DIY gifts for March 8: ideas, tips, workshop

It is customary in our country to congratulate all women on their March 8 holiday โ€” mothers, grandmothers, kindergarten teachers and teachers at school. It is not necessary to give expensive gifts, most importantly, to show attention from the child. Do it yourself gifts on March 8 if you love a person. The child will not want to try for the teacher, whom he does not like. But for a good person, itโ€™s not a pity to spend time and effort to create an unforgettable gift.

In our article you will find different ideas for gifts on March 8, making it easy with your own hands. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions and corresponding photographs of each sample will be presented, we will also advise what is the best crafts to entrust to a child of preschool or school age.

A gift from a preschooler

As gifts on March 8, do-it-yourself children of older preschool age can make such voluminous bouquets of flowers, as in the photo. You can present such beauty to both mothers and grandmothers, as well as to members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten, as well as congratulate cooks and laundresses, a nurse and a farm manager. All women will be pleased with such attention from the kids.

volumetric bouquet

To do this, you need one sheet of double-sided green paper. It is folded in half and cut with "noodles". Then the edges are wrapped in a roll and glued the ends of the paper with PVA glue. With your hands, the leaves of the bouquet are tilted to the sides.

Then they begin work on flowers with their own hands for a gift to their mother on March 8. You need to make patterns of flowers and their midpoints from cardboard, then circle with a simple pencil and cut out the details along the contours. Then paste the middle on the central part of the flower and attach it to green paper.

The bouquet holds its shape perfectly, it can be put on a shelf. The handmade gift for March 8 looks wonderful.

Beautiful surround postcard

Elementary school children will be able to give mothers and grandmothers a bouquet of tulips pasted on cardboard. According to the pattern, several white and red colors should be cut. Then they are folded in half. The same is done with leaves and stems of flowers. The first step is to stick the stems, placing from the middle of the sheet to its edges, like the rays of the sun. Then they fan the flowers in layers, but only the edges of the tulips are spread with glue. The middle must remain free so that the flower looks three-dimensional.

volume tulip applique

You can arrange a handmade gift on March 8 in a vase, or you can create such a beautiful connecting element, as in the photo in the article. This is a three-layer flower collected from flowers cut according to patterns. First they stick the largest, then the medium-sized one and at the end the smallest one.

Paper hyacinths

To create such wonderful flowers, you need several types of corrugated paper. Since this type of flower has a great variety of colors, the flowers can be made white, and pink, and lilac, and purple. For the stem and leaves you will need a green sheet of paper.

paper hyacinths

All the crafts are mounted on a wire basis. First of all, you need to cut a long strip of colored paper, the width of which is approximately 8 cm. Half of the strip is cut with "noodles", the cut ends are twisted with a pencil into the middle. Then take the wire and, gluing the edge of the strip at its end, wind the resulting flower in a spiral.

In order to put mother-made gifts on March 8 in a vase, you still need to decorate the wire. First, a thin strip of green paper is wrapped around it, everything is fixed from below and from above with PVA glue. Additionally, the lower edge of the flower is strengthened by wrapping a thin green strip around the edge of the colored paper. The resulting thickening is similar to sepals.

Lastly, a wide leaf is cut out and attached to the glue with the lower part around the wire. Having created several flowers, they can be tied with a satin ribbon and give a bouquet as a gift to mom. Completed crafts look very impressive.

Original DIY gifts on March 8

Now crafts in the technique of twisting paper strips are very popular. Quilling is given to everyone, most importantly, to understand the principle of working with stripes. For a holiday, women can make beautiful beads. They are quite easy to perform, even children can perform them. Beads are made by winding strips of different colors and widths onto a thin rod. First, wide strips are folded, then a narrower strip is glued to the last turn, and the winding continues. When the required thickness is reached, the edge is attached to the last turn. All the resulting beads are strung on a fishing line or kapron thread. The work is long and time-consuming, but the original gift made by hand on March 8 will delight a loved one without fail.

beads for beloved mom

A more complicated stretch of work lies ahead of the pendant in the form of a flower. Its middle is twisted from multi-colored strips of the same thickness. Then you need to make the petals. They consist of strips of two colors. They wind up freely, and not tight, as for the middle. After the edge is attached to the last turn, you need to take it with two fingers and press the circle on one side to form a droplet.

When enough details are done, gluing the petals to the middle of the flower begins. Glue is spread not only on the blunt side of the drops, but also on the side parts. A hole for the thread is drilled on one of the petals.

Quilling card

As an interesting gift idea for March 8, you can make the next card with your own hands. Quilling strips are also used here, but the craft is located on a cardboard sheet. The stems of the bouquet are collected from strips of green paper folded in half and glued to the end part.

For the manufacture of flowers you will need strips thin and wide. The first is wound first on a quilling hook or rod, and the wide ones must be cut โ€œnoodlesโ€ before winding.

quilling card

You can add butterflies to your teacher on March 8 with your own hands, made by free twisting of strips of different colors. Beads attached to the background cardboard look original.

Fabric tulips

Flowers sewn from fabric will be stored for a long time. If you give such a bouquet to a teacher, then she will remember her student for many years. In order to make a gift for the teacher on March 8 with your own hands, you will need a natural cotton fabric of bright colors. Polka dots, small cells or stripes are allowed.

For stems and leaves, purchase a green cloth. The craft on the wire is being strengthened. The internal filler of the petals is a synthetic winterizer. After the pattern of two identical elements in the form of a drop, the parts are sewn together, but not completely. The lower rounded part remains not closed and is filled with filler.

fabric tulips

The next part of the work is done on the stalk. A thin case of green strip is sewn, on which a leaf is sewn. At the end, the prepared lower part of the flower is inserted into the tulip and the flower is finally sewn up with an internal seam.

Surprise from the whole class

A teacherโ€™s gift on March 8 can be created in the form of a large bouquet with flowers from satin ribbons. In the middle of each, a photograph of one of the students in the class is pasted, and on one of the teachers. Such a gift will be a good memory about the childhood years lived together.

a gift to the teacher from all students

First, cut the tape into short segments and twist into petals. The middle stitch together. The seams are hidden by two layers of paper - in front is a photograph of the student, and behind - white or color cardboard. Before fastening the parts, a thin stick - a stalk - is inserted. It can be made from a wooden skewer or use a plastic cocktail straw.

The base of the flowers is wrapped in corrugated paper and a large beautiful bow is tied.

The big eight

A gift on March 8 to your grandmother with your own hands can be made in the form of a figure eight. It is cut out of thick cardboard on a stencil. Then a thin satin ribbon wraps the entire circumference of the workpiece. When all the cardboard is hidden under a layer of fabric, it is glued over with lace, on top of which beads of different sizes are placed. Alternate small and larger elements.

figure eight of ribbons

A do-it-yourself gift on March 8 to a grandmother will be incomplete if you do not decorate the craft with flowers. They can be performed in different ways, depending on the skills of the master performing this craft. It can be kanzashi flowers or roses twisted from ribbons. If you donโ€™t know how to work with satin ribbons, you can twist several colors using the quilling technique or just glue several magnificent organza bows.

Gifts for girls

On March 8, the boys can easily make such beautiful and spectacular pictures with their own hands. The frame can be purchased at the store. The contours of the girl can be copied from a book, magazine or drawn independently if you have artistic abilities. Anyway, at least someone in the class should be able to draw beautifully and help comrades in creating the picture.

picture for march 8

Anyone, even those who have never done this, can cut out a dress from colored paper. Then you will need a glue gun, since plastic buttons will have to be glued to the cardboard. You can purchase one for all class boys. Buttons need to choose a different configuration, but one shade. You can connect half beads and rhinestones to the design, it all depends on the creative ideas of the master.

Having received such a gift, any girl will be delighted. Real flowers will fade, chocolate quickly eats up, and there will be no memory left. This gift can be kept all my life and remember about the boy who tried and did a pleasant thing to his girlfriend.


The article presents several different options for gifts for International Women's Day for mothers and grandmothers, teachers and educators, girls of your class. Choose the one that suits you best in terms of complexity of work and available skills in working with fabric and paper. The main thing is to put a piece of your soul into the work!


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