Smartphone MTS Smart Sprint 4G: reviews, review, description and specifications

Today it remains to be seen which MTS Smart Sprint 4G smartphone receives customer reviews. This product is of interest to many. Especially those who plan to use SIM cards from MTS. Now on the gadget market there are a lot of "branded" mobile devices from mobile operators. Someone is happy with them, someone is not. So what about the MTS Smart Sprint 4G? How good is a gadget? Should you really pay attention to it? What can you face?


Smartphone MTS Smart Sprint 4G reviews receive a variety. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how good this device is. This phone is designed and released by MTS. Another advantageous offer for modern residents.

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A feature of this device is that it is already sold with a SIM card. And this fact pleases many. Only in some cases can you find a smartphone without a sim. This proposal is still relatively new. But at the same time, the phone earned a lot of reviews. What pleases and upsets users? What characteristics are consumers satisfied or disappointed with?


Smartphone MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim reviews get a variety. There are both good and bad. The first thing that many pay attention to is the appearance of the device. It is not much different from a typical representative of modern smartphones.

The size of the gadget can not be called small - 13.1 centimeters in length and 6.5 - in width. It is also not the thinnest phone. In thickness, it is 9.5 millimeters. In the hand, "felt", weighs a little more than 140 grams.

Buyers do not emphasize any more features. Available in several colors:

  • black;
  • gray;
  • white.

There are no sharp corners or similar components. Many buyers indicate that it is convenient to walk with such a phone - it fits easily in a pocket, the corners do not press on the skin, but the device is felt. It is difficult to forget exactly where the smartphone is.


The next important point is the screen. For him, the MTS Smart Sprint 4G smartphone reviews average. There are pluses to this gadget, and cons. In general, opinions can be called neutral.

smartphone pay smart sprint 4g sim reviews

The advantages of the screen are the size and image quality. The display has a diagonal of 4.5 inches, a resolution of 854 by 480 pixels. Not too much, but not enough. This, as buyers say, is enough to use the Internet with maximum comfort, for example. Or watch the video.

The picture on the screen is clear. The display is capacitive, touch. It distinguishes more than 16.5 million colors. But at the same time, the smartphone’s scratch protection is poor. Many say that if you scratch the display, it will be difficult to replace it. In the same way as it is very problematic to repair any other component in the studied model.

Phone memory

Memory is another important feature for modern gadgets. There are two in the smartphone. There is an operational one. Its in the MTS Smart Sprint 4G is only 1 GB. There is regular memory used for user data. Its already more - 8 GB. For these characteristics, reviews MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock does not earn the best. The device under study is not suitable for games. RAM for most modern applications is not enough. But some games start here. If you don’t plan to play only new items, then 1 GB of RAM is enough.

There is also little ordinary memory. Modern users point out that 8 GB is not enough. At the same time, many are pleased with the opportunity to increase this space. The smartphone has a slot for a memory card with a maximum of 32 GB.

reviews mts smart sprint 4g sim lock

If you try to take advantage of the large volume, the phone starts to slow down and fail. Therefore, most buyers indicate unwanted such experiments. The maximum memory capacity of 40 GB for data on the phone is a sufficient indicator of the average gadget.


Smartphone MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock White is not only the ability to make calls from multiple SIM cards. This device, like many gadgets, allows you to take photos and videos. And not the worst quality.

The camera of the studied smartphone is average - 5 megapixels. This is not the largest indicator for modern phones. Pictures are obtained, as buyers say, not the highest quality, but not terrible. You can say, "on duty." The camera has flash and autofocus. The phone is not suitable for shooting on the move or under water.

Accordingly, customer reviews about the MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock in this area are average. Suitable for ordinary amateur shots, but the shooting quality does not "reach" to the ideal.

smart phone reviews smart sprint

operating system

An important point is the operating system that is installed in a particular phone. At the moment, there are only a few options that are offered to customers. MTS Smart Sprint 4G smartphone reviews are positive for the software installed on it.

The thing is that the gadget is equipped with an Android-based operating system. One of the latest versions is 5.1 Lolipop. For this phone you can find many interesting applications and games. As buyers say, there is one drawback - the power of the device.

The smartphone interface is standard. There are no distinguishing features or features. The user can be sure that working with Android on a company’s mobile phone is no more difficult than on a regular gadget.


But the next component of the phone earns a variety of opinions. MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock, the description and reviews of which are presented, is far from the most powerful smartphone. But the battery in the device is not bad.

In talk mode, it works up to 8 hours, with active use, recharging will be required after about 2 days. Many say that is not enough. Therefore, they indicate that the battery of the gadget is weak. In fact, the lack of the need to charge for 48 hours is a good indicator for a modern phone. If desired, of course, you can even discharge the device in a day. It is extremely active to use it. This fact will have to be taken into account.

customer reviews for pay smart sprint 4g sim lock

Another feature is that the battery is removable. Many are happy - you can easily replace the battery if necessary. In fact, most reviews indicate that the replacement of components on the phone is not all right. Even with a battery. This brings a lot of inconvenience.


MTS Smart Sprint 4G, reviews, descriptions, tests, reviews and opinions about which are presented to attention, as consumers say, does not differ in speed. Sometimes when working with the device, brakes may be observed. Especially if the phone is actively used and at the same time launch a large number of applications.

Some eventually become annoyed by the inhibition arising on the tasks being sent. Not critical, but not entirely convenient. In general, the smartphone works stably, but when such failures occur, you have to wait some time for a response from the gadget.

Nevertheless, the Internet works really high quality here. The 4G signal is caught perfectly. Most buyers are satisfied with this characteristic. Mobile is suitable for comfortable work on the Internet. Especially when you consider all the other characteristics - a lot of RAM is not needed, the camera is not so important, performance is not the worst.


Smartphone MTS Smart Sprint 4G receives positive reviews for its price category. The thing is that this device can be called a budget. In different regions, a varied price is set for it. But on average, such a phone will cost 3-5 thousand rubles.

We can say that the MTS Smart Sprint 4G is a budget option of a modern device based on Android 5.1. The phone is ideal for study and work. Pupils and students, business people, this device will be enjoyed. There is nothing superfluous in it, and the price will not hit your pocket.

smart phone smart sprint 4g sim lock white

Buyers also emphasize that for their price category, the studied smartphone is relatively high quality. With some flaws, but it works stably.

Sim cards

What else can surprise the MTS Smart Sprint 4G, the review and unlock of which are worthy of attention? The main dissatisfaction of customers is that the studied gadget is designed exclusively for working with SIM cards from MTS. That is, if a person wants to change the mobile operator, you will have to buy another phone. This fact scares many. It is not very convenient to purchase a smartphone, albeit at a low price, which performs its functions only with respect to one telecom operator!

But do not be upset. The thing is that everyone can carry out the so-called unlocking the phone. Either officially, or independently. This will allow you to replace the SIM card if necessary without acquiring a new smartphone.

How is unlocking done? The official way requires the following steps:

  1. The buyer must bring a gadget, a check, as well as a box with the device.
  2. You need to come to the nearest MTS salon, prove the fact of purchasing a phone and write an application for unlocking.
  3. Further, either the office worker will carry out the procedure himself, or he will leave a request, after processing of which the buyer will receive a message with the unlock code. The first option is more common.

Nothing more is needed. True, you have to wait. It should be noted that the operator does not have the right to refuse the service. Therefore, in case of refusals, you need to complain about illegal actions.

You can also unlock the phone yourself. MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock reviews are positive for this. However, many do not risk unlocking on their own. It can lead to problems using any SIM cards.

MTS smart sprint 4g sim lock descriptions and reviews


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? The MTS Smart Sprint 4G phone is a smartphone with a budget cost, which is designed primarily for business purposes and Internet surfing. Not too powerful, not the weakest. Decent device for its price category. The only nuance that is recommended to be solved immediately is unlocking. Otherwise, you will have to use only SIM cards from the MTS company.

Should I pay attention to this product? Yes, if you are not planning to search for a game gadget that will work with the latest innovations in the gaming industry. MTS Smart Sprint 4G is not the best phone, but not terrible. Optimum quality for a device price affordable to almost everyone! It is also recommended to look at this product if you want to buy a budget gadget that will allow you to work with a 4G connection. Now it’s clear what the MTS Smart Sprint 4G Sim Lock is. Descriptions and reviews of this product are also considered. You can evaluate all the pros and cons of the studied device.


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