How to make a bed for a Monster High doll: master class

Monster dolls have been in great demand for years. Every girl who has such a toy wants to create all the conditions for a comfortable life for her. Of course, a wide range of furniture for dolls is presented in children's stores, but if you can’t get it or you want to get an original thing, β€œnot like everyone else”, you can create it yourself.

how to make a bed for a monster high doll

How to make a bed for a Monster High doll, and what materials need to be prepared?

Step-by-step master class

how to make a bed for a monster high abby doll
There are many options for making DIY furniture. Consider the simplest of them, which do not require serious time costs. The most important thing in this matter is to prepare all the necessary materials, tools and think over the design of the crib itself. So, for work you will need:

  • shoe box;
  • colored paper (velvet, corrugated);
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • felt-tip pens of different colors;
  • paints (gouache, watercolor);
  • brushes;
  • Scotch;
  • PVA glue.

Once everything is assembled, it's time to learn how to make a Monster High doll bed.

Regular bed

To make an ordinary bed, two cardboard boxes, cloth napkins of different colors are suitable. When choosing a box, you need to focus on the fact that the doll in a supine position should fit entirely on it. If you need to seat the doll, then in this position it should reach with your feet to the floor. As a base, a shoe box is ideal. Let's see how to make a bed for a Monster High doll with our own hands using an example of a box whose length is 29.5 cm and height is 6 cm.

Instruction manual

  1. The ends of the box should be well sealed, its sides need to be glued with a viscose cloth.
  2. From the second box, it is necessary to cut out a rectangular or rounded part (width 10.5 cm, length 14 cm), which will act as a back for the bed. The cut out part needs to be pasted with a napkin in the same color as the basis for the bed.
  3. Now it's time to decide on the design of the furniture. It all depends on the model of the doll. If the question is how to make a bed for a Monster High doll by Claudine Wulf, then on the back of the furniture you can put an image in the form of a wolf's footprint. You can draw it or make an application from a fabric of a different color.
  4. To assemble the resulting parts, you need to use glue. After the back is attached to the end of the bed, you can start decorating it. Folds can be decorated with lace or satin ribbon.

Ottoman bed

An ottoman bed for a monster doll is also done without much difficulty. In order to get toy furniture on a cardboard box, you need to draw a line, indenting 2 cm from the top and 1 cm on each side. Then you can take on cutting the base. The blank can be glued with velvet paper or colored adhesive tape. Rhinestones, beads, clippings from old magazines are ideal as decor. The backrest for the ottoman can be cut out of thick cardboard. You can also design it to fit the style of a monster doll.

Bunk bed

how to make a bed for a monster high claudine wolf doll
How to make a bed for a Monster High doll if the girl has several such toys? In this case, the manufacture of a bunk bed is an ideal solution. To make such furniture, you need to prepare shoe boxes, fabric, synthetic winterizer, glue, wooden skewers for barbecue or chopsticks for sushi.

Shoe boxes need to be pasted over with paper of any color. Inside, a synthetic winterizer should be fixed, which will act as a mattress. On top of it you need to lay a piece of fabric. Sticks should be glued to each corner of the bottom box, which should protrude slightly beyond the bottom of the crib. Thus, it will stand firmly due to the legs. The second box must be attached to the upper parts of the sticks.

Bench and ottoman

How to make a bed for a doll "Monster High" Abby and others, you already know. Now it's time to take care of creating other furniture for monsters. An ideal addition to the bed will be a bench and an easy chair.

how to make a bed for a monster high doll yourself
To make an exquisite shop, you need to prepare:

  • ice cream sticks;
  • plastic straws for cocktail;
  • glue.

Now follow the instructions:

  1. Ice cream sticks should be stacked in a row at an equal distance from each other. One stick needs to be cut into three parts and glued to the base rails.
  2. Plastic straw must be cut into 4 parts and glued to the extreme rails of the bench.
  3. To build a backrest, you need to repeat all the same actions on two sticks.
  4. After that, it should be glued to the base.

To make an original ottoman for a monster doll is also not difficult. To create toy furniture you need to take a box of ear sticks, which has a round shape. You will also need a piece of padding polyester, PVA glue, fabric, a needle, threads, rhinestones, beads.

Instruction manual

  1. On the bottom base of the box you need to glue the cut-out part from sintepon. After that, the ottoman can be covered with cloth and fastened with threads.
  2. The edge of the soft part must be decorated with decorative elements.


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