Types of yarn for crocheting and knitting, their advantages and disadvantages

Compared with what was on the shelves twenty years ago, the current variety of materials and colors is amazing. From coarse and prickly sheep’s wool to the lightest goat’s fluff, from cobweb-thin threads to openwork to frightening finger-thin ropes, such a wide selection can satisfy even the most exotic needs. However, in all this magnificence it is not difficult to get confused and completely lost if you do not know what you want. A small guide with a list of the main types of yarn for knitting with photos and names should help beginner needlewomen.

knitted yarn samples

What are the criteria for evaluating yarn?

You can invent a lot of options to tell in stages what types of knitting yarn are. The most obvious way is by the nature of the origin of the material. Here you can highlight the yarn:

  1. Organic origin - from natural fibers without additional chemical treatment (except, perhaps, dyeing). Such yarn is appreciated for its comfortable wearing and good heat transfer. It, in turn, is also divided into yarn of plant and animal origin. The first is cotton, linen, silk (although this is a bit of a controversial point, but more on that later). The second is the fur of various animals like sheep, goats, alpacas and camels. However, there are also some nuances. The fact is that the hair on the animal in its composition has several types of hair: the outer - long, thick and hard, down - short, thin and very soft, and transitional - as you might guess, something between the two previous ones. And in different varieties of wool different types of hair predominate. In the so-called fine-fleece, all the wool is fluff. In the remaining sheep - coarse-haired - there is a mixture of all three or two (without transitional) hair types in the coat. It should be noted that they do not make yarn entirely from fluff alone, because the fibers are too short to twist into a thread: they make a mixture of ordinary wool or synthetic fiber and separately combed down.
  2. Artificial yarn. It is also made from natural fibers, an impressive stage of chemical processing is taking place. Raw materials are either waste from the processing of natural fibers, such as cotton, or something unexpected like cellulose (wood). The appearance of products made of artificial yarn is more interesting, but their operation is associated with certain difficulties.
  3. Synthetic yarn is a product of organic synthesis. In order not to be frightened and not grumble “fu, chemistry”, it’s useful to know: any textile fiber is a polymer: a long-long molecule, consisting of many interconnected identical small molecules - monomers. And if natural fibers are a polymer created by nature, then chemical fibers are also a polymer, only created artificially and from other molecules, which in nature do not bind to polymers. Synthetic yarn has exceptional strength and resistance to various deformations, but is not always convenient when worn frequently.

You can also distribute the types of yarn for knitting (crochet and knitting) based on how the fibers are twisted into a thread. Recently, the fantasy of designers has been moving in this direction, so that on the shelves you can find completely bizarre and unexpected forms. The obvious fact that yarn can be twisted stronger or weaker, it is pointless to specify separately - everything is clear here. But the ways in which they are twisted deserve close attention.

  1. More or less traditional types of twisting can be collected in one point. This is a thread consisting of several separate identical strands twisted together in one direction. Often the strands themselves also consist of individual strands twisted in the opposite direction. Names are given by the number of "final" strands in the thread - two, three, and more - a strand of thread.
  2. New methods of twisting threads are based on the use of strands of different thicknesses. So do a spiral - when a thin thread is twisted around a thick, untwisted lock (roving) in a spiral (wow!); the gimp is the same, only the second thread is added, the spiral of which is directed in the opposite direction. This also includes yarn with thickenings and lumps - as you might guess, containing the aforementioned thickenings and lumps in a roving thread.
  3. A very interesting yarn structure is obtained if the strands are twisted into one thread at different intervals (some stronger, some weaker). So they get a thread with knots - one of the strands sometimes "crawls out" of the general structure, straying into cones; boucle - if instead of cones uniform rings are obtained; corkscrew - twist the strands so that a screw pattern is obtained. Such types of yarn for knitting, as in paragraphs 2 and 3, are excellent for products with a simple pattern, because all the attention is drawn to the unusual structure of the thread.
  4. Chenille, or plush yarn, as they still like to call it, deserves special mention. Here, on the contrary, there are two densely twisted thin strands at the base, and on them is a fluffy bulk fiber. From chenille, it is good to knit toys and children's things.
  5. Yarn with pompons is a cord with lumps planted on it. This thread is no longer just the result of twisting strands, but a work of design art. In order to well imagine how it differs from the same threads with thickenings and lumps, for a comment on this type of yarn for knitting, a photo is simply necessary.
    yarn with pompons
  6. Pile yarn and the so-called grass are nothing but imitations of fur. They differ in that in the finished products, the pile yarn is more reminiscent of astrakhan; and grass is an extremely popular material for "fur" vests.
  7. Knitted yarn is a rather interesting phenomenon. The fact is that knitwear itself is already a fabric made of thin threads on the machine. And the threads of such yarn are simply tubes of such knitwear - smooth and hollow. Knitted yarn is very popular in home decoration, in the manufacture of children's things and various soft toys - from such material they turn out to be especially cute and harmless. It is well suited for all methods of work - there are a great many interesting types of crochet from knitted yarn. From simple single crochet columns, you can find breathtaking Japanese crafts - amigurumi - creatures made of balls stuffed with sintepon.
    crocheted amigurumi octopuses
  8. Bulk yarn. The types of thick yarn for knitting include a great many different threads. They can be quite reasonable thickness - for knitting needles and hooks of 10-13 sizes - necessary in order to quickly tie a large product (for example, outerwear). Especially among the types of knitted yarn for knitting there are threads of a completely crazy thickness. This, of course, is exotic, but individual keen needlewomen create charming rugs, carpets, and even ottomans from such hoses.
    bulk yarn mats
  9. After the above frills, the strict English style of tweed yarn looks very moderate. This is a standard thickness of the thread, necessarily made of natural wool, twisted in a standard way, but with small colored splashes throughout. These inserts give the finished product a distinctive look. Tweed is a popular type of knitting yarn, used mainly in the creation of traditionally woolen products - scarves, sweaters and other things.
  10. Behind strict tweed comes a frivolous, slightly unbridled yarn with Lurex. By adding certain synthetic fibers, the thread becomes shiny like a mirror-coated material. If you look at the photos of the types of yarn for knitting, then, by the general impression, the threads with sequins and beads are very similar to Lurex - the same bright and elegant.
  11. Another interesting variety of yarn is with ruffles. The material for quilling is attached to the main thread and, as the fabric is knitted, is assembled into assemblies, which makes it a good solution for finishing things.

Of course, people's imagination is endless, and on sale you can find a great many more unusual and extravagant variations - the number and variety of photos with knitting from different types of yarn are breathtaking. It is not immediately possible to tell about all at once, therefore we restrict ourselves to this list of the most popular variations, and leave the rest for research to the most interested and courageous experimenters.

In detail about wool

In the history of knitting, which dates back several centuries (and even millennia), wool remains the most common material for products. Its main advantages - ease of manufacture, the availability of raw materials, the ability to keep warm perfectly - at all times more than covered flaws (it is better to put up with nasty pellets than to die from the cold). With the expansion of trade relations in the world, types of wool from many countries began to enter the large market, and the scale of the variety of wool yarn turned out to be enormous - from the funny alpaca, only the leaders of the Inca empire were worth wearing, to the prosaic coarse-haired Romanov sheep from central Russia. Now all this broadest choice is available to any needlewoman, and the list below is a small guide on what types of yarn are for hand knitting. A photo of some is presented in the material.

skeins of wool of various kinds

Sheep's wool

The most common. Among other "wool" animals, sheep breeds are most differentiated by the quality of their raw materials. It depends on the ratio of down (short and soft) and the outer or transitional hair (longer and harder). The larger the latter, the coarser the coat. All products from sheep wool are inherent in:

  • hygroscopicity - they absorb moisture well;
  • poor thermal conductivity - the word “bad” here, oddly enough, means “good”: for materials with low thermal conductivity, the heat exchange process with the environment is very slow, that is, wool takes away the heat accumulated by your body into the air for a very long time;
  • breathability is a valuable quality of all natural fibers (as opposed to synthetic). By slowing down heat transfer, wool does not interfere with air exchange, providing excellent ventilation, and you do not sweat;
  • wear resistance - even with prolonged use, the wool is resistant to physical factors - it attaches little, keeps its shape and fades more slowly than synthetic products.

However, with all the advantages of sheep wool, inherent disadvantages. This peeling (those same notorious pellets), sensitivity to washing (in boiling water "sits", wet - loses its shape) and allergy (also the scourge of many natural products). It is worth considering that any wool, not just sheep, is a favorite treat for a moth, which she weaves in closets for both cheeks.

Among all types of sheep’s wool, merino wool should be singled out separately — it is obtained from special fine-fleeced sheep breeds, in which only fluff grows. It is much thinner and lighter than a regular sheep, and in terms of thermal characteristics it is not inferior to it.

Wool is the most common type of knitting yarn. Photos of products confirm this: a woolen cloth with knitting needles, even though even with braids or with another relief pattern, looks smooth and neat.

natural wool sweater


Alpaca, which has become fashionable recently, is the wool of the same name llama. Alpaca yarn does not form spools, but is softer, more pleasant and warmer than sheep’s. It has many natural shades - white, black, as well as a palette of beige - from brown to light golden. In yarn, alpaca wool almost never mixes with other species, so skeins are decent.


This is yarn made from Angora rabbit wool . Delicate and soft, surprisingly pleasant to the touch, it gives the finished product a characteristic silky sheen. Using it significantly complicates the length of the fiber - it is so short that it wraps very poorly in strands, and the hair begins to "climb" when worn. Therefore, Angora wool is used only in mixtures with other types of wool or with synthetic fibers.

Camel's wool

Despite the apparent exoticism of the product, camel wool yarn is a fairly common material. Its unique feature is the hollow structure of the hair, which makes the material lighter and even warmer (the air has extremely low thermal conductivity). Camel fluff is also highly regarded in the manufacture of yarn.


Mohair yarn is obtained from the wool of Angora goats. In addition to the standard advantages of high-quality wool - lightness, ability to retain heat and softness - the mohair has such an interesting quality as fluffiness. Products from the wool of Angora goats are as if shrouded in a cloud of airy villi. However, mohair has problems: just like angora, it has short and slippery fibers, so it is always used in yarn together with various additives.


One of the most luxurious types of wool. The fluff combed in the Tibetan mountain goats of the Indian state of Kashmir (hence the obsolete name for yarn). After combing, the fluff is carefully sorted, leaving only downy fibers and removing hard hair. Therefore, cashmere wool is exceptionally soft and airy. The goat’s down (but not cashmere) is also knitted by the famous handkerchiefs and cobwebs of the Orenburg craftswomen - the thread itself is so thin that the product can really be passed through the ring.

Vegetable Yarn

The main advantages and disadvantages of plant fiber yarn in many respects coincide with similar characteristics for wool: hygroscopicity and ventilation are among the advantages, maintaining a comfortable temperature regime, and from the disadvantages are sensitivity to washing and getting wet. There are not so many varieties of plant fibers in comparison with woolen fibers.

  1. Cotton is the most popular material for creating light products. Of all types of crochet yarn, it is probably the most suitable - lace napkins, collars and other cotton thread mugs go with a bang. In production, it is easier to process than wool, so cotton yarn can be extremely diverse in quality.
    knitting toys
  2. Flax is the material with the most durable fibers. Linen yarn is incredibly strong and durable. It does not fade and retains shape after washing, unlike cotton products. This is the best quality material for summer things - it regulates the skin temperature best of all, letting air in and preventing it from overheating. In the heat, linen products are indispensable. One of their drawbacks is that flax fibers are very difficult to dye, so the color of the threads is usually natural - dirty white and close tones.
  3. Silk - in a good way, silk thread has a plant origin - this is the secret of the gland of silkworm. However, pure silk yarn does not exist - raw materials are added as an impurity, giving the material a characteristic soft shine and elasticity (silk products do not crease).

Faux yarn

The lion's share of all types of artificial yarn is viscose - recycled cellulose fiber, that is, wood. It is often also called rayon for its characteristic sheen. Viscose is successfully dyed - the colors of the yarn are bright and juicy. True, the strength of the fiber is not very high - over time, the product loses its shape.

Synthetic yarn

A breakthrough in organic synthesis that took place as early as the 20th century gave the world many compounds that had not previously been found in nature. One of the most important sections of industrial synthesis - the synthesis of polymers - in addition to rubber, PVC and Kevlar, has presented mankind with an exciting variety of materials for sewing clothes and shoes. The cheapness, suppleness and unpretentiousness of synthetic yarn helped her to gain popularity among many needlewomen.

All synthetic fiber chains are based on carbon. Therefore, it is convenient to classify yarn according to functional inclusions in carbon structures.

  1. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), or in common folk acrylic - is undoubtedly the most famous synthetic yarn. By its properties, acrylic is very similar to wool - it is elastic and does not fade, but, like wool, rolls over time. However, acrylic, unlike natural materials, does not consume moths, does not lose shape when washed even in a typewriter, and is remarkably cleaned with all kinds of "chemical" stain removers like gasoline or acetone. Of course, the main drawback of acrylic, like any synthetic fiber, is poor thermoregulation; what is most valued in natural materials is not among synthetic ones.
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  2. Polyamide fibers - nylon, nylon and others. The main material of hosiery, polyamide fiber is added to the yarn for the strength of the finished product - it has an extremely high abrasion resistance. Yarn with the addition of kapron threads is indispensable for knitting socks, sleeves and pants - so they will not be worn out for a long time.
  3. Polyurethane fibers, among which the most famous are lycra, elastane and spandex. Their main feature is elasticity. Like other specialized synthetic fibers, they are used only as additives in yarn, giving it elasticity, stability (ability to quickly return to its original form after stretching) and crush resistance.

As you can understand, now most of the market is occupied by yarn not just of one type of raw material, but a mixture of several fibers with different useful properties. This yarn is called blended. It incorporates the advantages of all materials included in it, and their flaws are often eliminated due to the successful "neighborhood" of fibers. Most brands now produce just blended types of yarn for knitting - Gazzal, Colombo, Italian, English and Turkish companies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39686/

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