We decorate the box with our own hands - interesting ideas, features and recommendations

After the raids on shopping centers and boutiques, there are pleasant memories, as well as a couple of cardboard boxes from shoes or accessories that are nowhere to be found or a pity to store. Most of them do not have an attractive design, but they are functional. In boxes of different sizes, you can put various things, trifles, from them you can make excellent organizers. If you are a lover of a beautiful gift, then an unnecessary box can help here. The main thing is to competently decorate it.

We have collected some interesting ideas for you how to decorate the box with your own hands. We are sure that you are eager to recognize them.

Gift box

Decoration methods

Not every, even the brightest, cardboard box looks attractive, has a nice, elegant design. And throwing it away is a pity - the subject is functional. But it doesn’t fit into the interior of the room. We will help to fix this. We know how to decorate the box with our own hands, creating them an exclusive thing.

You can decorate the box using various types of material for creativity.

Perfect for these purposes, wrapping paper or interesting wallpaper is suitable, you probably have left over the remnants of wallpaper from the repair. You can fix the material on the box with glue or double-sided tape.

You can decorate the box using photographs, magazine clippings or, for example, cards. Very interesting! What about printouts? You can print the pictures you are interested in on the printer and decorate the box as you wish, without selecting material from magazines and newspapers.

Fabric is also a great material. Why not? An old sweater, skirt or torn jeans - everything is suitable for the decor of boxes. In addition, you can use burlap or jute - excellent material, the favorites of many craftswomen, with them you get incredibly beautiful, cozy boxes that fit into any interior of the room.

In addition, various things can be useful for decorating boxes - photos, figurines, flowers, lace and satin ribbons, paints and stencils, sequins and rhinestones, chains and threads, dried and artificial flowers. Any material suitable for decoration.

We have prepared for you three master classes that will help you understand the basic ways of decorating boxes. We are sure that they will definitely come in handy. Let us begin to review the ideas for the decor of shoe boxes.

Box decoration

Memory box

Frames, photo albums, cups and books are fairly common gifts for loved ones. However, they will be able to serve for a long time, recalling the donor. The box in which you present a gift can also be memorable. So, we decorate the box with our own hands.

You will need:

  • unnecessary sturdy box;
  • photos printed on office paper;
  • pictures on photo paper;
  • glue;
  • tracing paper;
  • Scotch.
    Pasting boxes

Box decor

The decoration of the box begins with the placement of various photographs printed on ordinary A4 office sheets. You can glue them on ordinary glue, as you like and at any angle, they will serve as a background. Having glued all 4 sides of the box, bend the extra corners: protruding from the bottom - to the bottom of the box, and from above - inward. You can decorate the bottom with the same photo or just stick it with a colored sheet of paper.

Next, the whole box must be sealed with transparent tracing paper. It will create the effect of blurry shots, and the background will not attract attention. After that, decorate the box with pictures printed on photo paper. In addition, you can decorate it with figures cut out of colored paper.

Decorate the box lid in the same way. Protect the protruding edges with tape.

It's just that you can decorate the box with a photo. This is a great gift wrapping for a birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary. In addition, in such a beautiful box you can store photos and postcards - everything that reminds you of the people whose pictures you used to create.

Quick gift decor

If you need to pack a gift, then a box and some wrapping paper will help you. Agree, unpacking it is more pleasant than looking into a regular gift bag. There is a certain intrigue in the unpacking of gifts, what is there, behind a bright wrapper.

To make a gift box, you will need:

  • box;
  • wrapping paper;
  • Scotch;
  • colored paper;
  • threads
  • scissors.
    Box decoration at home

Decorate the box with your own hands

Unroll and fold the wrapping paper onto the floor. Place the shoe box in the center of the line. Choose a paper size so that it more than wrapped the box and bent inward. So that the latter does not slip during operation, and the wrapping paper is well held, secure its bottom with double-sided tape. Cut the corners of the paper. Wrap the box. You can also stick pieces of double-sided tape on the sides to make the paper sit denser.

Next, we decorate the box with our own hands. Cut out several geometric shapes from colored paper, such as hearts, balls, and stars. Next, cut the thread and glue paper figures on PVA glue or hot glue at different distances from each other. Gently wrap the box around the box.

It looks simple and gorgeous. How nice it will be to receive a gift in such an interesting box.

DIY box

Soft box

And in this you can store not only every little thing. It can be placed in a closet and store various things. To decorate the box you will need:

  • box;
  • the cloth;
  • glue.

Yes, it will take a minimum of material, a minimum of effort and a minimum of time to create. Let's see how to decorate the box with a cloth.

Box for little things


Measure the height of the box with a ruler. Then place it on a piece of fabric, stepping back from the edges of the height that you measured, and another 2-3 centimeters. Circle the bottom of the box. Alternately apply the sides to the walls and mark the edges and 2-3 cm of the margin.

At the intersection of lines in the corners, make small indents and draw lines with a dotted line. Cut the part along the lines.

Lubricate the box with plenty of glue. PVA is best suited for these purposes. Gently glue the fabric to the box, paying special attention to working on corners. First glue the segments that were marked with a dotted line, and then the walls completely. So you will not have corners bare.

Decorate the box lid in the same way. On the inside of the edge you can decorate with a satin ribbon - it will hide all the irregularities of the work and complement the overall look.

Next, we decorate the box with our own hands at our discretion: use artificial flowers, ribbons, lace, knitted elements and so on.

This is how you can get a tender, soft box. It will serve as an original gift wrapping for your friends and relatives or a cute room decor in which you can hide various little things.

How to decorate a cardboard box

These are the options for decorating DIY storage boxes we can offer you. Create with pleasure, creating new, interesting decor elements, filling life with inconspicuous things.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39586/

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