Wireless parking sensors with rear view camera. Characteristics, installation, cost

It has become quite difficult to drive a car in the conditions of modern big cities - the number of cars on the roads is increasing every day, less and less free space. Many car manufacturers install parking sensors, but in most cases, still this device will have to be purchased separately. Let's figure out how to choose the right model.

Wireless devices

The modern market offers many devices. The most popular product is a wireless parking sensors with a rearview camera. It is often acquired by novice drivers who still do not know how to confidently move on the road in the stream.

wireless parking sensors with rear view camera
Wireless devices are good in the complete absence of any wires, and many people like simple installation or repair.

Like appliances with wires, wireless systems are designed to make parking as easy as possible. The system will warn the driver in advance of an obstacle from behind. In some models, this warning is implemented in different ways. On some devices there is a display for this purpose, on cheaper and more affordable models the warning is implemented by means of a simple sound signal. On some models, the signal is sent by voice. So, speaking parking sensors in the purest Russian language instead of a beeping signal will tell the driver how many meters to the obstacle, and will warn when to stop.

Among the advantages that wireless devices have, they highlight the ease of installation, the absence of problems with the pulling of wires, the comfort of use, the small space that the device occupies.

The system works thanks to the control unit. It processes radio signals and can display. The signals from different devices are different, but do not be afraid - they do not interfere with each other.

The display is connected to the on-board network, and you can install it in absolutely anywhere in the car. Such an inexpensive parking sensors is suitable for many brands of cars. These models can also be used on trucks.

Differences between parking sensors

Wireless devices differ from each other in the same way as wired devices. These differences are in the number of sensors, the type of signal, the quality, as well as the accuracy of the sensors.

Choosing a universal parking sensors, you should pay attention to three things. This is the sensitivity of the device to obstacles, protection against radio interference, as well as a comfortable combination of sound and graphic indicators. The last point is especially important - the signals should not irritate the driver.

Also, the devices differ in voltage and power supply, range, volume.

Parktronic with camera

how much parking sensors
Wireless parking sensors with a rearview camera is considered one of the most convenient thanks to the display. This is the most effective way to alert the driver of obstacles. The camera can be fixed independently in any place from where the widest and most convenient for the driver view will open.

However, you should not rely only on the display and camera. For maximum safety, it is recommended to use all means. With the camera you can see everything in the way, because in inexpensive systems without it, the sensors do not respond to small animals. For example, dogs or cats. It also allows you to view the space without dead zones, and it is more resistant to weather.

Such a wireless parking sensors with rear-view camera has proven itself when working with heavy vehicles. If the sensors do not react correctly somewhere, then the obstacle can be seen on time in the display.

Manufacturers are ready to offer drivers a lot of devices.

inexpensive parking sensors
It is important to choose a device with high sensitivity, easy installation and easy connection.


Despite the presence of a camera, the devices are also equipped with sensors. They can be from 4 to 8 pieces. This is the most optimal amount. With this number of sensors, there are virtually no dead zones, and the driver can drive more confidently.

The wireless parking sensor is different from its wired brother in larger sizes - this must be taken into account when choosing.

4 sensors

In the case of such a complete set, there are two possible options. So, two sensors are fixed to the bumper, and two more to the rear hood. This is a good option in terms of cost and in terms of security. But for beginners, this method is not suitable. By the way, such devices are the most popular.

8 sensors

This is the safest option. If in devices with four sensors “dead zones” are nevertheless obtained, then in this case the sensors completely surround the machine. Such parking sensors can have different functionality, for example, some are turned off if the car is standing.

parking sensors for cars Price
The system turns on when reversing.

How to choose parking sensors?

When choosing a suitable device, it is necessary to carefully examine the characteristics of a particular device. It is best to purchase a model that has a fairly high sensitivity. Often, low-cost parking sensors have poor sensitivity - it is not suitable for a beginner.

A good device has a very high sensitivity. He can fix any obstacles. It can be elements of the urban landscape, animals, people, other cars. Also, all these obstacles can be seen on the display if the device is equipped with a camera. It doesn’t matter how much parking sensors cost if traffic becomes safe with it.

It is also very important to get acquainted with how and how qualitatively the device is protected from interference caused by power lines, mobile phones, as well as other sources that generate electromagnetic waves. Ideally, if the parking sensors are protected so that it is not affected by any sources of interference.

Wireless parking sensors with a rear-view camera have a default display - on this display, in addition to the picture from the camera, there will also be other information about obstacles. Often, this information is displayed through colors.

parking sensors
For example, at a safe distance from an obstacle, this will be highlighted in green on the display.

When choosing a suitable device, do not choose what is cheaper and manufactured by unknown companies. It often happens that parking sensors for cars, the price of which is too affordable, do not differ in a sufficient level of sensitivity. Inexpensive devices are also unreliable. Buying such devices is simply dangerous.

Also an important nuance is the colors of the design. You should not choose a device that will stand out from the general style and colors of the interior of the car. The same can be said about outdoor sensors. Color is an important component.

Market Review

Sho-me offers low-cost devices equipped with cameras. The manufacturer also has talking parking sensors.

Parkmaster BS6651 is an excellent and quite expensive device, which is not only equipped with a camera, but can also project the trajectory of the machine.

CRS 9701 is an affordable model with high-quality screen resolution. With him it is very easy to assess the situation in the rear.

Masterspark 2-8 - the device displays the image from the camera on the monitor, and also delivers sound signals.

Installation of parking sensors with a camera

How well the parking sensors will sense obstacles depends on the correct installation. It is recommended to install and configure this equipment at the service station. However, if you need to do the installation yourself, this is also possible.

First of all, the bumper is removed, and then holes are drilled on it with a complete cutter.

talking parking sensors
The sensors are installed in the center, and the extreme ones are mounted at a distance of 9 to 12 cm from the corner. The remaining sensors can be installed evenly along the entire line. Next is the drilling phase. With most devices, a special cutter comes with the kit - with its help they create a hole. Then the sensors are inserted.


This is the hardest part. Even if the sensors are wireless, the camera will still have to be connected.

universal parking sensors
This wire is passed through the roof in the existing wiring unit and displayed in the cabin. Here you need to work extremely carefully. Next, the wire is connected to the display.

How much is parking sensors?

A simple Celestial manufacturing device can be very, very cheap. Another thing is that such devices are unsafe. Parktronic with a camera is much more expensive. The cost starts from 4000 rubles for a model with four sensors. But there are models worth more than 10 thousand.

No matter how much this device costs, it ensures driving safety, which means that it is a necessary thing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39599/

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