Calm Bay of Primorsky Krai - rest on the sea. The recreation center "Calm Bay": living conditions, entertainment, reviews

One of the most visited places for a beach holiday is the Primorsky Territory. Here you can fully relax on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, enjoy the picturesque landscapes of unspoiled nature and majestic boulders on the shore. For those who are not chasing big waves, the Bay of Peace (Primorsky Territory) is ideal. Photos, which are in the article, fully convey the beauty of this place. You can get here by car from the city of Nakhodka. You need to go along the highway to the village of Pervostroiteley. Near it there will be a turn onto a country road, which is marked by a sign. Moving along it, you can get directly to the coast.

calm bay of the coastal region

Briefly about the bay

Calm Bay of the Primorsky Territory, as mentioned above, is located in the Sea of ​​Japan. From the city of Nakhodka it is separated by a distance of 30 kilometers. This place greets tourists with clear emerald water. In the summer, the sea warms up to a comfortable temperature - + 22 ... + 25 ° . The beaches on the coast are clean, covered with fine white sand. There are areas on which there are large boulders. From a distance, their cluster looks mysterious and majestic. They are rough to the touch, so tourists are advised to walk on them only shod. In some places, the approach to the coast is steep. It is covered with low vegetation.

The bay is surrounded by mountains on three sides, due to this there is practically no wind. Accordingly, waves are rare here. Such conditions provide a safe swimming, make it possible to ride catamarans and diving. The underwater world is very diverse. You can fish both from the water and from the shore.

calm bay


Calm Bay of Primorsky Krai is attractive for connoisseurs of relaxation with tents. In its vicinity you can find a lot of firewood, also a stream with clean water flows here. The absence of a gale, the possibility of fishing, swimming in the purest sea water - what else is needed for a good rest?

For those tourists who do not want to give up the benefits of civilization, there are recreation centers. The best of them is "Calm Bay." We will tell you more about it a little later.

Arriving in these places, tourists can not only enjoy a beach holiday, but also engage in active sports. There are all conditions for climbing, running or mountain biking.

Fans of beauty are advised to visit the "Devil's Finger". It is a rocky formation. A huge boulder hangs from its top. If you observe from the side, you get the impression that he is about to fall down.

Given that previously the territory of Spokoynaya Bay was in the border zone, rest in these places was prohibited. That is why virgin nature, almost untouched by man, has been preserved here.

calm bay seaside region photo

The recreation center "Bay Calm"

The recreation center is located near the city of Nakhodka, only 30 kilometers away. In order to get to these places, you need to turn in the direction of the village of Wrangell. After it, you must continue your journey along a dirt road to the coast. Pointers are installed on it. Adhering to them, it is easy to get to the base itself.

"Calm Bay" of Primorsky Krai will please fans of active sports. A sports ground has been organized for them. All necessary equipment can be rented from the administration. There is a volleyball court on site and tables for playing table tennis. For children, the whole town is equipped with various attractions. In the evening, there are discos.

There is no organized food, you can cook yourself or order dishes in a cafe.


For guests' accommodation, houses are located in the coastal and forest zones. Those living quarters, which are located directly on the coast, consist of two rooms. They are equipped with beds, showers, refrigerators and kitchens. Each of them has a separate exit. The minimum cost of living per day will cost 4000 rubles.

In the forest zone of the base “Calm Bay” in the Primorsky Territory, a guest house was built in which there are two rooms. They, in turn, are divided into three rooms. All are equipped with a shower, a bathroom and a kitchen. A TV is installed only in the dining area. The cost of living here starts at 13500 rubles. Also next to it are small houses with amenities and without them. The cost for one day is within 3000 rubles.

calm bay coastal region reviews


Those who have already rested in these places can share their impressions. Clear water, unusual picturesque landscapes, good weather and sandy beaches pleased their Spokojnaya Bay (Primorsky Territory). Reviews of tourists are mostly only positive. The only thing that can overshadow the trip is the dirt road that goes through the pass. During rains, it is very eroded, so it is difficult to overcome this area with a conventional passenger car. Also, some tourists who come here every year give tips on booking rooms. The best are those houses that are located near the bathhouse. They are somewhat separate from the others and fully equipped. That is why nothing can overshadow the rest in the Bay of Spokoynaya.


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