Trip to Turkey in April

Many Russian tourists decide to go to Turkey in April, believing that this spring month will please them with suitable weather for a holiday. The forecast is really favorable. In addition, at the very beginning of the season, prices for tours are not as high as they will become later in the second half of the summer, and the variety of events will make the vacation not only comfortable, but also exciting.

to Turkey in April

Weather specifics

The weather in Turkey in April is already suitable for a beach holiday, but the thermometer still does not rise above + 25 ° . The average is + 21 ° C. In some resorts, it is somewhat cooler, from +16 to + 19 ° C. It must be taken into account that at night the air temperature is about + 10 ° . Many guests of the country note that such a cold snap was even in their hands, as it made it possible to rest calmly, not exhausted from the heat.

Rains are rare, but variable cloud cover and cloudiness can slightly overshadow the joy of travel. Some problems are caused by the wind, which is constantly changing its strength and direction.

weather in turkey in april

Where to go

Travel to Turkey in April should be carefully planned. So, it is better to choose more southern cities, which are already quite warm. A good option would be Fethiye - a southwestern resort, where the beach season begins at the end of March. Antalya is also popular, where the sea has warmed up to + 19 ° C, so beach holidays here are starting to gain momentum. This city has a developed infrastructure, an abundance of entertainment for children and adults, an abundance of hotels, a large number of shopping centers, nightclubs. Nightlife lovers will especially enjoy visiting numerous bars and clubs. Fans of educational tourism can enjoy the view of local attractions: the Hadrian's Gate - a great monument of Roman architecture, the tower of Hıdırlık. For the youngest guests of the country there is a large number of amusement parks, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, an aqua park.

Warm Alanya is ready to receive tourists in early April. This resort is under the reliable protection of the Taurus Mountains, which save the city from cold winds. The air temperature here rises to + 22 ° C, and the sea is warmed up to + 19 ° C. In the second half of the month, the heat familiar to Turkey is already coming into its own.

rest in turkey

Another place for a perfect holiday in April in Turkey is Kemer, whose dry climate is widely known even outside the state. There are all conditions for a beach holiday with the whole family, in addition, the second half of the month is a wonderful time for excursions to historical monuments and local attractions.

Belek is good for families with children, where you can not only have fun, but also improve your health, admire the beauty of the local nature, enjoy the view of cedar and eucalyptus groves, where you even breathe in a special way. Among the variety of hotels focused specifically on family vacations, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Holidays in Turkey in April

Interesting events of the month

Choosing a tour to Turkey in April, you can pay attention to the holidays, which are celebrated on a grand scale in this hot country. Among the most striking and interesting should be attributed to Children's Day, falling on April 23. City streets are decorated with balloons and flowers, which helps to create a truly festive atmosphere.

At the beginning of the month, the tulip festival, amazing in its beauty and brightness of colors, is held, this event is famous all over the world, thousands of tourists from all over the world come to Istanbul to enjoy the millions of tulips of all kinds of colors and species. The streets of the city are decorated with an abundance of red, pink, purple, blue flowers, but the main splendor is concentrated in Emirgan Park.

Tours to Turkey in April


Holidays in Turkey in April are diverse. The weather is not so hot, so the second month of spring is the perfect time for outdoor activities. You can enjoy an exciting boat trip on a yacht, visit the many beaches, play volleyball, and even sunbathe. However, in most resorts the sea has not warmed up enough, so swimming will have to be abandoned. Numerous shops and shopping centers invite you to shop, and those who wish to buy an unusual curiosity as a souvenir can visit the bazaar, where spices, exotic fruits, local craftsmen's products — carpets, earthenware, jewelry — are abundant on the shelves of talkative merchants. The season has just opened, so many merchants are ready to make significant discounts to small customers.

Curious tourists can use the weather in Turkey in April for various excursions, which will be quite difficult in the summer heat. The second month of spring is the time to get acquainted with the history and architecture of this amazing pearl of the east.

What is worth a try

Fans of a healthy lifestyle can enjoy spa treatments, visit the Turkish bath - hammam. Unforgettable moments of pleasure will also be given by traditional dishes of local cuisine - kebab, dolma, delicious lentil, tomato and pepper soups, sweets. You should definitely try the world famous Turkish coffee, traditionally served in small cups. In their reviews, tourists recommend beer, as well as crayfish - a special kind of aniseed vodka.

Turkey end of April

Not the best options

When choosing a tour to Turkey in April, it should be remembered that in some cities the heat has not yet taken its rights, because the streets are still pretty cool, so water fun will not be available. Therefore, as experienced tourists indicate in their reviews, it is better to refuse a trip to such cities:

  • Kusadasi. During the day there is no more than + 19 ° , at night - about + 9 ° . The sea has not warmed up enough.
  • Cesme. The thermometer will show + 20 ° C during the day and + 10 ° C at night.
  • Northern Erzurum is also unattractive for a vacation in Turkey in April, during the day it is only + 8 ° C, at night it is about zero. High probability of rain.
  • The capital, Ankara, does not differ in comfortable weather conditions: during the day + 13 ° C, at night + 5 ° C, precipitation is possible.

Turkey at the end of April is filled with crowds of tourists, so planning your vacation is best to start ahead of time and use the services of early booking. Holidays here will be interesting to lovers of moderate weather and measured calm, optimal for a family trip, but fans of beach fun should wait May-June.


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