Valletta: attractions, interesting places, city history, photos and reviews of tourists

The city, built on donations from the entire Christian world, was recognized as the European Capital of Culture in 2018. Valletta, whose sights reflect its glorious past, is surrounded on all sides by a fortress wall. Founded by medieval knights, it is a real open-air museum. Looking at the charming Maltese pearl, it seems as if there is no centuries-old abyss between the past and the present.

The city turned into a fortress

The capital of sunny Malta was founded in the sixteenth century by Jean Parisot de la Valletta, the leader of the Maltese knights who won a bloody battle with the Turks. The invaders who came to conquer the tidbit in the Mediterranean received a stiff rebuff. In honor of the valiant defender, the locals named the future city by his name. This is the most powerful defensive fortress in the world, which is also the capital of the island nation.

The main pearl of the Maltese archipelago

The charm of antiquity

Valetta is located on a small peninsula on the shores of Malta's largest harbor, Grand Harbor. It serves as the gateway to the republic, because foreign ships come here, delivering tourists and various cargoes. Travelers have the first impression of the state here. All the bays between the capital and the cities opposite it are a solid pier for boats, yachts and boats. La Valletta, whose attractions do not leave anyone indifferent, is a true paradise for lovers of sea walks.

Valletta Harbor

On the banks of the Grand Harbor, pretty stone buildings rise compactly located and rise above each other, and at its entrance, ruins of ancient city walls rise, reminiscent of the past greatness and military past of the city.

Curious features of the building

A charming Valletta was erected, the sights of which will help to get a complete picture of it, according to a previously thought-out plan. And even now, the building rules are carefully observed: all buildings are on the same line, and the corners of the facades are necessarily decorated with sculptures. Streets originating at the city gates are perpendicular to each other, and the features of the local climate are fully taken into account during construction. Fresh sea breeze penetrates everywhere, and thus creates the effect of conditioning. And if the longitudinal streets are wide enough so that two crews can part, then the transverse ones were intended only for pedestrians.

There are very few modern buildings, and each structure located on the territory of the city can boast a long history. Many of the houses that were seriously damaged after the bombing during the Second World War are restored and delight with their beauty.

How does acquaintance with the Maltese capital begin?

The main attraction of Valletta, with which acquaintance with her begins, is the city gate leading to the most beautiful corner of the city - Freedom Square. The thickness of the fortress walls is impressive, and from their height, stunning panoramas of the Great Harbor, in which there are never storms, open.

The main architectural monuments are concentrated on the town square, allowing you to find out the history of the Maltese capital.

Famous palace

The best way to get to know the smallest capital of the world is to walk along it. Valetta's attractions are gathered in one place, and it will not be difficult for tourists to get around them in just a few hours.

The Palace of the Grand Master is the largest building in the city. Its external severity contrasts with the rich decoration of the interiors. Decorated with colorful murals, ancient paintings and armor, inlaid floors, it is now the residence of the president, and five centuries ago the Maltese knights lived here. Tourists must visit the weapons museum, located in the basement. His collection is considered the richest in the world and has more than 6 thousand exhibits.

Palace of the Grand Master

In front of the historical monument, a fountain has recently been equipped, the high beating jets of which "dance" to the beat of various melodies.

Religious monument

The Church of St. John, looking rather modest and more reminiscent of a military fort, is designed in the Baroque style. Combining spiritual and military strength, he delights in amazing luxury. Stone openwork carving, vaulted ceiling, floor, decorated with mosaics - all this makes an indelible impression on the guests.

Knights who won in wars always brought expensive jewelry from campaigns and made donations, for which real masterpieces were bought. And the main treasure of the temple is Caravaggio’s painting “The Beheading of the Head of John the Baptist”.

Church of St. John

In addition, you can stroll through the territory of the religious attraction of Valletta and see more than 400 marble tombstones, under which the Maltese knights found peace.

Underground Catacomb Temple

One cannot ignore St. Paul’s Cathedral, famous for its sixty-meter spire and Corinthian columns. However, the temple attracts tourists not only with its curious architecture, but also with underground catacombs stretching for several kilometers. Even in the V century, the Romans buried the dead here, and the first Christians hid in the grottoes, where they performed services. This mysterious place is always very popular among thrill-seekers.

City museums

What are the attractions of Valletta in one day? No wonder the city, where everything is saturated with the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, is recognized as the cultural capital, because there are a huge number of museums, and it will be interesting for every vacationer to get to know them.

The Archaeological Museum is located in an old building in which once recruited knights lived. Most of the exhibits are found in the shrines of Malta and belong to different eras.

Archaeological Museum

The National Military Museum appeared in the 70s of the last century in the building of the former military fort. A popular tourist attraction is pride for locals who honor the history of their ancestors. The presented expositions tell about the exploits of the Maltese people who participated in the battles.

The Museum of Fine Arts is a wonderful corner where everyone can get acquainted with the real masterpieces of Maltese and European sculptors and artists.

What do vacationers say?

Tourists admiring the amazing beauty of the town, as if frozen in time, note that there are no modern buildings made of concrete and glass. Narrow streets rising to the center rapidly descend, passing into wide stone stairs, on which it is easy to hide from the scorching sun. This is a rather lively Maltese resort, and boats are constantly scurrying along the clear waters of the local bay and bright boats sail. The entire territory of the city from early morning to late at night is filled with strolling tourists, admiring the sights of Valletta.

Guest reviews are full of enthusiasm. And in fact, here you are imbued with a special atmosphere and plunged several centuries ago, because old houses have stood unchanged for more than 500 years.

By the way, vacationers note the heterogeneous relief of the city with very steep descents and ascents, difficult for young children and elderly people. Therefore, electric vehicles that can be rented are available here. But cars are not allowed access to the center of Valletta, so tourists must park at the ancient walls.

Despite the fact that in the stone jungle of the Maltese capital there was a place for picturesque gardens, the city does not leave an impression of green. This is actually an open-air museum, since almost every attraction of Valetta (photo and description of the monuments is presented in the article) is protected by UNESCO.

Narrow streets of Valletta

The cultural capital of Europe is literally riddled with antiquity, and this is precisely its special charm. Having visited the main pearl of the Maltese archipelago, you will plunge into the world of medieval chivalry and discover the many secrets of its noble past.


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