The simplest method of knitting booties with knitting needles

Knitting booties with knitting needles is a very interesting and exciting process. In this article we will look at some of the simplest workshops. Which will allow even inexperienced mothers or grandmothers to knit the original thing.

A few words about the preparatory phase

Before proceeding to read the various instructions, you should understand the tools and material. To begin with, the threads for booties must be chosen with great care. Because the finished product will be worn by a child. His skin is very sensitive, as a result, it is better to refuse rough or spiky wool yarn immediately. It is also not recommended to choose artificial threads. The skin of the baby can also react differently to them. In addition, there is a risk that the baby will refuse to wear such booties at all. It is also more reasonable to leave microfiber, acrylic and nylon for an adult to knit a product.

The best option for knitting booties with knitting needles is considered merino wool. For a warmer period, you can make a product from cotton yarn or linen. In addition, it is worth noting that due to the popularity of children's knitwear, manufacturers began to produce yarn designed specifically for crumbs. It is hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch, therefore ideal for the smallest.

Now a few words should be said about the knitting needles. They can be selected based on their own preferences. However, it is better for beginners to take those that are one and a half to two times thicker than the thread. Indeed, many beginning needlewomen very often tighten their loops too. We would also like to clarify that socks, mittens and booties are most conveniently knitted on stocking knitting needles. Those that differ by double-edged ends. They are mainly made of metal. Which, incidentally, is very convenient, because the thread on them glides just fine. Five pieces are sold in a set - four main and fifth additional.

How to determine the size of booties

Knitting booties with knitting needles for children is not an easy task. After all, before you begin to perform the main task, you should take measurements from the baby. Which, frankly, is not easy. But it is very important to do so that the product does not have to be bandaged later.

knitting booties

So, what important measurements need to be made before proceeding with a set of loops:

  1. First, you need to determine the foot length of the baby. To do this, take a centimeter in our hands and measure the foot from the heel to the tip of the thumb.
  2. After that, we determine the width of the foot. To do this, we take measurements in the middle of the foot.
  3. And finally, we should find out at what distance from the thumb is the start of the lower leg.

We write down the received numbers and now we proceed to the choice of a pattern for booties. In more detail we will talk about the most original and interesting a little later. When a drawing is selected, the following manipulations must be done:

  1. We take prepared tools and yarn, with which we will knit booties with knitting needles.
  2. Now we collect ten loops and knit ten rows of the selected pattern.
  3. After that, using a centimeter, measure the resulting fragment.
  4. Transfer the length and width to a piece of paper with previous measurements.
  5. Now we need to divide: the length of the foot by the length of the fragment - a; the width of the foot to the width of the fragment - b; the distance from the thumb to the beginning of the tibia to the length of the fragment - c.
  6. After that, each number, if it turns out to be fractional, should be rounded up or down, focusing on the rules of mathematics.
  7. And then multiply by ten.
  8. As a result, we get: a - the length of the lower part of the booties (how many rows), b - the width of the lower part of the booties (how many loops), c - the distance from the toe to the wedge of raising the foot (how many rows).
do-it-yourself booties with knitting needles

Knowing these parameters, you can begin to study a master class with a detailed description of the technology of knitting booties with knitting needles.

How to tie simple booties step by step

To complete the work we need:

  • two skeins of yarn in different colors;
  • five stocking knitting needles;
  • one hook.
knitting booties for beginners

How to do

As you can see in the photo above, there is absolutely no difficulty in this master class. We will knit the front surface, almost without knitting the sock. The last circumstance will be most pleasant for many, because messing with this part, especially such a small one, is not easy at all.

So, we need:

  1. First, take measurements and calculate the desired number of loops.
  2. After that, we collect them on two knitting needles and knit the bottom of the booties as many rows as we need based on the calculations.
  3. Then we take the hook and with it we collect the following number of loops on each side: divide the number of rows by two and finally get the desired number.
  4. On the opposite side of the fabric, that is, from where we started knitting booties with knitting needles for children up to a year and older, we also collect loops. Their number should equal the width of the bottom of the booties.
  5. Now we distribute the loops on four knitting needles and take the fifth additional. With it, we will alternately knit.
  6. We rise in three rows and begin to round the nose of the booties. To do this, we continue to knit in a circle, but at each joint of the front and side parts (on both sides) we remove one loop, just knitting two together. We act as many rows as we determined from the calculations. Recall that this parameter is in - the distance from the toe to the wedge of raising the foot (how many rows).
  7. Now that the necessary part is over, it is safe to say that the most difficult stage in the description of knitting booties with knitting needles is completed. Next, the needlewoman only needs to raise the bootleg to the desired height. This parameter can be determined at your own discretion. And then close the loops without tightening them too much.
  8. Finally, the booties are ready, and now you just need to decorate them. To do this, take the hook and yarn of a different color. We tie the upper edging of the product, and then we knit a chain of fifty loops. At both ends we make brushes. We thread it and tie it in a beautiful bow.

Knitted booties for babies

According to the technology described above, it is very easy to knit booties for a one-year-old child. Indeed, at this age, the kids are so cute that every mom wants to dress her child in a funny bear, cat or bunny. That is why the following idea will be a great option to complete the look.

knitting booties for beginners

Guided by it, you can connect booties with almost any animal. The main thing is to connect your imagination to the process.

So, when the previous instruction is fully executed, you need to finalize the finished thing a little more. For this:

  1. First of all, we knit the sole with additional color yarn.
  2. After we set aside the booties and the hook to the side and again take the needles into the hands. We also need knitting threads of the main color.
  3. We collect twenty-five loops, knit ten rows and close not in a simple way, but capturing the opposite part of the fragment. For beauty, you can do this with an additional thread, then the ears will turn out even more original.
  4. When the first tube is completed, we proceed to the implementation of three more according to a similar principle.
  5. Then sew on a pair of booties. Knitting (from a year or younger a baby does not matter) products for a child, as you can see, is a fairly simple task. Now glue the eyes (they can be purchased at any needlework store) and the button-nose.
  6. We let the product dry for two to three hours, after which we try on an interesting thing and enjoy the new thing with the baby.

Booties "Mice"

interesting booties with knitting needles

To please the baby with the following model, which, by the way, will suit both boys and girls, should:

  1. Tie the base.
  2. Tie her up.
  3. Then prepare the ears, nose, eyes and tongue.
  4. Sew details to booties and try on a new thing.

Booties "Bears"

The next version of shoes for the baby will surely appeal to moms and dads. Indeed, in this model the child will be just incredibly cute and funny.

best knitting booties

What to do:

  1. In this case, knitting booties with knitting needles for children will be carried out not only by the front stitch, but alternate the front and back rows in one or two.
  2. Then we tie the finished product, complement it with a rope with a bow and proceed to the implementation of the baby mouse. We knit three circles of different diameters - the head, nipple and “tail” of the nipples.
  3. After we prepare four ears and two chains on the nipple.
  4. We connect the parts together, embroider the eyes, nose and eyebrows.
  5. Then attach the muzzle to the booties. The product is ready!

Booties "Lamb"

If the baby was born between the end of March and the middle of April, he is Aries according to the horoscope. And then such booties are perfect for him.

knitting booties step by step

To make them is very simple, you just need to master the pattern of the "bumps" or boucle. To do this, we offer our reader the following video.

Otherwise, the technology for making original slippers for a baby is simple and based on the master class proposed above. The bow scheme is in the photo; for its execution a hook is required.

Booties “I love mom and dad”

Recently, things on the topic of children's love for parents have become very popular. Therefore, we offer our reader to consider and do with their own hands the following booties with knitting needles for children.

original booties with knitting needles

A description of knitting is suggested below:

  1. First of all, we need to prepare the basis of the product. To do this, we act, according to the master class presented earlier, but this time we are not tying anything.
  2. Because in this case we will embroider. On the left “slipper” - the phrase “I love mom”, and on the right - “I love dad”.
  3. Then we need to take a hook and tie two hearts. The scheme is proposed in the picture above.
  4. After we sew them to booties and boast of a fashionable new thing.

Booties "Sunflowers"

bright booties with knitting needles

Another great idea is very simple:

  1. We knit booties from bright yellow yarn.
  2. Then we prepare two sunflowers and four leaves according to the scheme presented at the end of the paragraph.
  3. We sew the details to the base and the booties model is ready!

Striped booties

If you don’t have time to perform too complicated manipulations, but don’t feel like rejoicing in a regular product, you should perform such booties as shown in the photo below.

knitting needles for the lazy

The most interesting patterns for original booties

Earlier, we promised that we would offer the reader several patterns for knitting booties for children up to 1 and older. And this moment has come.

The first option is called "Daisies."

The second is Rhombuses.

The third is Spikelets.

You should not be afraid of difficulties. After all, even if the work is difficult or too painstaking, as a result it will be possible to get a wonderful thing that mom and baby will be happy about. And even in thousands of stores you can buy a finished product you like. What you do yourself will always be more to your liking.


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