Smartphone LG Spirit: review, reviews

LG, which until recently has seriously lagged behind the leaders in the race in the mobile market, in recent years has begun to actively increase its position, releasing all new smartphones. Some of them have some unique features that can attract the attention of the public. Of course, in addition, the device also boasts a high build quality, an interesting design, and serious technical equipment. After all, it is not for nothing that we are talking about a product from the technology giant - LG!

In today's article, we just devote our attention to one of the phones of this brand. Meet: This is the LG Spirit. The review in which we describe the device will concern its technical features, advantages and disadvantages, and also contain customer reviews.

General position

In general, it should be said that the model was born back in 2014, because of which it can be attributed to the category of several outdated smartphones. Of course, LG has replaced it with a number of other phones that surpass it in its qualities and characteristics.

LG Spirit Review

However, LG Spirit (Titan) should not be neglected. The review showed that this is a worthy device, positioned by the manufacturer as a typical representative of the "middle class" devices.

LG marketers worked hard on the phone, who went on to create a curved display. It looks really impressive, but here's what in practice - we will tell you later. Although, you must admit, even out of interest, I would like to hold a model with such an unusual screen shape in my hands, if not buy it.


What to say about the appearance of the device? In fact, in addition to the form of the display, nothing else unusual can be found here. While experts conducted a review dedicated to the LG Spirit, they found out that the device was assembled from glass and plastic, which looks pretty good. To match the curved screen, the developers have endowed the smartphone with a similarly shaped body, which tapers closer to the edges.

The front side is covered with glass over the entire surface, so it even covers the frames around the screen. And they, by the way, are quite wide - the lower one, traditionally, slightly exceeds the upper one in size. The logo of the developer company was also placed here. On the top of the front side of the LG Spirit, which we are reviewing, has a front camera, as well as a light sensor.

LG Spirit y70 review

On the back of the phone there are navigation elements. It should be noted that this is a typical move for LG - to place the power button on the display and adjust the sound not on the side faces, as is customary for many other companies, but directly under the camera’s eye. To the right of the latter, a rectangular flash harmoniously blended.

Regarding the build quality of the LG Spirit H422 Titan, a review showed that all parts of the smartphone fit very tightly, and no backlash or creaking was found.


The device has a 4.7-inch display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. With it, the picture density can be called high (312 points) - the effect of “graininess” is not observed here.

According to reviews dedicated to the LG Spirit Y70 (the review confirms this), the smartphone behaves well in the sun - even under direct rays, the image on it is readable, and the information is distinguishable.

By the way, there is no difference in how the image is displayed on a curved and normal surface of the screen. Therefore, we confirm that this form is only an effective marketing move.

The developer claims that the display is covered with a special protective glass that can hold shock during falls. In addition, for greater ease of use of the model, the screen is covered with an oleophobic layer. However, about it (or rather, about its absence), the buyers of the device respond not in the best way - apparently, fingerprints remain on it.

Speaking about the display, I would also like to mention that In-Cell Touch technology is used here. It allows the screen to respond to touch even if part of it is damaged mechanically. Actually, this is convenient if you really drop and damage the device.

Smartphone review LG Spirit

Hardware platform

Of course, the developer company must establish a serious “stuffing” on such an interesting example. MediaTek 6582, which is paired with 1 GB of RAM, was also installed here. Users note that immediately after activating the device, without launching additional programs, about 300 megabytes of them are available. The clock frequency of its cores is 1.3 GHz (there are four in total).

Frankly, it’s impossible to call such a “heart” of a gadget high-performance. This is a suitable filling for budget devices, while on a mid-class device it looks “not very". As the review described by LG Spirit showed, the processor cannot work with games like Real Racing 3 at medium or high parameters - you have to switch all the settings to a “low” level of quality.

Therefore, if you would like to use the device for games, you are forced to grieve.


The technical characteristics that we were able to find about the device showed its wide communication capabilities. In particular, the review of the LG Spirit phone showed: there is a GPS module that can quickly establish communications with satellites (even without turning on the mobile network).

In addition, of course, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are available on the smartphone, there is also support for mobile GSM-communication. The device supports two SIM-cards, although there is only one radio module.

operating system

Of course, the LG Spirit H422 smartphone (a review was not needed to find out) has the Android OS installed. Since at the time of the release of the device its actual version was 5.0, it was installed “out of the box”. It is possible that the sixth generation of this system is now available.

Smartphone LG Spirit H422 review

The graphical shell here is not “native”, but developed by LG specifically for this smartphone. True, visually it is not much different from Lollipop, so the buyer will not notice any serious differences.

On the whole, it can be said that everything is implemented very successfully and harmoniously in the interface - you will not make any comments about this. The system itself works smoothly and without delays - already in this regard it is clear that the developer spent a lot of effort on optimizing the interaction processes.


As is customary in the case of the release of such Android smartphones, manufacturers install two camera modules - front and main. Accordingly, the first serves to create self-shots, while the second is designed to photograph anything “on the other side of the screen”.

The characteristics of the cameras are not the most enviable - it is 8 megapixels and 1 megapixels.

As for the quality of shooting, it can be judged by working with LG Spirit. Reviews, a review, and also practical experience of interacting with a smartphone showed that the device takes mediocre pictures of good quality here can only be obtained if there is good lighting around.

The bad thing is that the device does not have the ability to take pictures in HDR mode. This is the technology on the basis of which a number of photographs are created (usually from 3 to 5 pieces). From them, in the future, a better one is selected, and on its basis (programmatically) the final, most optimized image is created. In the case of the Spirit model, the number of available settings is reduced to the maximum.

Speaking about the selfie camera, it should be noted the high quality of its work and for communicating via Skype. It will be difficult to take clear photos for social networks through it - you need to have an appropriate light balance.


LG Spirit phone review

An important criterion for the operation of the phone is its battery. A review of the LG Spirit smartphone showed that on this model it is removable, with a capacity of 2040, according to some sources, and 2100 mAh according to others. With such a battery, the device can last up to 2.5 hours (in uninterrupted game mode) and up to 5.5 hours (when playing video).

In this regard, we will say this: if you are not too actively using your smartphone, it should be enough for one working day. If you interact with him more regularly, you will most likely have to carry a portable battery with you.

Additional “bonuses”

Of course, in addition to all of the above, the model also has a number of “bonus” functions that its developer has endowed. For example, this is the ability to unlock the screen by tapping on the glass (which is very convenient, given the location of the corresponding keys on the rear panel). Or, for example, manufacturers have taken care of an additional function in the form of the ability to mute the sound by simply turning the device over.

Such nice additions are not only in the model’s functionality. Its equipment may also please the buyer with a new cover for the rear panel. Thus, the presence of two pieces will allow you to diversify the experience of using the device.

LG Spirit reviews review


Despite the fact that we carried out the characterization of LG Spirit H422, the review will not replace reviews (in terms of the completeness and relevance of the information provided). Therefore, we turn to the information contained in the comments of buyers and former users of this model.

The first and most noticeable drawback mentioned in all the comments was battery autonomy. According to buyers, the phone discharges too quickly, and even connecting to the charging does not save him from this. Being connected to the network, the device continues to sit down, if you do not give it "peace" for this time.

The second nuance, showing the lack of apparatus, is the braking that occurs during operation. As it turned out, the smartphone works smoothly and without delays only during the first time after its acquisition. In the future, as it is filled with information, it begins to “hang” and “buggy”. Even applications for optimizing and speeding up devices so widely presented on Google Play do not solve the problem.

In addition to these, there are a large number of other negative aspects in the operation of the device. For example, these are: interruptions in the operation of some individual modules (such as Bluetooth, W-iFi adapter); “Easily soiled” display, on which traces of hands are clearly visible; poor quality photos taken on the front camera. Some also complain about the high cost of the device, but not all buyers agree with this. Some of them believe that the smartphone is offered at a very adequate cost, as for its capabilities.


LG Spirit H422 review reviews

As a result, I would like to note that the position of LG Spirit to some extent is somewhat double-digit. On the one hand, this is a high-quality phone from a renowned manufacturer, which, apparently, is assembled “in good faith”. At least he performs his functions, and his possibilities are quite wide. All this is offered for 10 thousand rubles, which in itself is already not bad.

On the other hand, there are shortcomings and some negative aspects in the operation of the device. We mentioned them above and, most likely, there are others presented on separate models. If the buyer is ready to put up with them, then for him it will be the perfect phone at an affordable price. If not, perhaps competitors should pay attention.


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