince is the accession of Kostroma and Dmitrov lands to Moscow. He is also known for being the father of Dmitry Donskoy, the great Russian commander who won the Battle of Kulikovo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39431/

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