Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension at a time

Not all retired elderly people are aware of their rights to receive benefits. If, for example, they know what the funded part of a pension is, how to get this money right away is not clear. A lot of legislative acts have been adopted on the allowance. Therefore, dealing with it is not easy. The article sets out both general information regarding the pension and the possibility of receiving it one-time.

The concept of funded pension

Receiving a lump-sum payment from the funded part of the pension is one of the ways to return the money invested by a citizen earlier. This payment is formed at the request of the employee. By default, all contributions to the FIU are directed to the insurance pension part.

A funded pension is a sum of money that belongs to a citizen. According to the law, he has the right to receive it when going on vacation by age. The right to it also applies to heirs. Payment of this part may be carried out in different ways. But most of all, pensioners are interested in the possibility of receiving the whole amount.

Not always this issue can be resolved positively. The main condition for payment in general is that the corresponding part of the employer's deductions is sent to a special account. You can also transfer money there on a voluntary basis.

the concept of a funded system

The legislative framework

In recent years, pension laws have changed very often. Together with them, the settlement system was updated. Citizens received the right to a one-time receipt of the funded part of the pension. The main laws that govern the issues of this payment include the following:

  • On the payment of accumulated pension contributions No. 360-.
  • On the funded part of pension No. 424-.

After adoption, they have been amended more than once. Once again, this happened in 2018. In accordance with the amendments, the decision on the amount of payment that can be transferred once is determined by the FIU staff. This parameter, of course, is influenced by the size of contributions, as well as all funds stored in NPFs (non-governmental pension funds).

The formation of accumulations is carried out from the following means:

  • Salaries in the form of contributions of 6% of contributions.
  • Accumulative shares under the co-financing program.
  • Mothercapital for women.

Who is eligible to receive?

This year, citizens who meet certain criteria established by the FIU will be able to receive the funded part of the pension at a time. These include the following categories of persons:

  • become disabled;
  • lost the breadwinner;
  • which account received funds from 2002 to 2004 for the formation of the corresponding part of the pension;
  • Participating in a state co-financing program (having made appropriate contributions earlier);
  • who managed to collect accumulations earlier, since the process was subsequently suspended;
  • whose savings amount to less than five percent of the insurance pension.

In addition, in order to receive the funded part of the pension at a time or in another way, a prerequisite is a certain age.

Possible ways to get a pension

In addition to the way for a pensioner to receive the funded part of the pension at a time, there are other payment options. These include the following:

  • Monthly in general order.
  • Monthly urgent.

The payment is urgently transferred to the pensioner during the period that he chooses on his own. However, this time cannot be less than 10 years. This payment procedure is possible when a citizen reaches retirement age (including in the event of early retirement).

Urgent payment is charged to citizens who took part in the state program of co-financing or formed savings using the following means:

  • their contributions;
  • contributions of the employer transferred ahead of schedule;
  • additional amounts transferred by the state under the co-financing program;
  • accrued as a result of income;
  • additional money in the form of capital, as well as from profits received from investments in profitable projects.
possible ways to receive a funded pension

Lump sum payment in 2018

For several years now it’s not possible to submit an application to direct 6% of the employer's contributions to their own savings. But for those who managed to do this earlier, the right to receive an appropriate share is retained. Therefore, the question of how a retiree to receive the funded part of the pension at a time is relevant for him.

Extradition is carried out on the basis of the following regulations:

  • PP of the Russian Federation No. 1047.
  • PP of the Russian Federation No. 1048.

Extradition Rules

Only citizens who receive a disability pension can rely on the funded part of the pension. How to get this money at a time to a disabled person is described below. The method is common to all categories of citizens.

But the main number of recipients include retirees by age. If funds are required for these persons, then there are certain conditions that must be met. These include the following:

  • The age for going on vacation (during the period of the pension reform, it changes from year to year until women are 60 years old and men 65 years old).
  • The relevant experience (before the reform it was only 5 years, after its implementation will increase to 15 years), as well as the number of points (by the end of the reform should be 30).
  • Filing an application to receive the funded part of the pension at a time.

It happens that as a result of consideration of an application, FIU employees refuse to pay. Moreover, they must certainly argue for such a decision, expressing it in writing and sending a notification to the applicant.


registration of funded pension

In general, the process of obtaining cash is as follows:

  1. Preparation of necessary documents.
  2. Filing them with the appropriate application.
  3. Awaiting decision.
  4. Awaiting receipt of funds in case of a positive outcome.

Together with the application, you will need to provide such documents to receive the funded part of the pension at a time:

  • Passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Certificate of transfer of payments from the FIU.
  • Other securities confirming this right.

If a proxy is acting instead of the applicant, then, among other things, a power of attorney for performing these actions, certified by a notary, will be required. You must also provide proof of identity. In addition, other documents may be required.

They are submitted to the FIU or NPF, where the corresponding funds of the pensioner are stored. Copies can also be mailed.

The timing

NPF specialists must consider the relevant application within 1 month. With a positive decision, receiving the funded part of the pension is not always immediately possible. The law allows NPF employees to do this over the next 2 months. Thus, 3 months may elapse from the moment of application submission to receipt of funds.

In addition, please note that applying for a one-time payment also has limitations. Submitting an application is allowed no more than 1 time in 5 years.

The size

According to statistics, a one-time amount is not high. Usually in the FIU, it is from 5 thousand rubles. up to 15 thousand rubles Payment of 20 thousand rubles. can only be listed in non-state pension funds.

You can find out the corresponding amount yourself by making simple calculations. The following formula is used: LF = PN / PPV, where

  • LF - cumulative part;
  • PN - pension savings;
  • PPV - pension payment period.

It is most convenient to clarify the data on the PFR website by going to your personal account, or on the Gosuslug electronic portal in the same way. You can also go to the territorial office of the PFR, and consult there.

To receive the funded part of the pension at a time is not necessary immediately after going on vacation. This can be done later, but no later than five years.

calculation of funded pension

Calculation: example

It is convenient to find out what size pension will be after going on vacation using the following example. Upon reaching the appropriate age, citizen Ivanova P.M. applied to the FIU. At that time, her accumulations amounted to 67,200 rubles. In order to calculate the monthly payment in general, you need to divide this amount by the number of months when the payment will be made. Let's say this is 240. Then the calculation will be as follows:

  1. 67,200 / 240 = 280.
  2. The total amount of the pension, including the insurance and funded part, is: 6 929.5 + 280 = 7 209.5.
  3. To find out the percentage of the pension, the following formula is applied: 280/7 209.5 * 100 = 3.9.
  4. 3.9% less than 5%. This means that a woman has the right to receive the entire amount once.

Delivery of funded pension

A pensioner can choose the most convenient way how to receive a lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension. Money can be transferred to a bank account, received at the cash desk, by mail or delivered to your home. Most often, pensioners use the following methods:

  1. Through the mail. For this, it is enough for a pensioner to come to any post office located nearby.
  2. To a bank account. To do this, you need to draw up a card, and then cash the received money through an ATM.

The delivery method should be indicated in the submitted application. He can receive money in person by presenting an identity card, or through a proxy.

Savings after the death of a pensioner

The law provides for conditions for receiving the funded part of the pension at a time for certain categories of citizens. In particular, this applies to heirs, since the funded payment, unlike the insurance pension, is inherited. But in this case, a number of nuances are taken into account.

  1. The heirs will be able to receive the funded part if the pensioner has issued the main pension. But only the untouched share that was accumulated in a separate account is transferred.
  2. If a pensioner worked in retirement and received funded pension funds while transferring contributions there, then heirs will be able to receive funds without taking into account indexation.
  3. However, they will not get the remaining amount if the deceased has already executed the documents for transfer in the usual manner. Then the money goes into the reserve fund. If the deceased issued them in the form of urgent monthly payments, then the heirs will be able to receive the remainder.
funded pension after the death of a pensioner

Features of payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Citizens who resigned from service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive an insurance pension with some special features. If before March 2005 they were registered as needing housing, then they should be transferred the corresponding amount of savings for the entire time they are in the service.

Features of payment to working pensioners

But working pensioners have nothing to please. As long as they continue to work in retirement, there can be no question of how to receive a lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension.

Pros and cons of funded pension

This system has both positive and negative sides. Therefore, deciding to send money to the funded part, you should first think carefully and calculate. The benefits of this pension are as follows:

  1. Freedom of choice. The citizen himself decides how to dispose of 6% of the mandatory contributions of employers. Making a decision one day does not make him a hostage to it. He can at any time change his choice at his discretion.
  2. Opportunity to make a profit. If an NPF proves to be profitable, then the employee will be able to receive a higher percentage of income than in a state institution.
  3. Inheritance. If the pensioner dies, the remaining pension passes to the persons whom he personally indicated or to his immediate family (if inherited by law).
  4. Insurance. By investing money, a person runs the risk of suffering losses. However, in the case of NPFs, the risk is minimized, since the depositor will not be able to lose the money that they invested. The maximum that he can lose is the profitable part.
  5. Pension increase. By investing the funded part in profitable activities, the citizen increases his future pension.
advantages and disadvantages of funded pension

But besides all the advantages, the system has many disadvantages. These include the following:

  1. Risks If the funds remain in the FIU, then the citizen is guaranteed a small increase. This is due, in particular, in annual indexations, which are carried out in accordance with inflation. If money is invested in NPFs, the risks increase significantly. Funds can only be profitable if the investment is successful.
  2. Fraud. When investing, a citizen should be extremely cautious, since among NPFs you can get caught scammers. Then there is a risk of losing all the money.
  3. Insurance risks. If the depositor wishes to insure his risks, he has the right to increase the reserve with insurance. But this will require additional investments.
  4. Loss of profit. It also happens that when concluding a contract a certain period of time is prescribed. If the depositor decides to terminate the contract, he risks losing all profits.
  5. Commission. Some things to keep in mind when applying for the accumulative part of the pension to be received at any non-state pension fund (for example, Gazfond). How to get it - at one time or urgently - it does not matter. In this case, a commission is charged for the use of NPF services, which is also fraught with loss of profit.

What happens when calculating?

what in the end will receive a pensioner

Many people believe that when they reach retirement age, the funded part will make their pension much higher. However, it is not always the case in reality. The truth is that not everyone can be paid the whole amount. And having received a small part of the payment, the next time you can apply with the same statement no earlier than five years later. But the question is not only whether it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension at a time.

As a result, it turns out that urgent or paid in the general manner payment will increase the pension in the most insignificant way. For example, if it is installed for up to ten years, the amount will be about 500 rubles. - 1000 rub.

Therefore, many experts advise to keep savings in the bank, and not to postpone savings in NPFs. At a banking institution, the deposit will increase taking into account the interest rate, and you can use the entire amount at any time at your discretion.


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