Recipe for salt dough for modeling. How to store salted modeling dough

Modeling develops hand strength and fine motor skills of fingers. It is useful to sculpt not only children, but also adults, because at the fingertips there are many nerve endings, the massage of which during work with plastic material leads to good health. It is possible to sculpt not only from clay and clay, but also from salt dough. It is done simply and quickly, no special money investments are required, but the crafts from this test are stored for a long time, they can be decorated, varnished.

Knowing the recipe for salt dough for modeling, you can create many interesting crafts. This Christmas tree decorations for the New Year, toy products for playing in the store or in the "mother-daughter." Decorative ornaments of an interior, pictures, figurines look beautiful. It is possible for a girl to make an original pendant on her neck or pendant on a bag.

After all, you can make any kind of figure out of salt dough. It can be a fairy-tale character, a favorite cartoon character, a flower or an asterisk, a typewriter or a voluminous funny cat. In the article, we will consider several recipes on how to create salt dough, how to store and bake it at home.

The easiest modeling of salt dough for modeling

This is a classic version of the preparation of this test. In order to do everything right, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a glass of white wheat flour;
  • the same amount of fine salt, such as Extra;
  • half a glass of cool water.
Ready Salted Dough

First, the dry ingredients are mixed in a large bowl, then the liquid is gradually poured into small portions. Stir constantly, so that no lumps form in the test and it is homogeneous. At the end of cooking, the dough should be smooth and dense, but not hard.

Be sure to check the integrity of the skin of the hands, as the salt is very irritating to the skin, which will cause pain and severe itching. Then rinse your hands with clean water and spread with oil or hand cream.

Glycerin-based dough

Such a recipe for salt dough for sculpting is suitable for those masters who want to give their crafts a natural shine without the use of acrylic varnish. Glycerin, which is part of the ingredients for preparing this type of dough, contributes to the fact that the finished product will have a glossy surface without varnish.

How to make salt dough

It will be necessary to prepare the following components:

  • half a liter of boiling water;
  • two glasses of wheat flour;
  • half a teaspoon of glycerin liquid consistency;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l tartar;
  • food color of any desired color.

In a large container, mix the salt with flour, add vegetable oil and tartar. Put a pot of water on the fire. After it boils, add the resulting mass to it and boil until smooth. After a while, glycerin and food coloring are added.

When the salt dough has turned out, you need to cool it and knead it with your hands until it sticks off your palms. If there is little flour, add a little while kneading.

Mix with PVA glue

As you already understood from the title of this section, we will talk about a recipe for salt dough for modeling with the addition of PVA glue. Have to take:

  • two glasses of white flour;
  • half less salt, it is advisable to take only small "Extra";
  • a little warm water - half a cup;
  • 50 ml of white thick PVA glue.
Salt dough

First, as usual, dry ingredients are mixed - flour and salt. Then warm water is poured and the composition is thoroughly mixed. Some people use a blender to achieve uniformity faster, but that doesn't really matter. You can perfectly mix the mass with your hands. When the dough has the desired consistency, PVA glue is added to the bowl and mixed again.

After receiving a beautiful uniform dough, you need to roll an even and smooth ball, wrap it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a while.

Salted Modeling Dough with Starch

Consider another option for making dough for the manufacture of crafts, which uses starch. The composition is as follows:

  • one tablespoon of starch;
  • other proportions of salt dough for modeling are equal: one glass of water, flour and fine salt.

First you need to dissolve the starch in half a portion of water. There should be no lumps, the powder is completely dissolved, a homogeneous white liquid is obtained. The rest of the water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then the starch fluid is slowly pouring in and with constant stirring we achieve the density of jelly.

Rolling salt dough

Salt and flour are mixed in a large bowl, then the cooled jelly is added in small portions, stirring constantly. The dough should not be too soft, otherwise the crafts will not hold the necessary shape and will burst.

Salty dough should be tight enough so that it can, for example, be rolled out with a rolling pin and squeezed out with molds, sculpted into a sculpture so that it has the correct shape.

Favorite recipe for kids

Such a salty dough for modeling at home is created with additional components that allow products made from it to glow in the dark. Consider the composition of such a test:

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • two glasses of flour (wheat);
  • as much warm water;
  • 100 grams of fine salt;
  • 4 teaspoons of tartar;
  • 2 capsules or tablets of vitamin E.

First, a dry mixture of flour, salt, tartar is mixed. A tablet crushed into a fine powder is added there. After thorough mixing, water and vegetable oil are poured. But this is not the whole cooking process. The resulting homogeneous mass must be put on fire and boiled over low heat until the mixture begins to stick, the consistency should resemble ordinary plasticine.

Recipe for making volume sculptures

If you make salty dough for modeling according to the recipe described below, it will be very strong, dense. Any figures will keep their shape well, do not deform during drying and do not spread. It is made easier than ever. Have to take:

  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • fine salt - twice as much - 400 grams;
  • 300 grams of ice water.
Beautiful crafts

Unlike other recipes, in this first salt is dissolved in cold water. Only after complete dissolution should flour be added in small portions. When the dough has acquired a thick consistency, knead with your hands a dense and tight dough.

Dough storage

Now you know how to knead the salt dough for modeling. It’s easy and pretty fast. It is easy to work with such a test, it is quite elastic. It can be rolled out with a rolling pin, making flat figures that are cut with a knife, squeezed out by cookie shapes.

Salt Dough Flat Figures

If you did not immediately use all the dough or made a large portion, then you still need to understand how to store the salty dough for modeling. It is necessary to mold a round ball from the residue and put it in a whole plastic bag, which is tied to a tight knot. Keep the dough in the refrigerator: in the door or on the top shelf. There, the temperature is slightly warmer than in other departments.

Before using it again, the dough must be removed first so that it warms up and becomes soft and plastic again. Thus, you can save ready-made salt dough for up to 1-1.5 months.

Drying crafts

If you are not just doing modeling for fun with children, but want the products to last for a long time, then after creating the figures they need to be dried. Perform this process in several ways:

  • in the oven;
  • on the radiator;
  • near the fireplace;
  • in hot weather - on the windowsill or on the balcony.

If the crafts are thin, they can perfectly dry naturally in a warm place. It is in the heat - on a sunny balcony or window sill. If the figure is voluminous, you can dry it first in a natural way, finish drying in the oven.

In winter, thin parts can be placed on the radiator on fabric or foil. If a fireplace is used at home, then you can lay out the products at a close distance from it on the table or even on the floor on a napkin.

How to Dry Salty Dough

If you decide to use the oven, then you need to follow a few useful recommendations:

  • You do not need to preheat the oven in advance, the temperature rises gradually so that the products do not crack or burn.
  • It is better to dry on dark baking sheets, according to the experience of many masters, there drying takes place at a faster pace, since a dark surface retains heat better.
  • Work is carried out with the door open.
  • The drying time of products depends on the thickness. If the dough has up to 2 cm, then it will take three hours to dry. The first is at a temperature of 75 ° C, the next is 100 ° C, the last is 150 ° C. If the parts are thicker than 2 cm, then it will take more time to be in the oven: 2 hours at 50 ° C, 3 hours at 75 ° C and the last 2 hours at 100 ° C.

Remember to check that the product does not swell or burn. The process is long, but after high-quality drying, the parts become strong and can last a long time.

Dough coloring

If you want to make colored salt dough for modeling, then use food-grade liquid dyes. A couple of drops from a bottle are added to the finished dough and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. This is convenient, but the dough with this method produces pastel colors. Bright saturated colors cannot be done in this way, unless you pour out a whole bottle of dye, and this is costly.

How to color salted dough

It is much cheaper to use gouache to color the dough. You need to pick up a little paint on a spoon and lower it into a container with dough, then mix everything thoroughly. The color is bright and saturated.

In the article, we told all the main points necessary to get started. Sculpt, create your masterpieces with your children, create!


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