The best DVB-T2 receiver: features, how to choose, an overview of popular models

Every day there are more and more regions that are part of the digital terrestrial television broadcasting zone. The day is not far off when the outdated “analogue” will be disconnected altogether. What should owners of old but fully functional TVs do? It is already clear to everyone - to purchase a special set-top box (by the way, its correct name is a digital receiver). The price range of such products is small. Today they cost from 800 to 2000 rubles. But from the number of models the average consumer simply scatter. How to choose the best DVB-T2 receiver (Latin letters correspond to the Russian standard of digital broadcasting) and what to look for before buying? In our review article, we will try to talk about what functional features are worth paying attention to and provide an overview of the most popular models.

Why do I need a prefix

The main purpose (from the point of view of advanced users) of even the best DVB-T2 receiver is to receive a digital signal and its subsequent processing. Such a prefix is ​​an “intermediate link” between the antenna and the TV, which in this configuration is already used as a monitor to display the picture. The principle of operation in an accessible presentation is as follows: the broadcast signal from the antenna is fed to a digital tuner; then it is processed by the built-in processor and fed to the TV’s audio-video inputs, which in the recent past were used to connect a VCR or DVD player. This dramatically improves image quality. And although the broadcasting of many channels is still produced with a standard resolution of 720 by 576 pixels, the advantages of a digital signal are immediately visible, even with the naked eye.

Standard delivery

Regardless of the manufacturer, the delivery package of even the best digital receiver DVB-T2 consists of:

  • The main module with connectors mounted on it (for connecting to a TV, antenna, external drives or Wi-Fi adapter).
  • The power supply, which can be made in the form of a remote device or equipped in the box.
  • Remote control and elements for its power.
  • Audio and video cable for connecting to a TV (as a rule, this is a cord with three RCA connectors; much less often - SCART).
  • Quick start guide.
  • Warranty card.
Standard delivery

TV Connection Options

As a rule, all DVB-T2 receivers of good quality are equipped with two types of standard connectors for connecting to a TV:

  • high-definition multimedia interface HDMI;
  • composite audio-video output with three RCA connectors (or, as they are popularly called, “bells”).

Important! If your TV is equipped with only a 21-pin SCART type connector, then, naturally, the best DVB-T2 receiver will be only a model that has an interface for connecting a cable of this particular standard.

What to do to the owners of the most “ancient” models of television receivers that have only one single connector for connecting an antenna? There is an exit. You must purchase a model with a built-in RF modulator. Such receivers allow you to convert the "digital" into an analog signal of one of the channels of the DMV range.

Main technical characteristic

It is not possible to determine which DVB-T2 receiver is better simply by examining the specifications specified by the manufacturer in the operating instructions. The bare figures ignorant of the technology of the consumer, as well as the brands of tuners and processors used in the assembly, will say nothing. Let us leave this thankless job to professionals. The only thing worth paying attention to (especially if the receiving location is at a considerable distance from the transmitting center) is the sensitivity of the device, that is, its ability to receive weak signals in intensity without loss of image quality. The higher it is, the better. According to European quality standards, a DVB-T2 receiver with good reception should have an integrated receiver with a sensitivity of lower than 28 dBμV.


First of all, we note that all consoles are distinguished by their functionality. The simplest models allow the reception of digital broadcast television channels, their tuning (in automatic or manual mode) and subsequent sorting according to the user's personal preferences. As a rule, such products have one USB port, which allows you to use it as a simple media player with a minimum number of built-in codecs, as well as to connect an external drive to implement such convenient features as recording or delayed viewing of TV shows. More "advanced" models have a very wide functionality. It:

  • Ability to connect to a Wi-Fi adapter. Complete with a home wireless router, this turns your old receiver into a modern SMART TV with all the ensuing “consequences”: watching movies online via the Internet, getting to know news feeds and so on.
  • Universal set-top boxes are equipped with an additional receiver for digital cable television signals (DVB-C). Such equipment allows you to watch both free broadcast channels and the numerous cable channels offered by operators (this is especially true for users in large settlements).

DVB-T2 HD receivers from the best brands are equipped with high-quality media players that allow you to watch movies in almost all video formats used today (with a resolution of up to 1920 by 1080 pixels).

The set-top box power supply can be:

  • Built in. Such devices, experts consider more reliable.
  • Made in the form of a remote adapter.

Overview of models with a minimum set of functions

In a brief overview of the best low-cost receivers DVB-T2 hit the three most popular models worth up to 1000 rubles.

The prefix "Vityaz DTR-822HD FTA" (890 rubles) will be of interest primarily to owners of televisions equipped with a SCART standard connector. Such an interface can be found quite rarely today. If your TV has only this option for connecting to external audio and video devices, then you should take a closer look at this model. Among the shortcomings, users note the minimalism of the delivery kit from the Belarusian manufacturer: not a single connecting cable is included in it.

Connecting a Tesler DSR-320 model (950 rubles) to a TV can be done either through the RCA connectors of the composite output, or via an HDMI cable. In the operating instructions, the manufacturer indicates the possibility of updating the software via the USB port. The built-in media player supports the main audio and video formats, as well as viewing photos.

Tesler DSR-320

A distinctive feature of the receiver Lumax DV-1110HD (990 rubles) is that it allows you to watch movies whose soundtrack is recorded in Dolby Digital format. The built-in AC3 codec provides multi-channel video playback (5.1 format) even on your regular TV.

Lumax DV-1110HD

What gives the connection of the console to the Internet

Which DVB-T2 receiver is better for those who want to have access to some Internet resources? The answer is clear: one that can be connected to the World Wide Web. There are a great many models to do this today. As a rule, the standard software of such consoles allows, for example, during annoying commercial breaks to carry out the following actions:

  • get acquainted with the weather forecast;
  • Download the playlist and enjoy watching IPTV channels (both paid and free);
  • read the news on one of the RSS feeds (Vesti, RBC, TASS, Yandex, and so on);
  • Watch your favorite TV show or movie in the free online cinema MEGOGO;
  • check your email inbox.

All the above functions will be available to the user if he connects a Wi-Fi adapter to one of the USB ports on the receiver and makes the necessary settings in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (they are indicated in the operating instructions). Naturally, the quality of the picture will depend on the performance of the home router and the data transfer speed that the provider provides.

Universal ether cable consoles

In the review of the best digital receivers DVB-T2, characterized by a high degree of versatility, we included the two most popular models that received more positive feedback from users. Both consoles are broadcast cable, that is, they allow the reception of digital television channels both directly from the antenna (DVB T2) and via cable broadcasting networks (DVB-C). It is worth noting that the price of such universal devices is not much higher than the cost of the simplest receivers.

Opens the top 2 Selenga HD950D (1350 rubles). The functionality of this model will satisfy the most demanding user: from a standard pause (so as not to miss an interesting moment of your favorite show with a simple press of the Time Shift button) to playing “heavy” video files (with a resolution of 1920 by 1088 pixels). The built-in AC3 codec allows you to watch movies with an audio track recorded in 5.1 format. Therefore, this model can be safely called the best DVB-T2 receiver with dolby sound, if you often use it as the main media player. Of the technological features, it is worth noting the controls located on the front plastic panel of the metal case. With their help, you can not only turn on / off the power, but also adjust the volume, enter the menu and make the necessary settings, switch preset channels according to the "back-and-forth" algorithm. That is, even if the batteries of the remote control suddenly run out, you will not be left without watching your favorite TV shows. By adding a Wi-Fi adapter to the receiver and connecting it to one of the USB ports, you will get access (via a home router) to Internet resources such as Weather, Youtube, Gmail, RSS, IPTV, Stalker and MEGOGO.

Selenga HD950D

In terms of functionality, the T64LAN model (1,450 rubles) from World Vision is very similar to the Selenga HD950D. Therefore, listing them does not make sense. It is worth noting only the main technological feature - the ability to connect to the Internet directly using a LAN cable. A wired connection provides the highest possible data transfer rate and, as a result, the most comfortable use of available resources (without braking and freezing).

World Vision T64LAN

Set-top boxes with programmable remote control

Management of all the functionalities of any digital set-top box is, of course, carried out using the remote control. But the TV itself must be turned on / off. That is, the user needs to have at hand two “lazy people”. To get rid of this inconvenience allow consoles, which include the so-called programmable remote control. We present you a brief overview of the two best DVB-T2 receivers, originally equipped with such convenient devices.

Divisat's Hobbit Iron GX model (1,500 rubles) allows you to receive both cable and terrestrial digital channels. The highlight of the regular “idler” is that several of its top colored buttons can be programmed to control the basic functions of the TV. After simple manipulations, including presetting, you only need one remote control to watch TV shows.

Divisat Hobbit Iron GX

The Oriel 421UD model (1350 rubles) also allows getting rid of the television “lazy person”. In their reviews, users note such a merit of this model as the most comprehensive (compared to competitors) operating manual, which not only provides a detailed description of step-by-step instructions for the necessary settings, but also lists all the device’s functionality.

Oriel 421UD

On a note! The processor in both models uses the same one - GX3235S. This largely explains the similarity of functionality (for example, such as watching movies with Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack).

RF Modulator Receivers

First of all, it is worth mentioning the purpose of the RF modulator: it converts the “digit” received by the antenna into an analog signal of one of the DMV channels. Receivers with this module can be connected directly to the antenna input of the TV. Technically, this is justified only if the receiver is very “ancient” and does not have other connectors (RCA, SCART or HDMI). A global improvement in picture with this use of the receiver should not be expected. However, such inherent interference to the ethereal analog signal as “ripples”, “snow”, “trembling” and much more will disappear. But what if several TVs are already installed at home, for example, two: the main one (in the living room) and the additional one (in the kitchen, which you use as an “informational background” during meals)? Buying two consoles is often not economically feasible. You can successfully connect the second receiver (using a conventional antenna cable) to the output of the RF modulator of the digital receiver. Naturally, there are some inconveniences, because the same channel will be played on both TVs.

Answering the question of which is the best DVB-T2 receiver with a built-in RF modulator is quite difficult. There are few such models in the set-top box market. The most popular and affordable ones are World Vision Premium (1,900 rubles) and Cadena CDT-1891M (1300 rubles).

World vision premium

Complete with antenna

How to ensure the reliable reception of digital television channels to owners of private homes or summer cottages? Indeed, in addition to the console itself, it will be necessary to additionally purchase an antenna and, of course, a connecting cable. In such a situation, it is most logical to purchase a complete set for receiving digital terrestrial television. And then what is the best DVB-T2 receiver?

"Ramo Tv Future Outdoor TVjet RE820HDT2" is a great option. The product, whose cost today is about 2500 rubles, is made by the Saratov Electromechanical Plant. The main feature of the model is the included broadband log-periodic active antenna with a gain of about 30-35 dB. This is quite enough for reliable reception of digital channels even at a considerable distance from the transmitting center. When installing the antenna outdoors (all necessary fasteners are included in the delivery package), it maintains its operability in a wide temperature range: -45 ... + 50 ° . If the length of the standard cable, which is about 5 meters, is not enough for installation in the most convenient place, the Russian manufacturer produces ready-made extension cords: 10 m (500 rubles) and 20 m (700 rubles). That is, the user does not need to bother with a soldering iron. All necessary plugs are mounted on such wires already in the factory.

Ramo TVjet RE820HDT2

On a note! Power is supplied directly to the antenna amplifier via a coaxial cable. The inclusion is carried out by activating the corresponding function in the device menu. Depending on the signal intensity in the reception zone, the antenna can be used both in active and in passive mode.

The main unit of the model does not have any features: a standard connection to a TV using RCA “tulips” or an HDMI cable (unfortunately, it is not included in the package). The USB port, conveniently located on the front panel, allows you to use the receiver as a media player or to record programs on external drives. In their reviews, users note the ease of setup and connection of the Tv Future Outdoor TVjet kit, as well as the confident and high-quality reception of the television signal.

For information! For only 300 rubles, you can additionally purchase a special bracket for wall mounting the receiver.

What to look for when choosing

A few key points that you should pay attention to (according to professionals) when choosing the best DVB-T2 digital television receiver:

  • Overall dimensions of the console. In the miniature case, all the radio components are located very densely. And since all of them emit heat during operation, the more free space, the easier it is to organize the “airing” of the set-top box. This will protect the product from overheating during prolonged use and, as a result, extend the uptime.
  • Body material. «» . , , , .
  • A set of features. Everything is simple here. If the prefix is ​​needed only for viewing digital broadcasting channels, then feel free to choose a budget model. In this case, it is best to be guided by the principle "the simpler, the more reliable." Well, if more than one terabyte of your favorite movies is already accumulated in your home collection, then before purchasing a receiver, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the functionality of the built-in media player. Especially for the presence of a built-in codec Dolby Digital (AC3). Otherwise, some movies will play without sound.
  • Well and, of course, it will be useful to get acquainted with user reviews regarding the reception range and reliability of a particular model.


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