Munich conspiracy

In 1938, Hitler began to be active, speaking out about his plans for Czechoslovakia. This caused quite a serious protest not only among various social groups, but also among the military. Beck (chief of staff) dared to warn the Führer against the invasion of Czechoslovakia, suggesting a complication of relations with France, Britain and Russia. This incident provoked the unification of disparate resistance groups in order to develop a coup plan to overthrow the Nazi regime.

The Munich agreement of 1938 was supposed to satisfy Hitler's requirements. The Führer did not want to put up with the existence of Czechoslovakia, and all three million Germans living there had to unite with the Reich. Chamberlain (English Prime Minister) was invited to negotiate.

Hitler September 18, 1938 issues an order for five armies on combat readiness. The Führer approves the list of officers for the posts of commanders in ten armies. All these actions were aimed at preparing an attack on Czechoslovakia.

The Munich agreement could resolve the issue peacefully. According to the agreement, Hitler received everything that was required in Godesberg. The final Munich Treaty was signed on November 20.

The agreement obliged Czechoslovakia to abandon in favor of Germany from 11 thousand miles of its territory. Eight hundred thousand Czechs and two million and eight hundred thousand Sudeten Germans lived on them. In addition, on these lands there were branches of the system of Czech fortifications, which in Europe were considered the most impregnable.

The Munich agreement divided the country. As a result of the signing of the agreement in Czechoslovakia, the existing system of highways and railways, telephone and telegraph communications were disrupted . The Munich agreement deprived the country of 66% of coal reserves, 86% of raw materials for the chemical industry, 40% of wood, 80% of the textile industry, cement, brown coal, 70% of electricity.

Thus, the Munich conspiracy overnight turned a prosperous industrial power into a bankrupt and torn apart. The Czechs, by agreement, were to leave the territory.

However, according to all generals close to Hitler and survived the war, if the agreement had not been signed, the Fuhrer would invade Czechoslovakia on October 1. At the same time, some believe that Russia, France and England, contrary to the doubts of the heads of powers, would have been drawn into the war.

Assessing the situation, it should be noted that on October 1, Germany was not ready to wage war against France, England, Czechoslovakia and, especially, against Russia. In the event of hostilities, Hitler would lose quickly. This would lead to the end of the Third Reich. Generals Witzleben, Halder and their supporters planned to overthrow the Führer at a time when he would give the order to attack Czechoslovakia. The signing of the agreement foiled their plans. The generals hoped for the firmness of England and the Western allies on the Czechoslovak question.

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union was in a military alliance with Czechoslovakia and France, Germany, England and France, Russia was unanimously excluded from the participants in the negotiations.

The signing of the agreement turned into a serious disaster for France. Chamberlain, having sold Czechoslovakia, not only saved Hitler from possible military setbacks, but also significantly strengthened his military power. This was accompanied by a fanatical desire, present at Chamberlain, to give the Führer everything that he wanted.

With the signing of the agreement, the military force of France was reduced to zero. Now the French army was half German. French production of weapons was significantly inferior to German. In addition, the eastern allies no longer trusted France.

Having surrendered Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain made a historical mistake, which inevitably led to war.


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