Moscow planetarium: reviews, address, mode of operation, how to get

Not sure where to take the baby? Go to the Moscow planetarium. A unique institution will allow you to learn a lot. Not a single child will remain indifferent. The institution of a modern level is equipped with the latest equipment, which allows you to immerse yourself in the world of space.

The history of the planetarium

The history of the Moscow planetarium dates back many decades. The decision to build it was made in 1927. At that time, similar institutions already existed in the world. Ten of them were in Germany, and two outside it - in Rome and Vienna. Significant funds were allocated for the construction of a planetarium in Moscow. The first stone was laid in September 1928. And in May of next year, the auditorium was already ready. A few months later all the equipment was installed. Closed views took place during the first months. During construction, scientific and methodological work was actively conducted. Specialists carefully selected material and topics for presentation. The topics that were most interesting for the mass audience and special programs for schoolchildren were chosen.

The grand opening of the planetarium took place on November 5, 1929. This day is considered to be the institution’s birthday. The planetarium began its activities with just three topics. Soon the number of lectures grew to 40. In the institution, guests were told about the structure of the Universe, about the development and origin of the Solar System, about the Moon, comets and meteorites. Soon there was a technical need to supplement the equipment of the institution with new devices and devices.

Moscow planetarium address

By 1934, stars flickered on the planetarium dome, aurora fluttered, clouds flew, comets flew, and even the dawn blushed, after which the bright sun rose. Until the end of the 1950s, nothing like this could be seen in any institution in the world.

In 1934, the first astronomical circle began to operate on the basis of the planetarium. In the prewar years, the institution literally became a theater, since it was used to stage plays in which professional actors took part. The performances "Copernicus", "Galileo", "Giordano Bruno" were staged in the domed room. During the war, the planetarium did not stop its activities. In addition to conducting regular lectures, workers provided assistance to the army in the form of field exercises for the military.

Since 1947, the institution has been fully operational. It already has an astronomical platform, a lobby, a star room and an observatory. The planetarium is becoming a center of popularization of the natural sciences. Subsequently, classes were held in its walls with future astronauts on astronavigation. At this time, the popularity of the institution is growing with incredible strength. Up to a million guests visited it annually.

Later, the general problem of stagnation touched this unique place. In 1994, the institution was closed for major repairs. And only after many years it was again open to visitors.

How to get to the Moscow planetarium

Currently, the institution is actively working and is open to visitors. The address of the Moscow Planetarium is known to all. But how to get to it? The planetarium is located at: Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, house 5, p. 1.

Getting to the place is quite simple. From the Barrikadnaya station you can walk to the planetarium in just two minutes. This is the nearest metro station, which is located very close to the institution.

You can also get from Mayakovskaya metro station. To do this, you will have to go three stops on the minibus number 64 or on the trolleybus number 10, 79 and get off at the stop "Malaya Nikitskaya". If you plan to arrive by car, then easily find the Moscow Planetarium (the address is indicated above). Not far from the establishment is located no less famous zoo. There is a planetarium at the intersection of Barrikadnaya street and Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, in the territory of the Presnensky district.

When can I visit the institution? Planetarium operating hours: from 10:00 to 22:00. It is open to visitors throughout the week except Tuesday. If you plan to visit the excursion program, you should contact the planetarium staff in advance and clarify the schedule.

Ticket price

Visitors to the city who want to visit the planetarium on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya 5 for the first time will probably be interested in knowing the cost of tickets. For the convenience of guests, they are sold at the box office for the coming week.

Sky park

The cost of tickets to visit the Great Star Hall ranges from 550-650 rubles. It depends on the time of visit and the day of the week. On weekdays, you can purchase tickets at the lowest price. You can visit the Lunarium at the Moscow Planetarium (tickets cost 450 rubles), the Interactive Museum (500 rubles), the Small Star Hall (100-200 rubles), the 4D cinema (450-550 rubles), the Large Observatory (250-300 rubles) . In addition, the institution has an exciting science theater, lectures on various topics.

Children under six can visit the Lunarium for free. There are privileges for other categories of visitors. You can purchase tickets to the Moscow Planetarium and find out about all the promotions directly at the box office.

Great Star Hall

If you plan to get acquainted with the world of stars, then you should definitely visit the Great Star Hall of the Moscow Planetarium. Now it has the largest dome in Europe, where you can admire the celestial bodies. Its diameter is 25 meters, and the occupied area exceeds one thousand meters. The hall is equipped with the latest equipment, and in its center is an optical fiber projector that allows you to see the starry sky. A stunning projection system allows you to plunge into the world of space, feel the limitless expanses of the universe, make a journey in interstellar space. Modern equipment is significantly different from what was previously here.

Nearest metro stations

According to reviews, the Moscow Planetarium is an interesting place not only for children, but also for their parents. The large hall of the institution allows guests to find themselves in space and feel like a small grain of sand. Modern technology makes the journey incredibly exciting.

If you believe the reviews, the hall is not always open to visitors. If the main purpose of the visit is an excursion, then you should first call the reception desk and find out if it is currently working or not.

Small Star Hall

No less interesting for guests is the Small Star Hall, which, incidentally, is the only one in the country that has a dome screen, a stereo projector and dynamic armchairs. A stunning combination of new technology in a small room allows viewers to become real participants in the film. It will be interesting to visit the hall for adults and children over four years old. According to reviews, in the Moscow Planetarium this is one of the most interesting places that is worthy of the attention of guests.

Sky park

At the planetarium, you can visit Sky Park, which contains modern and old tools for understanding the universe. It was built in 1947. Now Sky Park is an open-air museum where you can see astronomical instruments, a collection of sundials, globes and other interesting equipment. Amazing instruments make it possible to track the position of the Moon and the Sun, as well as stars above the Moscow skyline.

Sadovo-Kudrinskaya 5

During the tour of the Moscow Planetarium, guests are introduced to the basics of astronomy, modern and ancient instruments. You can also take part in observations. A visit to Sky Park is a unique opportunity to see in one place the fruits of the centuries-old work of people.


A large observatory operates in the planetarium, in which a unique telescope is installed. For many years it has been the main observational device of the institution. The device was made in the mid-twentieth century and for many years served people. Observations with its help were carried out until 2002. Subsequently, the observatory was closed for repairs. It was reopened for visits in 2011. Excursion programs at the observatory allow guests to learn a lot about telescopes.


According to reviews, one of the most interesting places in the Moscow Planetarium is Lunarium. The museum is completely unlike similar institutions of this kind. Lunarium is an interactive museum where you can usefully have fun. The institution is of considerable interest. It is good for family viewing. The exhibits are attractive for both adults and children. The museum is open to visitors of different ages. The museum exhibits a variety of exhibits, thanks to which one can study natural phenomena and physical laws in a playful way. Within the walls of the institution you can generate energy, create clouds, ride a space bike and compose electronic music.

Star Hall of the Moscow Planetarium

According to guest reviews, the exposition “Comprehending the Cosmos” is very interesting. It is designed as a space station. Moving through the compartments will allow you to learn a lot. All exhibits of the museum are equipped with tablets with detailed information. Exciting excursions are organized for schoolchildren in the institution. Within the walls of the museum, every adult can feel like a child-discoverer.

Museum of Urania

The museum of Urania is no less interesting for children. Within its walls, visitors can get acquainted with the history of the planetarium. Among its exhibits are documents, books, photographs and equipment. But the most interesting object is a collection of meteorites. All of them appeared on the surface of our planet at different times, bringing a lot of useful information about distant worlds.

Entertaining programs for kids

At the planetarium, you can learn a lot about the world that surrounds us. The peculiarity of the institution is that the training in its walls does not occur through memorization of information, but through impressions. For the youngest guests, planetarium employees have prepared various fascinating programs in which the children are told about the laws of nature in an accessible form. Excursions are conducted by employees and astronomers.

Moscow planetarium prices

Among the educational programs, there are the following topics: “Tales of the Sky”, “The Family of the Sun”, “Tricks of the Moon”, “The Adventures of a Water Droplet”, “The Journey of the Sunbeam”, “Secrets of the Rainbow”. Each of them will certainly appeal to kids and will allow you to learn a lot.

Other planetarium objects

The planetarium also has a conference room, cinema and Mars station. The latter is a model of the Martian research base. On its territory, children can feel like explorers of the future. On the base you can arrange a real cosmic holiday - a birthday or graduation. There is a souvenir shop in the planetarium where you can buy souvenirs dedicated to the stars and space.

Visitors reviews

According to reviews, the Moscow planetarium can be called one of the most interesting places for family visits. Within its walls are concentrated many objects that will be of interest to visitors of all ages.

If you plan to visit a planetarium with your child, then you should decide in advance what exactly you want to watch: museums or popular science films. The staff of the institution offers various entertainment programs, oriented to different age groups. In the planetarium for schoolchildren organize thematic tours, allowing to highlight many issues. A special group of visitors to the institution are members of astronomical circles. For them, a planetarium is not just an interesting pastime, but also the opportunity to work with modern appliances, as well as listen to lectures by specialists.

Visitors leave a lot of enthusiastic reviews about watching fascinating science films. The planetarium halls are well equipped. The domed screen on the ceiling makes viewing incredibly spectacular. The guests of the establishment speak very warmly about the staff. People working in the planetarium are not just professionals, they are passionate about their work. Therefore, excursions and films are incredibly interesting and informative. It is hard to imagine a planetarium without its faithful employees.

Moscow planetarium tickets

According to guests, each film presented for viewing is interesting and fascinating in its own way. Attending a film show is an obligatory part of the program for all children and adults. And to continue the tour is in the museum. If you do not like crowds of people, you should go to the planetarium on a weekday. There are a lot of visitors here on weekends, and especially on holidays.

After tiring excursions and entertainment, guests can enjoy a meal at the local cafe. True, many say that the range of dishes in it is very scarce, and the prices are high.

Instead of an afterword

No matter how old we are, each of us dreams of plunging into the world of childhood in order to be forgotten for a short time and experience a genuine sense of delight. A planetarium is a place that will allow you to have fun and have fun with your children. To find yourself in this amazing place, it is enough to get to the nearest metro station and go towards adventures. If among the adult visitors there are sometimes people who may find the tour boring, then all the children are definitely completely delighted with the planetarium. So it’s worth a visit.


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