Trust the leader, or how to open an account with Sberbank

Tell me how to open an account with Sberbank? This is one of the most popular issues that occupy a considerable number of Russian citizens. The fact is that the level of trust in this financial institution remains traditionally high. Even despite the fact that the percentage on deposits, as well as the speed of service, sometimes leave much to be desired.

how to open an account in a savings bank

In addition, do not forget that the branch network of the institution is represented by more than 20 thousand branches, as well as ATMs, the number of which is about 30 thousand. Accordingly, finding a bank representative, as well as a place where you can withdraw money, is not a problem at all.

It should be noted that people who are interested in how to open an account with Sberbank increasingly prefer not the usual for many passbooks, but much more convenient plastic cards. By the way, the leadership of this financial organization some time ago raised the issue of the abolition of customer savings books . But so far this question remains unresolved.

How to open a current account in Sberbank
So, how to open an account with Sberbank by establishing a plastic card? There are two options. The first (and fastest) is the execution of the prepaid Momentum. His client receives on the day of contacting one of the branches. The advantages of this product include the speed of opening, the absence of the need to pay for services, and gaining access to various banking services. But, unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, the daily limit on settlements is 100 thousand rubles. Secondly, you can use the card only in the Russian Federation. Thirdly, withdrawal and replenishment operations can only be carried out at ATMs of a given financial institution. Although given their number, it is not so difficult to do. But, as you know, the situations are different.

The second option is the opening of a map of international standard. Here the "plastic" will have to wait a bit. In addition, you will have to pay for annual maintenance. As in the first case, the client gets access to many interesting banking services.

For settlements in currency

Now let's see how to open a foreign currency account with Sberbank. Please note: the procedure below applies to legal entities. And here, by the way, everything is traditional: you will need to provide a certain package of documents and sign the corresponding agreement. The first include:
How to open a foreign currency account in Sberbank

• statement of a standard form;
• copies of constituent documents;
• certificate of state registration;
• signature card of the first persons of the enterprise (usually a director and chief accountant). You will also need a print sample;
• documents confirming the powers of the first persons;
• a copy of the letter informing about the inclusion of the organization in the USREO.

Other documents may be needed. This is at the request of the bank.

Before you learn how to open a current account with Sberbank in foreign currency, you should thoroughly study the rules of currency legislation, since it is they who are “subordinate” to all operations carried out not in Russian rubles. Competent advice on this issue can provide managers of this financial institution.

Thus, if you want to know how to open an account with Sberbank, then you will need to understand not only the procedure itself, but also many other nuances.


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