Odessa, Shevchenko Park: photos, reviews, address. Touching Zoo in Shevchenko Park

Almost all of us simply love to travel, explore the world and discover until now unknown destinations. And in this case, it is not so important where exactly we will go next time. It may well be both a fashionable overseas resort and a neighboring village. And some were fortunate enough to live in cities that can be studied indefinitely.

In Ukraine, Odessa belongs to such stunning settlements (among actually a huge number of amazing places). Shevchenko Park, the Potemkin Stairs, the building of the Sea Terminal, the Opera House and perhaps the world famous street. Deribasovskaya is not a complete list of attractions that are ready to get to know each of us closer to the Pearl by the sea.

Very often, taking a trip, we take our kids with us. And in this case, a very logical question arises: “But will they not get tired of the endless inspection of architectural monuments and trips to museums?” Caring parents try to select in advance a whole list of places where they can not only entertain the child, but also have a great time themselves. If we talk about such a Ukrainian city as Odessa, Shevchenko Park is impossible not to mention. Let's try to figure out why this corner attracts a huge number of visitors every year.

Section 1. Features of one attraction

Odessa park shevchenko

First of all, it should be noted that the famous lunapark in Odessa (Shevchenko Park) is located in one of the oldest territories of this settlement. At first glance, it’s even hard to imagine that historical references to this place can be traced back to 1795. True, then the construction of the Russian fortress was begun here, which is represented today by the preserved and carefully restored arcade and powder tower.

Now Shevchenko Park (Odessa), whose address is the crossroads of important city arteries of the Assumption, Marazlievsky and Lidersovsky Boulevard, is not so difficult to remember - this is one of the greenest corners of the city. There are many shady alleys and winding paths, and in the most secluded corners you can find comfortable benches.

Section 2. How to get to Shevchenko Park (Odessa)

Lunapark Odessa Park Shevchenko photo

Judging by the reviews of visitors, it is possible to get to the destination without any problems. And it’s nice to note that this can be done, significantly saving on the trip.

Perhaps you should immediately warn that taking a taxi is definitely not worth it. Public transportation in the city is excellent.

Those who do not want to spend money can recommend tram number 28 or trolleybus number 2 and number 3. The fare in them is 10 rubles. Conductors work in the salons, and stops are announced, so it is unlikely to get lost.

It is pleasant to note that in such a fairly large city like Odessa, Shevchenko Park is also located at the intersection of several fixed-route taxi routes. The most convenient are considered to be No. 203 and No. 233. The fare is 20 rubles. Immediately, we note that it is customary in South Palmyra to pay the driver when exiting, stops are made mainly on demand, so it’s better to say right away that you need the Odessa lunapark (Shevchenko park). Photos of this place, in principle, can be seen in all guidebooks, so you will definitely have a visual representation, and therefore do not get lost.

Section 3. How did it all begin? History of this place

how to get to Odessa shevchenko park

Immediately it is worth warning that it will not be possible to solve this question in a few words.

After the end of the Russo-Turkish war, the border from this place was moved a considerable distance, which means that the need for a fortress quickly disappeared. Most likely, this territory would quickly decline, if not for the plan of the then-famous architect named F.K. Boffo. It was he who in 1840 made the decision to lay numerous alleys here, planting trees and strengthening the cliffs.

But, unfortunately, at that time Shevchenko Park (Odessa), whose photo now attracts every traveler, did not wait for proper care. He quickly gets notorious, robberies and even murders occur on his dark paths.

For its reconstruction took up only in 1875. After the territory was re-ennobled, the park began to be called Alexandrovsky in honor of the emperor who visited the city in those years.

Section 4. What awaits guests today?

Shevchenko park Odessa address

At the moment, the lunapark, as the reviews say, is equipped according to the latest requirements of scientific progress. Here at any time of the year there are classes for both young and adult visitors. For example, kids will be able to feel like real racers on electric cars, drive around on colorful carousels, or run through mazes. Throughout the time, the kids are entertained by funny mimes, clowns and characters from already beloved cartoons. With them you can take pictures absolutely free.

Teenagers and adults are delighted with the roller coaster, whose dashing turns are able to provide a real adrenaline rush. Want to say that you are not afraid of anything? Then tickle the nerves in the fear room. This place can scare even the most desperate!

Those who want to test agility, accuracy and strength can very well do this on attractions such as "Bomber".

Section 5. Zest of the famous park

Shevchenko park Odessa photo

A real attraction of this place can be considered the Ferris wheel that opened in 2011 under the characteristic name "South Palmyra". The design itself was made in Switzerland and weighs about 160 tons.

Having paid about 200 rubles, you can complete three circles. This attraction cannot but like. Just imagine what a unique view opens from the top points. Finding themselves at a bird's eye view, travelers get acquainted with a completely different Pearl. The endless Black Sea, Shevchenko Park (Odessa) - like in the palm of your hand, cargo ships standing on the roadstead, a lighthouse, a hotel at the sea terminal and endless Odessa streets cannot but amaze the imagination of even the most experienced travelers.

Section 6. How safe are these rides?

black sea shevchenko park odessa

Of course, this question cannot but worry. The park administration is proud to announce that test trials are conducted here regularly. For this, a whole staff of employees has been hired. If necessary, resort to the services of foreign specialists.

If desired, parents can view documents guaranteeing the use of environmentally friendly materials for the production of all, without exception, carousels and attractions. That is, for your own safety, as well as for the health of the kids, you can not worry.

Section 7. “Touching Zoo”, Odessa, Shevchenko Park

Honestly, not to visit this place is simply impossible. Who will refuse to look at the cutest and most friendly representatives of modern fauna? Guests, judging by the numerous reviews, are pleased to get acquainted with tiny pigeons, dwarf hedgehogs, soft-bodied turtles and various species of reptiles.

Positive emotions can also give guinea pigs, possums, rabbits and flying dogs.

All animals can be stroked, held in their hands and photographed. The only conditions are to handle them carefully and not use the flash when shooting.

Such an exhibition is annually held in many cities of Ukraine, among which is Odessa. Shevchenko Park offers to visit this attraction for 150 rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39525/

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