"Alfa Insurance", CTP: reviews, calculation, execution, extension

One of the largest companies in the insurance market of Russia - AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC - offers about a hundred products for individuals and legal entities.

AlfaStrakhovanie is a full member of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, whose status is legally confirmed. And this suggests that upon the occurrence of an insured event, the participant in a road accident, who has the right to direct compensation for damage, will definitely receive it. Also, PCA member companies have the opportunity, under certain circumstances, to use the European Protocol (that is, to come to an agreement without involving traffic police inspectors).

liability insurance osago reviews

Modern requirements

Today, a car insurance policy must be owned by every vehicle owner. This document is primarily needed to compensate for damage caused to the health, property or life of third parties during a traffic accident that the insured provoked. That is, when acquiring OSAGO, the driver primarily protects his own interests.

The terms of the contract, like all disputes between the parties, are regulated by law.

Judging by the reviews about compulsory motor third-party liability insurance in Alfa Insurance, the policy can be used in three cases:

  1. With mutual fault, the measure of which is determined most often by the court. Payments are calculated in a certain ratio.
  2. With the clearly expressed fault of the client, Alfa Insurance. The victim is paid the amount assigned by the expert commission, and the culprit is engaged in the repair of the vehicle at his own expense.
  3. When causing damage to the vehicle to the insured client of the company. Here it is he who receives a certain amount of material damage.

The cost of the policy is formed from the base rate regulated by the state and individual coefficients.

OSAGO insurance online

Tariff corridor

It is set by the Central Bank of Russia. That is, there is a minimum rate and a maximum. The obligation of each insurance company to independently determine the cost of the policy within these limits. But the total amount will always depend on:

- the number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle (the closed list has a coefficient of 1, the open one has 1.8);

- vehicle power (higher power generates a higher coefficient);

- the number of years of accurate driving (gives an annual discount of 5%);

- the experience of the driver and his age (a short experience increases the coefficient);

- region of registration of the vehicle (the larger it is, the greater the coefficient).

Calculation of CTP from AlfaStrakhovanie usually does not present any difficulty: almost every website that represents any kind of insurance company has an online calculator. The user just needs to enter the required information in the opening forms and agree to the processing of personal data.

Ubiquitous internet

Today, the CTP service online from Alfa Insurance is available 24/7. That is, you can purchase and extend the policy without leaving your home for some five to ten minutes.

Alpha insurance

The document is sent to the client by e-mail and in printed form is absolutely identical to the paper version issued in the office. And the advantages in its purchase are significant:

- there is no need to go to the office, stand in line and speak with a company specialist;

- registration on the site is simplified to a minimum;

- the policy in case of any incident can always be reprinted (and not go to the office and write a statement of loss, for example).

It is the last point, judging by the reviews about CTP from Alfa Insurance, that makes the company's customers very happy.

Now, any traffic police inspector has the opportunity to verify the data of an electronic policy with a scanner through the network of IMTS Ministry of Internal Affairs or through the portal of car insurers.

Since the data is entered almost instantly, bringing the driver to administrative responsibility under the current Administrative Code of Russia is excluded. Moreover, the policy can be presented both in printed form and on the gadget.

Alpha insurance to extend CTP

How to extend CTP from Alfa Insurance

The procedure, as the reviews show, is actually simple. The algorithm is as follows:

- we register on the AlfaStrakhovanie portal and the proposed window we enter the number of the still valid CTP;

- go to the "Policies" tab and find your own. Next to it there is already a button "Buy E-CTP";

- wait a couple of minutes while the PCA website checks the data;

- we check the electronic box: it should contain a message about the opportunity to purchase the policy online and the application form, which is proposed to fill out;

- go back to the site. Near the current policy, the button "Pay E-CTP" appears. Choose the appropriate option;

- through any system “AlphaClick”, “Sberbank online” or simply from a card we make a transfer;

- A new document arrives by email. Moreover, as you can read in the reviews about CTP from Alfa Insurance, this happens in the next half hour.

liability insurance

Required documents

The package for acquiring a policy is, in principle, standard:

- the policyholder’s identity card;

- Originals of documents on registration of a vehicle (technical standard, technical passport, TCP, etc.);

- the rights of drivers included in the insurance;

- diagnostic card.

If the package of documents is incomplete, then judging by the reviews of CTP from Alfa Insurance, the company has the right to refuse to issue a policy.

What is a MTPL calculator?

The MTPL Calculator from AlfaStrakhovanie is a universal tool with which any user can easily calculate the cost of a policy based on their data.

The standard scheme is used: the rates set by the Central Bank are multiplied by special factors.

apply for an insurance policy

At the lowest cost, owners of the following vehicle categories can purchase OSAGO insurance in AlfaStrakhovanie:

- cars (for legal entities);

- motorcycles, mopeds and ATVs;

- any vehicle (for citizens registered in the Primorsky Territory, Samara, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Moscow and Kaliningrad regions);

- tractors and road construction equipment;

- C, CE and D, DE (except for those providing regular transport).

At the maximum tariffs, it is possible to issue an insurance policy in Alfa Insurance:

- individuals and individuals of any region minus the above;

- owners of electric vehicles, as well as route vehicles;

- owners of cars operating in the "taxi" mode.


The calculator for calculating OSAGO from Alfa Insurance offers:

- exact rates;

- the most simplified form for entering data;

- instant calculation;

- the ability to compare the cost of insurance with other companies.

Alpha insurance OSAGO offices

Company internal rules

IC AlfaStrakhovanie has developed its own set of rules that are binding on both employees of the organization and its customers. We single out the main ones:

- the possibility of acquiring an insurance policy in Alfa Insurance online and in person at the office;

- payment for the policy is made in one amount, installment payment is unacceptable;

- the client receives the insurance policy within 24 hours after payment;

- insurance may have a limited list of drivers and unlimited;

- before the conclusion of the contract, the company's specialists have the right to demand an inspection of the vehicle;

- insurance can be closed ahead of schedule in case of death of the owner, liquidation of the company, complete loss of the vehicle, detection of false data, etc .;

- when making any changes, the company reserves the right to demand an additional payment;

- early termination of the contract by the insurer is possible in case of sale of the vehicle or revocation of the license from the insurer;

- payment of compensation payments is carried out only after the provision of all required documents;

- the unused part of the insurance is returned to the client no later than 14 days from the date of registration of the application for termination.

Where can I get a CTP policy from Alfa Insurance (offices)

The company has representative offices in more than 270 regions of Russia.

In the capital, you can find offices at the following addresses:

- st. Shabolovka, 31, p. B;

- st. Zolotorozhsky Val, 11, p. 38;

- st. Garage, 4.

In St. Petersburg, branches are waiting for customers at:

- Moscow Avenue, 60;

- 11 lines of Vasilyevsky Island, 22.

Rostov-on-Don invites to the office located on the street. Suvorova, 117/73, off. 402.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G3955/

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