Geyser Bauble Patterns: Several Options

Lovers of funny bracelets around the planet are countless. Such jewelry is called baubles or baubles. But this is not just a bright accessory, but also an art that is constantly evolving. Especially popular is oblique weaving. Craftswomen improve his schemes every year. Geyser baubles among them occupy a special place due to their beauty and unusualness.

Let's figure out how to create such bright and positive jewelry.

A bit of history and theory

It’s quite difficult to figure out when prototypes of baubles first appeared. They were both among the ancient Slavs, and among other peoples. Most likely, the tradition of giving a bracelet as a sign of friendship was adopted from the Indians, and is especially popularized by the hippie subculture. True, in those days, the β€œchildren of flowers" were hardly able to weave baubles-geysers according to patterns. But they introduced fashion into bright colors in bracelets.

double geyser baubles pattern

Such jewelry belongs to the average level of proficiency. Therefore, if you are just starting to learn, try simple schemes. The essence of this technique is to take a few threads and braid them with a double knot. In bracelets with oblique weaving, the working and warp threads are constantly changing places.

The bauble-geyser weaving pattern also foresees a change in the direction of weaving. All this is reflected graphically with arrows.

Let's move on to the analysis of the simplest schemes of these spectacular decorations.

Blue-White-Black Bracelet

This jewelry is woven of 12 threads of 6 colors. The main thing to remember about the baubles-geyser schemes is that they are always symmetrical along the longitudinal axis. Therefore, at the beginning of the work, the colors are laid out in a mirror order.

patterns of baubles oblique weaving geyser

Further, according to the scheme, they are intertwined. Specifically, in this case, the operating procedure looks like this (from left to right):

  • First row: black on blue, white on light blue, aquamarine on blue, make the right knot; weave right with mirror threads.
  • Second row: blue is not involved; black on light blue, white on blue make nodes to the right and left; two aquamarine - to the right; SLR - left-right.
  • The third row repeats the first.

Weaving is necessary until the desired length is reached. As a rule, for bracelets it is 15 - 18 cm.

Double geyser

The scheme of baubles of such a plan is more complex. It already uses 24 threads. Therefore, the bracelet itself will turn out to be twice as wide, but no less beautiful.

The logic of its weaving is the same as in the previous one, but here there appear 3 longitudinal lines along which the pattern is mirrored relative to the previous section. In the diagram at the beginning, these lines run between pairs of browns and in the center between pinks. It is like weaving 3 geysers at once, but connecting them together into one product.

weaving pattern baubles geyser

Geyser Pattern Variations

What should I do if I liked the bauble-geyser scheme, but the color palette is completely inappropriate? It's simple: change colors. This is simply the principle by which this pattern should turn out, if you fully follow the algorithm of work. But the palette is always at the discretion of the craftswoman. The main thing to remember is that the colors should combine and blend seamlessly into each other, but you can also make 1-2 accents with bright contrasting threads, as in the example above with brown.

We considered only 2 variants of this pattern. There are many more other variations. For example, in the photo below.

scheme Fire and flame

Here the tops of geysers go in different directions. From this, the pattern only benefits, but does not become easier. It is better to start its implementation when the first 2 are already obtained without flaws and with normal tightening of the nodules.

Bauble Fire and flame

The color scheme is better to choose contrasting shades for different halves of the geyser bracelet. Oblique baubles created using this algorithm may not be so expressive if both halves of them merge. Craftswomen call this scheme "Water and Flame", emphasizing the combination of these two opposites both in nature and in color.

Real friendship bracelet

Both Indians and hippies used baubles as an expression of sympathy and friendship for each other. There were even such instances that, moving from person to person, could change dozens of owners and visit many cities, and even countries.

Who knows, maybe your creation will repeat the fate of its legendary predecessor travelers. But in any case, friends and acquaintances will certainly remain satisfied with such an extraordinary gift with or without it.


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