Popular tourist routes in Russia

Vacations are in full swing. Where to rest when the world is in an unstable geopolitical situation, and the time is not easy for the ruble? We offer to choose a vacation in the country! Moreover, there are many places in Russia with an amazing history and culture. Below is a list of the most interesting tourist routes in Russia!

Paints of Baikal

Where can I find inner harmony, try buuzy, swim in the clear waters and learn about shamanism and Buddhism? Of course, on Lake Baikal. Locals proudly call this lake the sea, because its ultramarine surface extends to the horizon. Since ancient times, this place has been shrouded in amazing legends, and therefore a trip to Lake Baikal is one of the most interesting tourist routes in Russia.

Of course, in the list of all tourists visiting the lake, there is Olkhon Island, Tan Khan Mountain, the Small Sea, the largest Nerpinaria, located in the village of Listvyanka.

tourist routes in Russia

What to visit

What can be added to the wishlist when going to Lake Baikal? First of all - the Valley of stone spirits, located in the Tazheran steppe. According to legend, in ancient times, the two most powerful Shamans lived near Lake Baikal. One is White and the other is Black. It so happened that they decided to gain power over the whole world. Of course, not one wanted to share. The battle was long, but the powerful sorcerers had equal strength, and therefore no one could win. Then both shamans called under their banners magicians, warriors and peasants. Higher powers watched the battle for three years, three weeks, and another three years. From the blood spilled in this battle, even the sunset became purple. Then the higher powers became angry and decided to stop it. They turned the great Shamans into large rocks facing each other, and warriors into large stone statues.

Another amazing attraction is stilted trees. Powerful larch trees and no less large pines rise above the ground on bare stilt roots above the height of a man!

popular tourist routes of Russia

It is impossible not to say about the Buddhist stupa, also called the Stupa of Enlightenment. It was built in 2005 on the island of Ogoy. This concrete structure reaches eight meters in height. It is crowned by a dome with a high spire.

Amazing attractions of the Golden Ring

Another fascinating tourist route is the Golden Ring of Russia. Cities with history, snow-white monasteries, golden-domed churches, craft workshops, chambers of commerce. To lose sight of this marvelous route is to not get to know many interesting and important things from the past of our country.

Cities of the Golden Ring

The composition of the classic Golden Ring includes ten cities. If you move clockwise from Moscow, then this is Sergiev Posad, where you can get acquainted with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the hermitages, chapels, churches, halls and chambers. The next stop is Pereslavl-Zalessky: here tourists will be surprised by the museums of Iron and Steam Locomotives. In addition, you can admire the monasteries, cathedrals, churches. Rostov the Great is the third city of the Golden Ring of Russia tourist route. Here is the Rostov Kremlin Museum-Reserve, many churches and monasteries. Yaroslavl also has many religious sites, in addition to them, it is worth paying attention to the Metropolitan Chambers and the Gostiny Dvor.

tourist route golden ring of russia city

The next point to stay on the route along the Golden Ring is the city of Kostroma. It is worth visiting the Museum of the feat of Ivan Susanin. Of course, this needs to be done after the Trinity Cathedral, Ipatiev Monastery, Anastasia Monastery. Kostroma is followed by Ivanovo, which is popularly called the chintz region, the city of brides and even the textile capital of Russia. In this city you can visit the Museum of Ivanovo Chintz. Another interesting place is the Tsvetaev family house-museum. The city of Ivanovo is followed by Suzdal. The Kremlin and the cathedral, the bell tower and monasteries, cathedrals and museums - curious tourists will have a place to go and what to see! An equally rich cultural program awaits those who have chosen this route for themselves in Vladimir. Museum complexes, temples and, of course, Andrei Rublev frescoes will meet tourists in this city. The Golden Ring is closed by Kasimov (who joined the number of cities in 2015) and Kaluga (2016).

tourist route gold ring of Russia

Route Features

No need to think that traveling along this tourist route in Russia will be limited to visiting religious and secular complexes! In Yaroslavl, for example, you can taste delicious donuts - some of the most delicious in the central region of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky will certainly captivate you with its attraction - Lake Pleshcheyev. In Kostroma you can enjoy the taste of local cheese, and in the city of Suzdal to visit the Cucumber Festival.

In addition to the classic route along the Golden Ring, there are also extended ones. Such a ring includes Murom and Rybinsk, Palekh and Gus-Khrustalny, Kalyazin and Plyos.

By the way, you can go on a trip along this popular tourist route in Russia not only around the ring! An interesting option is a radial journey. For a full view, you need at least a week!

Kamchatka: the land of bears and volcanoes

interesting tourist routes in Russia

Climbing volcanoes, hunting and fishing, diving and kayaking ... All this is an amazing trip to Kamchatka! This tourist route in Russia will allow you to forget about civilization, and you can get to the most wonderful places only by helicopter or all-terrain vehicle! True, it's worth it: an exotic combination of geysers and volcanoes, an abundance of thermal springs, large catches will please even experienced tourists!

Why do you need to be prepared when going to Kamchatka? Firstly, you have to forget about all inclusive. You will have to spend the night in a tent, prepare your own food, and you will need to walk dozens of kilometers on foot with a backpack! But the harsh beauty of this amazing region, its hot thermal springs and dormant volcanoes are worth it.

Paradise on Earth: Krasnodar Territory

Choosing a tourist route through the cities of Russia, do not forget about the cities of the Krasnodar Territory. Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, Gelendzhik - everywhere there is something to see!

A cascade of seven waterfalls can be seen in a resort town called Lazarevskoye. In addition, here is the park "Berendeevo kingdom." In Sochi, of course, you need to visit the Olympic Park, the Marine Station and the arboretum.

No less interesting will be a trip to the Abrau-Durso Champagne Museum. And besides this extraordinary place in the Abrau-Durso Valley there are many beautiful and interesting places. For example, a traditional Russian bathhouse, a fountain with an incredible light and sound show. And here you can rent a boat or take a helicopter ride!

tourist routes in Russian cities

If your tourist route in Russia involves visiting Novorossiysk, be sure to take a walk along the promenade named after Admiral Serebryakov! The tourists enjoy a breathtaking sea view, and there are many monuments here.

In the capital of the Kuban, it is worth paying attention to the Chistyakovskaya Grove, the Botanical Garden and the City Garden. Nature reigns in these corners - you can feed squirrels with your hands, touch the long-lived oak and see the city from a height of more than 30 meters! There are a lot of sculptures in the city: Walking dogs, Shurik and Lidochka, Aurora, Cossacks and many others! Fans of cultural relaxation will like museums, theaters and the philharmonic.

Mysterious Altai

One of the most beautiful and at the same time mysterious routes is a trip to Altai. For example, you can go on a tour of the lakes, since there are many of them. Kucherlinskoe, Sinee, Darashkol - surrounded by mountains, glaciers, these lakes are pleasing to the eye! In addition, there are places of “power” where events sometimes occur, which are almost impossible to explain with the help of logic and science.

interesting tourist routes in Russia

In the south of Gorny Altai there is the Ukok plateau - “the altar of Eurasia”. It was here that researchers discovered the burial place of Princess Altai. Altai Stonehenge is no less interesting for tourists. It is located 20 kilometers from the settlement of Kosh-Agach.

Among other mysteries, another stands out - mazes. A lot of them are in the area of ​​Lake Aya. Passing through such a maze allows you to reveal certain qualities in a person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39706/

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