Patterns of Russian folk sundresses. Sundress Russian folk for girls

Each nation has its own customs and traditions, inherited from the older generations. Nationality features are especially pronounced in traditional clothing. Characteristic differences of the costume are ornaments, material color, patterns and additional details. Russian national sundress is an amazing creation created by the hands of women living in Russia. In the process of its execution, many types of creativity were intertwined, such as embroidery, knitting, lace-making and weaving. Modern women are increasingly showing interest in the ethnic style of their country and are trying to recreate the image of the attire of past centuries. In this article you will not only find patterns of Russian folk sundresses, but also learn how to simply sew them with your own hands.

sundress in the Russian style

A bit of history

The traditional Russian dress seems to be the original clothes worn by the peasant women, despite the fact that in the 18th century a mandatory introduction of Western European uniforms to the tailoring of the nobility was required. Thus, along with representatives of high society, a Russian-style sundress resisted, preserving the well-established features of the national costume. The most ancient styles had the shape of a tunic and were sewn from a whole fabric with a round or rectangular cut in the middle (for threading the head). There were other types of clothing that was worn on holidays. We will describe all this below, and also consider patterns of Russian folk sundresses.

patterns of Russian folk sundresses


This type of sundress was made of two straight shelves and a solid back, connected by additional wedges on the sides. Back folds were formed on the canvas. Front panels could be wraparound, fastened with buttons or completely sewn. Due to the increase in the number of wedges, the hem of the sundress expanded, which could reach eight meters. This is clearly visible in the photo of the pattern of Russian folk sundresses. A thick lining was used for insulation. An outfit was made of velvet, brocade, silk and other exquisite materials. Kosoklinnik's fasteners were decorated with lace ribbons, galloons, braid and fringe. Appliqués were embroidered on the chest, the hem was trimmed with a red border.

DIY sundress

Straight cut, bodice and coquette

The most common and favorite model was a direct dress. It was made from a cloth with one seam or from several rectangular panels. From above, according to the circumference of the chest, the outfit gathered, forming folds. The hem of the skirt was decorated with lace, the dress itself rested on the shoulder straps. It’s not difficult to tailor such a Russian sundress with your own hands .

With changes in fashion, the design of the sundress also changed. It was complemented by a fitted bodice with straight panels sewn to it. Often, different fabrics were used for the top and lower skirt. Also, to create a more elegant silhouette, a yoke was added to the bodice.

patterns of Russian folk sundresses

We cut a sundress Russian national for the girl

The traditional outfit will be very appropriate at New Year's parties, carnivals and various celebrations. Depending on the material you have chosen, a sundress can be both a patriotic costume and casual wear. It can be worn over a shirt or shirt. The main thing is that the colors of the underwear are combined with the upper dress.

Based on the pattern of Russian folk sundresses given above, you can simulate a model for any age. To start sewing, you will need light and bright material. A girl is better to take cotton fabrics (chintz, calico) or silk, if the sundress is intended for the holiday. Then you need to make a pattern. Start by taking measurements. The first value is the distance from the armpit to the floor. Shorten the hem slightly so that the child does not stumble. Then measure the circumference of the girl’s chest and increase the figure by 2.5 times. This will be the bottom of the sundress, which will subsequently be gathered in folds. Next, you need to open the yoke, which is a strip with a length equal to the circumference of the chest and a width of about 12 cm. Increase the strip on both sides by 6 cm (for sealing and sewing on the fasteners). Straps measuring 10x40 cm are also needed.

sundress Russian folk for girls

Sewing a sundress

After you have prepared all the details, it's time to start stitching them. Fold the skirt’s canvas in half, with the wrong side facing out, and lay the seam, departing from the edge of 1.5 cm, and also leave an unbroken section for the lock on top. Sew a zipper and overcast the edges of the seam. Having sewn the top of the fabric with large stitches, pull it so that the circumference matches the size of the yoke without allowances. Then sew the skirt to the top of the sundress, placing the joints at the level of lightning. Bend the yoke in half (face inward) and sew the side slices, then twist the part. Use your hands to sweep the inside of the top to the skirt and sew. Sew the long sections of the straps and turn them on. Next - sew to the junction of the bottom and the yoke on the inside of the sundress, adjusting the length of the straps on the child. It remains to process the open sections with a border and decorate the sundress with embroidery, lace, ribbons and frills. If you strictly follow this instruction, you will get a Russian folk sundress (for a girl), sewn according to the straight cut model.

Russian national dress

Additional details of folk costume

In ancient times, Russian women wore a white fabric shirt with long sleeves under a sundress. She protected them from the sun during long work in the field. Shirts, as well as sundresses, were decorated with embroidery, which is a kind of amulet in which women mentally put “magical powers”. Patterns were drawn along the neckline and around the cuffs. Ritual or festive attire was complemented by a headdress - kokoshnik. They were solid and had various decorations. By the crest of the kokoshnik it was possible to determine which province its owner belongs to. It is worth noting that married women wore kokoshniks. The girls put on a scarf, tied behind, which was called "magpie." Shoes at any time of the year were Russian bast shoes, attached to the lower leg with ropes. They were worn over canvas or onucha.

Russian national dress

The traditional Russian outfit of a woman is very beautiful and diverse. It is easy to sew, but requires a creative approach to decoration. Based on the sundress patterns provided in this article, you can easily sew any model of dress. The rest is a matter of your desire and imagination.


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