Lake Constance (Germany): location, description, attractions

Lake Constance is also known as Konstanz. It is the third largest in Central Europe. Lake Constance in Germany is a popular resort attracted by many tourists. What attracts the guests pond?

A little bit about the lake ...

Lake Constance (Germany) is fed by the waters of the Rhine. On its coast there are three countries - Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Each of them derives significant tourist benefits from such a location. In Germany, on Lake Constance there are such resorts - Lindau, Huberlingen, Meersburg and Konstanz.

Beautiful Lake Constance

In Austria, the Bregenz Festival is held on the coast of a pond. The lake is widely known. On its coast are famous resorts and quiet villages, which have all the conditions for treatment and relaxation. In addition, tourists are attracted by numerous attractions. There are 11 islands on the lake, which differ in size and population. The most interesting among them is Reichenau.

How to get to the lake?

It is worth noting that the German part of Lake Constance is the most developed in the tourist sense. The length of the coast of the reservoir in Germany is 173 km. Getting to the local resorts is quite simple.

The nearest airports to Lake Constance in Germany are in Zurich and Stuttgart. The journey from them to their destination takes no more than two hours. It is most convenient to get to the lake by rail, having landed in Friedrichshafn, Konstanz or Lindau. Despite the fact that all these stations are small, communication with them is regular.

Communication between the coasts

The general visa regime allows you to travel from country to country, crossing the lake. The ferry connects Konstanz and Meersburg, Romanshorn and Friedrichshafen. In addition, catamarans run between Constance and Friedrichshafn. There is also a mass of local lines operating in the daytime from April to October. Cycling routes along the coast of the lake are more than 200 km, which allows you to completely go around the lake.

Description of Lake Constance

The lake is located at an altitude of 395 meters above sea level. Its area exceeds 1500 square meters. m, and the depth reaches 254 meters. We have already mentioned where Lake Constance is located. In Germany, on its coast are popular resorts regularly visited by tourists. Along with Lake Geneva, Lake Constance is one of the three largest water bodies in Central Europe. Its natural beauty does not leave guests indifferent. The basin of Lake Constance is fed by the waters of the Lower and Upper Lakes, the Rhine River.

Due to the location of the reservoir in the foothills of the Alps, it rarely freezes, and therefore is completely navigable. In summer, the water temperature in the lake warms up to +25 degrees. Therefore, from June to the end of September, there are always many bathers on its coast. Equipped beaches and developed infrastructure attracts many tourists to the pond.

Tragedy over the lake

It is worth saying that the reservoir gained fame not only due to its attractions. In 2002, the whole world spread the news of the tragedy over Lake Constance. A terrible plane crash occurred over the pond, which claimed the lives of 71 people, among whom were 52 children. By air, by mistake of an air traffic controller, a Boeing and a passenger plane of Bashkir Airlines collided. Later, based on the tragedy over Lake Constance in the United States, a film was made with the participation of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Among the cities on Lake Constance in Germany, it is worth highlighting Konstanz, which is known for its unusual location. It is located on the border of the two parts of the lake and is almost integral with the Swiss Kreuzlingen. Very often, local residents live in one city and work in another, despite the fact that they belong to different states.

Now Konstanz is a busy campus in which the entertainment and services sector is highly developed. The region is rich not only in beautiful landscapes. In the city you can not only relax, but also see numerous attractions. These include the Roman fortifications of the late empire. No less interesting are the burgher houses of the Middle Ages, Christian religious buildings and monuments from the time of the Grunding.

Old part of Konstanz

In Konstanz is the famous municipal theater, considered the oldest in Germany. The city regularly hosts festivals and celebrations dedicated to various areas of art. One of the main attractions of Lake Constance in Germany is the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. It was erected in 615. It acquired its current appearance after numerous reconstructions by 1418.

Mainau Island

Mainau Island is considered the main flower attraction of Konstanz. It is connected with the city by a bridge. A fabulous islet to this day is the property of the ancient noble family of Bernadotte. Members of the royal family of Sweden belong to this family.

Blooming island of Mainau

Romantic Mine is located in a tropical climate zone. Mediterranean flowers and plants grow here. The island is beautiful at any time of the year. In late March, orchids of amazing beauty bloom here. Out of the beginning of May, outlandish daffodils and tulips, as well as fragrant hyacinths, bloom on the island. At the very beginning of summer, the pink Italian garden begins to bloom, which has strict geometric shapes. On its territory there are stunning sculptures, babbling streams and romantic gazebos. In summer, hibiscus and passionflower, as well as hundreds of different varieties of roses, bloom on the Main. That is why the island is rightly called a flower paradise.


Lindau is another city on the German coast of the lake. It enjoys popularity not only due to the fact that it is a cultural center, but also because it has amazing monuments of history and culture. Most of them are located on the territory of Old Lindau, which is a small island. It is connected to the mainland by a dam and a bridge. But on the mainland, newer buildings are concentrated. The first mention of the city dates back to 882 year.

Lighthouse in Landau

The main attraction of Lindau is the port, which was built in the century before last. It is considered the most beautiful on the lake. There are two lighthouses on the territory of the port: the old and the new. There is also a monument to the Bavarian lion, which was created by the local sculptor Johan von Halbing. The port is especially interesting in the evening, illuminated by thousands of lights.

No less interesting for tourists and the old city hall, built in the Middle Ages.


Meersburg is a small German town on the coast of the lake, in which a little more than 5 thousand people live. It was founded at the end of the tenth century as a fortress that guarded the strategic road from Swabia to Switzerland. Over time, a small settlement grew around.

Sights of Meersburg

Currently, the walls of the fortress are the exposition of the local museum. Meersburg is a visited town located at the intersection of the most popular tourist routes. Of greatest interest here is a medieval fortress. And the city itself is unusually beautiful. On its territory there are several viewing platforms that allow you to admire the enchanting views of the lake, alpine mountains, port and endless vineyards.

Meersburg is full of museums: Zeppelin, fortresses, aviation, etc.


The city is the second largest German settlement on the coast of the lake. Friedrichshafen is relatively young compared to its neighbors. The city received its name in honor of Frederick I, who was the patron saint of the village. Friedrichshafen emerged as the summer residence of the monarchs. Already in the middle of the nineteenth century, tourists began to come here, who were attracted by the opportunity to relax and stunning views. Very quickly, the city became a major industrial center. A factory of airships was built here. It was she who became the basis for the emergence of German aircraft industry.

Friedrichshaffen on the lake

The most popular pastimes in the city are air walks on the airship. In Friedrichshafen there are many museums of different thematic areas. The most popular are the School Museum and the Museum of Count Zepellin.

Airship over Lake Constance

The symbol of the city is an ancient church, which underwent numerous reconstructions. Currently, it hosts festive carnivals and festivals.

Instead of an afterword

Any resort town on Lake Constance has many attractions. If you wish, rest in such a picturesque place can be combined with viewing beautiful places and attractions.


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