How to find a lost Android phone? How to find Android phone location?

Losing a phone is equivalent to tragedy for almost every modern person. A sea of ​​information, including personal or confidential, which may become the property of an unfriendly thief, as well as the considerable cost of a new decent device, make mobile device users provide their reliable protection. In this they are actively helped by all kinds of "spyware" applications and Internet services. It’s good if nothing like this happens to you, but everything happens in life. Therefore, we will devote this article to a topic absolutely relevant to this day: how to find a lost Android phone. There is far from one completely affordable way.

how to find a lost android phone


This program is designed specifically for such cases and allows you to track almost all the manipulations that are performed on your device, it is now even in the opposite point of the Earth. Oddly enough, these capabilities are fairly easy to manage. The main thing is that this service should already be installed on it at the time of the loss of the phone (it is advisable to do this immediately after purchasing the device). A correctly installed application will easily determine the location of the device by GPS coordinates with an accuracy of one meter, and you can monitor its movement directly from the screen of your home computer, smartphone or any other device that supports Internet access.

Talklog Benefits

Such a pleasure, of course, is not free, but the money spent will justify itself in full, and you won’t have to wonder how to find the location of the Android phone without the help of outsiders or the police. The service working in stealth mode in no way affects the functionality of other programs on your phone, so the thief will not even suspect that his movement is carefully monitored. Such a "spy" is capable of:

  • Follow the call log and listen to all conversations. Received records are stored on the server and the user's computer.
  • Reread any kind of messages sent or received.
  • Transfer all photos and videos to the server.
  • Find an Android phone and set its location at any time.
  • Read the history of the Internet browser installed on your device.
  • Analyze the installation and remove any programs on the smartphone.
  • Carry out audio monitoring. This means that the Talklog user can connect to the stolen device, turn on the microphone on it and use it to hear in real time everything that happens at its location.
    how to find a stolen android phone

If you believe the reviews of Internet users, Talklog not only knows how to find a lost Android phone, but also allows you to fully control its work. An additional advantage of this service is the possibility of free familiarization with its work before direct purchase.

Plan b

An alternative to the previous program is the development of Lookout Mobile Security - a program called "Plan B". Its main advantage is that there is no need to buy a service in advance - you can install the utility after the phone is lost or stolen. Another advantage of the “backup plan” is the free installation. To do this, you just need to create your account on the Android Market website, download the installation file and install it on a lost device by the remote principle. After that, your device via satellite will determine its coordinates and transmit them to the owner via e-mail. You can also use another phone: you need to send a message with the text "LOCATE" to the lost device, to which he should send a message with his coordinates. As for the reviews of the free Plan B app, they are pretty controversial. Some users are satisfied with everything and no longer worry about how to find a lost Android phone. But the rest complain either about incompatibility with their operating systems, then at some other "glitches" in the program. Well, all of these are the “charms” of free apps.

how to find a lost android phone


Are you still wondering how to find a lost Android phone? Then read on. A lot of opportunities are also provided by the program, or, more precisely, the whole service, located at To use it, you must either download the application from this site and install it on your device in advance, or use the remote connection via the Google Play functions (if the phone has already disappeared). Of course, Google will ask you to register in the system, but with the help of your account you can completely monitor everything that is happening with your gadget at the moment, and even manage it. The most valuable functions of this service allow you to: determine the location of the device (using GPS-navigation), block its operation, track all telephone conversations, monitor the operation of the smartphone using SMS messages.

how to find android phone location

Google Services for Android

All the options described above require the installation of special software on a stolen smartphone. However, if you need to find an Android phone, Google is always happy to help! At the same time, you do not need to install any applications on the lost device, and it’s not scary if you didn’t take care of the security of your gadget in advance. In 2013, the developers of Google released a novelty - a tool designed for smartphones running on the Android OS. Such a service can determine the coordinates of your device and show them on the map. In addition, there is a function of realizing a remote call to a lost smartphone (even if silent mode is activated on it or a new SIM card is installed).

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Google's Android Device Manager is working!

Well, finally, let's talk about the simplest and cheapest way to find a lost Android phone. To use the Google service for Android, you do not need to make any changes to your phone or change its settings. This is only needed if you want to delete all the data from the gadget stolen from you. The developer company provides such functions completely free of charge. To do this, you just need to create your account in the Google system and activate this service with its help. Having at hand another smartphone or tablet, it can be easily tied to the created account and get started with the program. Nothing will take time for this, literally two minutes, but you can no longer worry about how to find a lost Android phone. Well, if you believe the words of people who at one time tried this feature, then the service really works. The only thing that impedes one hundred percent success is that the stolen device must be connected to the Internet at the time the platform works. Otherwise, Google is powerless.

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This is not the whole list of services available to smartphone users that will tell you how to find a stolen Android phone. But perhaps this article will lead you to the idea that the safety of your favorite gadget and the safety of its data must be taken care of in advance.


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