How to earn 500 rubles a day without investments?

More and more people are thinking about how to earn 500 rubles a day. Typically, such questions arise in adolescents and children. After all, adults, as a rule, get more. But only with employment. So what ideas can be heard in search of an answer to the question of how to make money without investments? It is impossible to give an exact answer - in the modern world you can make a profit without additional expenses from anything. Therefore, it is best to pay attention to the most common ideas.

Reality Queries

Before figuring out how to make 500 rubles a day, you need to understand how real the request is. Can a person really receive such an income without initial investment?

how to earn 500 rubles a day

Yes. It has already been said that often adults have higher daily wages. 500 rubles per day is approximately 10,000 per month. Not much, but making so much is real. The main thing is to know how. What advice and recommendations do people give each other regarding the task?

Official work

Where to earn 500 rubles a day? More often than not, the best idea is to simply get a formal job. Relevant advice mainly for adults. Adult citizens in almost any job will receive the indicated amount. As already mentioned, the monthly income for a 5-day working week will be 10 thousand rubles.

So many cleaners get in most regions. Therefore, often the advice "find a job" really helps. The main thing is that in a month the performance of labor duties is estimated at no less than 10,000 rubles.

Public catering

How to earn a student 500 rubles a day? In Russia, there are now quite a few prospects for the employment of minors. This chance is required to be used. If a child wants to earn 500 rubles a day without investments, it is best to advise several attractive vacancies.

The first and most common offer is work in the catering. Or rather, in a fast food cafe. It is allowed to work here from the age of 14, official employment - from 16. Payment is hourly. The student can work no more than 4 hours. With age, the duration of labor increases. Accordingly, earnings also become higher.

how to earn 500 rubles a day

As practice shows, most often an hour of work in a fast food cafe allows you to earn 160 rubles. For 4 hours of work, the student will receive 160 * 4 = 640 rubles. This is even more than you want. The disadvantage is the need for regular work. If you need money only 1 time, the option is not suitable. We’ll have to think further how to earn 500 rubles a day.


Fortunately, there are a lot of options. Younger students (or those who want to make money one-time) can try to earn extra money as promoters. Children from 10 years old are now taking on such work. Not entirely legal, but such employment does occur.

How does wage work? If we are talking about distributing leaflets, then they will pay by the hour. An average of 130 rubles can be obtained in 60 minutes of labor. If participation in promotions and tastings is taken into account, then they will pay more. Or payment will be negotiated, for a fully worked day. As many say, "for the exit." Promotions are paid on average just in the specified 500 rubles. Sometimes more, in some cases less.

Work, as already mentioned, is perfect for people of any age who want to make a one-time profit.

Property surrender

How to earn 500 rubles a day? The following advice, like most ideas, is suitable for adult citizens. There is such a thing as passive earnings. If you master it, you can get a good income. And 500 rubles a day for such a side job is the norm.

How to receive the indicated amount? To do this, you can rent property. No investment. Just set the rent so that the monthly amount is at least 15,000 rubles.

where to earn 500 rubles a day

Rental of apartments is in great demand. There are 2 schemes here - monthly payment and daily (hourly). What to do in the first case has already been said. In the second - set the tariff for a day / hour at least 500 rubles. A good way to passive income without investment.

There is a drawback to this technique. It is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who have property that can be rented out. However, most of the ideas proposed are far from relevant for everyone. Each option has a number of its features.

Manual labor

How to earn 500 rubles a day? Each person has his own skills, abilities and talents. You can try to convert them into money. It will not be easy to do this, but if you show patience and perseverance, you will succeed!

We are talking about the sale of hand-made. So called any handmade items. Jewelry, toys, decor items, jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes, food - all this can be done independently and sold. Now handmade is very much appreciated. Truly elite and original items are sold for several thousand.

If you want to earn 500 rubles or more, you can organize sales of hand-made. Rather, this option is suitable as a side job. Or if a citizen is thinking about registering an IP and promoting himself as a master.

For gamers

It’s quite possible to earn 500 rubles per day for a child, teenager or adult! The next tip is not entirely honest. But it is quite common in practice. Suitable for fans of online games.

It's about selling game accounts. It is proposed in a day or two, logging in under the player’s profile, to perform certain functions. As practice shows, most often there are sentences of "buildup" of characters. For example, in a week / month to reach a certain level. For this, they take money from beginners. Either a daily fee is set (rarely seen in real life), or immediately for all the work.

how to earn 500 rubles every day

Given the fact that on average they propose to carry out a “buildup” in a month, the cost of work will be at least 10,000 rubles. The main problem is to find a game that is so interesting to the public that they are willing to pay. If possible, new players will pay a large sum for the opportunity to immediately play for a strong character.


How to earn 500 rubles every day? In the modern world there are a lot of various offers. But at the same time, people who are involved in computers to one degree or another are most often interested in earnings prospects. They are able to earn stably at 500 rubles a day on their own knowledge.

How exactly? You can pay attention to the following options for work / part-time jobs:

  • website development;
  • Web design;
  • the provision of programmer services;
  • video editing;
  • editing / restoring photos;
  • system administration / maintaining sites / groups in social networks.

These types of labor are paid in Russia, and throughout the world, high. Therefore, it often turns out to earn more than 500 rubles per day.


But that is not all. The next few tips will be related to using computers. But unlike the earlier examples, they are suitable for almost every person.

Where can I earn 500 rubles per day? In the Internet! Today, a huge number of people work on the World Wide Web. There are a lot of ways to earn money without investments.

where you can earn 500 rubles per day

One of them is participation in paid surveys. The essence of the work is simple - fill out questionnaires and give answers to various questions, set product ratings. For 1 application, they pay from 60 to 400 rubles. In some cases, even more. You can try to work on the services "Questionnaire" and "World polls."

The disadvantage is that often it is not possible to completely fill out the questionnaire - some users do not belong to one or another category of respondents. And there is little work on such services. Nevertheless, it’s quite possible to earn 500 rubles a day.


The so-called freelance has gained enormous distribution recently. This is a kind of employment. It is performed primarily through the Internet. It is enough just to find a freelancers exchange, register on it, and then look for a particular job. The announcement usually indicates the duration of the assignment, as well as the cost of labor.

Freelance is very often used for part-time work. You don’t need to think with him how to earn 500 rubles a day without any investments. Indeed, often this is how much a freelancer receives. And even more. Tasks may be different. For instance:

  • translation of the text;
  • text editing;
  • writing posts / articles on a given topic;
  • photo / video editing;
  • website creation;
  • support of an online project;
  • creating recipes.

You may notice that the work requires the presence of the Internet and a computer. There is nothing difficult in such a side job. Everyone is able to find a suitable task, complete it, and then receive money. Where to earn 500 rubles per day through freelance? You can advise the freelancer exchange Freelancer, Advego, eTXT and others.

how to earn a student 500 rubles a day


How to earn 500 rubles a day? This is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if a person has a lot of free time. The thing is that such users can learn one rather interesting profession. It is called a copywriter. And earning with the help of such labor is copywriting.

What it is? Writing texts on a given topic according to the set requirements. Even a schoolboy can master such work. Payment is made for the number of characters in the text. The average price tag is 30 rubles per 1,000 characters. If you print 17,000 characters a day with such a tariff, you’ll get even more than the desired 500 rubles of earnings.

You can get more at copywriting. It all depends on the reputation of the employee, the complexity of the text, its size and remuneration. Quite often, this type of earnings is used as a side job. Ideal for moms on maternity leave and schoolchildren. The average earnings of a novice copywriter, according to reviews of work, is about 15,000 rubles a month.

We trade knowledge

Everyone can earn 500 rubles a day without investments. And with their knowledge and skills. Even a schoolboy. In addition to all the previously listed tricks, there are a few more interesting tips. They, like copywriting, are used as part-time jobs. Quite often develop into a permanent job.

Firstly, you can earn with your knowledge through tutoring. Private lessons are welcome. 500 rubles for 1 academic hour - the usual price.

Secondly, it is recommended to do homework, tests and essays on order. So most often, schoolchildren and students earn extra money. A good way to develop your skills and make money at the same time. There is nothing difficult about this.

Thirdly, students very often make diplomas on order. Set the cost for all the work.

earn 500 rubles a day without investments

All these are common earning options. Using knowledge to make a profit is normal. With certain skills, you can get more than the desired amount. True, it will be necessary to make some efforts to achieve the result.


Now it’s clear how to earn 500 rubles a day without any investments. This is not a fairy tale, but quite normal earnings. All the proposed methods work 100%. No cheating or fraud.

Be wary of ads on the Internet that promise high earnings. For example, it is not recommended to pay attention to:

  • vacancy "PC operator";
  • collection of pens at home;
  • packing of the house;
  • participation in a developing internet project.

All this is a fraud, designed to divorce gullible users for money. What kind of earnings method to choose? Everyone decides for himself. As practice shows, proposals gaining passive income or working at home are gaining great popularity. It’s quite possible to earn 500 rubles a day without investments!


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